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If I'd known my friend whom-has-been-mia-for-months went to the same circuit class I do and that she's part of the same weight loss challenge I am....I so would NOT have bought those cupcakes today x_x Caught cheating RED-HANDED! D:

What is the mysterious thing the courier is trying to deliver to my house? Missed him twice. But they never come by twice. WTF is this?

I'm so glad she reposted that oneshot. Ish awezum shizzle nya.

....not this again. WHY?! :(

...I want to go get a bubblegum Mcflurry before they're sold out.
I've got an idea for a Halloween decoration... knowing me though I'll mess it up. :(
Mah Jin Kazama figure arrived :3 *shall have to post pics* And my tiny pink power ranger figure. I'm wondering if I should get the Kazuya figure too... then again, his clothes look too big for the doll.
Bit weirded out - just seen an online "in rememberance" message to my ex from his occasional bit on the side. Feels...yeah. Weird.

Been 10 years, chick. Stop bringing it up.

Also you got the date wrong by 2 weeks. Even I can recall it and I have far less reason than you to want to.
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That moment when you realise that, for once, you actually are right and they are wrong. It's set in stone. No level of opinion will ever change that stone.

Ugh I hate being sick. At least I got to class last night.

Does anyone here watch SoulPancake? I wanna do the letter thing.
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What i'm thinking? I'm thinking about things most people at my age wouldn't, anyway... right now i'm thinking when's my headache going to leave me be... i've been sick for 3 days now.
I don't feel inspired anymore...
I need to do something containing Vergil... a pic or something...
hama beading isn't really 'fun' atm... although that's probably because I'm making something from the 'top of my head' (I'm winging it like the Doctor).
Nyeh...wanna watch anime since I'm up earlier than I wanted to be. :ermm: *looks at her tiny selection of anime**reaches instinctively for Death Note, then grabs Neon Genesis**not really in the mood for it*

+ Was on my walk earlier, and...Stilts almost got some new siblings. X3 The cats in this neighborhood are so sweet. ^_^

Edit: Screw it, I'm watching Death Note. ^^
Well...somehow ended up watching Neon Genesis, even after deciding to watch DN. @_@ I think DN's spoiled me, cuz I keep LOLing at NG's not as good graphics and voice acting. I'll never be able to enjoy anime again! Eh...too distracted to lay on the angst of that. Got lots of MoI to edit. I can't believe I have seven reviews to reply to for one fic. x_x I wonder if I should even bother replying to the old ones....
Wish my mum would call already. I hate waiting.
Funny that. Waiting makes me anxious.
CALL ME MOMMY!!!!!!! D:<

uuuuurrrrgggg. I actually don't shout at my kids just because I'm frustrated, dude.
I shout at them because otherwise they can't hear what I'm saying. Emphasis on CAN'T. They've got issues with their ears.
Yeh. Hmm. Thought so.
Welcome to my effin world.
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I've got an idea for a Halloween decoration... knowing me though I'll mess it up. :(

I fudged it up... and I don't have enough hama beads to finish it.

Fudge it! Why do the cutest guys on dating sites always live so fudging far away?! DAMN YOU *shakes fist*

Vergil gets beewb :3 Well, not totally, I couldn't be bothered to pose him properly (plus, I'm not sure joints 'bend' that way.)
Why has my playsation decided to delete my Dishonored save file?:'( Well, at least I get to go through the game again from the beginning. ^_^
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