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Since I don't start school til February I need some ways to kill some time and since most (well almost all) of my friends are in school so I decided to make a penpal.

However, before I do I've had this dream to either prank call a random person in Japan or talk to someone in Japan.

So now I'm about to do it but I need to find the freest (Or the free way) of making a foreign call and is wondering if making foreign calls using my home phone will come at no cost (says my mother otherwise we wouldn't be making calls to the Caribbeans). I just need to make sure. Does anybody have a clue?
Stylish Nero your Pokemon signature is epic! :)

I miss this place.
I should bring back the Tubecast...
Chick my Dinosaur Chicken has grown to 1,000 meters! (She was 100 meters before) Also the children are growing and they are hungry!

Vergil's Bitch, Shadow, Cosplaying Goddesses, and my other thousands upon thousands of friends on here I missed you.

My job is evil, its a spawn of evil!

The Spiderman character combined with Japanese giant robots works! (1978 TV show)
At least they're not gay ._.

They just as well be :lol: :(

Stylish Nero your Pokemon signature is epic! :)

I miss this place.
I should bring back the Tubecast...
Chick my Dinosaur Chicken has grown to 1,000 meters! (She was 100 meters before) Also the children are growing and they are hungry!

Vergil's Bitch, Shadow, Cosplaying Goddesses, and my other thousands upon thousands of friends on here I missed you.

My job is evil, its a spawn of evil!

The Spiderman character combined with Japanese giant robots works! (1978 TV show)

Welcome back SRS!
What do you feed Dinosaur Chicken then?

CT: Why is it that when I try to create more sensual and serious work it doesn't get faved or commented on, yet, when I do stupid, Vergil-obsessed stuff or stamps, it gets 5+ faves and comments. Shall I just not attempt anything sensual or serious?
Stop generalizing the fan~base
Need to decide on what to do for a Halloween pic this year (If anyone who has seen my previous Halloween pics has any suggestions, I would be very grateful *was thinking of dressing Vergil and Nite as Power Rangers.*)

I love deviant art (sarcasm), you get a thought provoking picture that has inane comments like 'wtf, this is horrible, then you get one with a female in barely any clothes and you get 'hot', 'horny' and everything else.... *headdesk until nose bleeds*
Do you have a really deep voice? I've seen that people go head-over-heels for a deep, low voice lately.

CT: ...Why does no one talk to me anymore? *sigh* Is it because I'm shy? Because I don't ever start the conversation? :/

HAI DT!!!...... :p

I dunno about calling overseas, things like that usually chase up the phone bill BUT when you do make the prank call, RECORD IT. And post it on youtube. AND POST THE LINK HERE. I wanna see this! :D

+I should be reading.
CT: Why is it that when I try to create more sensual and serious work it doesn't get faved or commented on, yet, when I do stupid, Vergil-obsessed stuff or stamps, it gets 5+ faves and comments. Shall I just not attempt anything sensual or serious?

Have you posted something new up? Gah Veebs, your gallery is way too expanded, it'd take me a good part of the day to try and locate which folder you've updated (....because I tend to stop and ogle certain artworks for a ridiculous amount of time and then forget why I was there in the first place ._.) could you link me in a PM please?

As for Halloween pics: how about one where the DMC crew don't dress up themselves, and open the door to hand out candy treats to little kids who have dressed up as THEM, so like mini-Vergie and mini-Dante and mini-Nero, kind of thing?
Have you posted something new up? Gah Veebs, your gallery is way too expanded, it'd take me a good part of the day to try and locate which folder you've updated (....because I tend to stop and ogle certain artworks for a ridiculous amount of time and then forget why I was there in the first place ._.) could you link me in a PM please?

As for Halloween pics: how about one where the DMC crew don't dress up themselves, and open the door to hand out candy treats to little kids who have dressed up as THEM, so like mini-Vergie and mini-Dante and mini-Nero, kind of thing?


Hmmm *brain ticks* I think I could do something there.... It's a good job that it's only October 5th, I'd have plenty of time to work on it. I've gotta hunt the net for some stuff for it (if that stuff exists).
(Would still like more suggestions plz).
- home cinema with surround sound and plush seating
- gaming room: decorated with posters, action figurines, shelves upon shelves of games, hi-tech 'now' gaming equipment, comfy beanbags, no windows, room for LAN parties, etc
- conservatory for exotic birds
- indoor swimming pool
- built-in bar in pool/poker room
- indoor garden

is my country seriously the only country who has indoor gardens in their homes?

Call me snooty but if a house doesn't have all of the above, it's not worth over a million bucks.
Do you have a really deep voice? I've seen that people go head-over-heels for a deep, low voice lately.
Wouldn't say it's that deep, then again I am talking about my own voice here which apparently sounds completely different to everyone on the outside.
If anything I would probably put it down to my British accent since most of the Americans I've spoken to like to point it out. Though I still don't get why some more local people like it as well. Guess it's something I will never understand.