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Eh...I can just see people biting each other with the same "You don't like the game I like so (middle finger) you...:/

But it's like that in most threads about the game. I don't care who does like it and doesn't like it, I'm just sick of the 'generalization' of fans. It's something that has bugged me all the way through development and it's still going on now.
Hello hello hello, testing testing.
Why do I no longer have the option to delete any of my posts? I thought this was a special feature for members with gold status? :(
Why can't I post in threads now either? I tried a few times to post my question in the Ask the Staff thread and nada happened, 'cept for server error. Is the forums going down? Is it my internet?......have I been banned? 0_0

Okay....so... first I try post this 4 times and then finally give up and leave...I come back a wee while later and WAT? WAT IS DIS? It posted after I left the forum? DX

+I need to go to bed now. But I don't want to. Because I don't want to get up tomorrow morning. That's bad, isn't it? ._.
Typed in Cody the hedgehog on Google images

I'm pretty ****ing awesome if I may add.
Wow, after all of those hours that thread is still open... when I walk away from a thread, I don't expect to be dragged back in... hence why I haven't replied.
I must be one of the very few people that thinks logically....

CT: Damn you Daz Studio!!!! You've made Vergil look OVERLY Butch!
To quote Sir Walter from Fable III, "BAAAALLLLLLSSSSS!"
Wow, after all of those hours that thread is still open... when I walk away from a thread, I don't expect to be dragged back in... hence why I haven't replied.
I must be one of the very few people that thinks logically....

CT: Damn you Daz Studio!!!! You've made Vergil look OVERLY Butch!
To quote Sir Walter from Fable III, "BAAAALLLLLLSSSSS!"

When I read those threads, I just try to think of Haddaway's What is Love.
It ends up getting me pumped up instead of loving XD
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They just as well be :lol: :(

Welcome back SRS!
What do you feed Dinosaur Chicken then?

CT: Why is it that when I try to create more sensual and serious work it doesn't get faved or commented on, yet, when I do stupid, Vergil-obsessed stuff or stamps, it gets 5+ faves and comments. Shall I just not attempt anything sensual or serious?
Stop generalizing the fan~base
Need to decide on what to do for a Halloween pic this year (If anyone who has seen my previous Halloween pics has any suggestions, I would be very grateful *was thinking of dressing Vergil and Nite as Power Rangers.*)

I love deviant art (sarcasm), you get a thought provoking picture that has inane comments like 'wtf, this is horrible, then you get one with a female in barely any clothes and you get 'hot', 'horny' and everything else.... *headdesk until nose bleeds*

Thanks Veebs! Well..... Chick eats, humans who consume protein shakes/pills like stuff.....

One day... you might be able to do so. :troll:

I wait for that day in earnest! Lol :troll:
Wow, after all of those hours that thread is still open... when I walk away from a thread, I don't expect to be dragged back in... hence why I haven't replied.
I must be one of the very few people that thinks logically....

CT: Damn you Daz Studio!!!! You've made Vergil look OVERLY Butch!
To quote Sir Walter from Fable III, "BAAAALLLLLLSSSSS!"

Where is this thread? o_0
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Turning into an existential nihilist and want to see all of humanity destroy each other until we are all extinct!
Friedrich Nietzche, anyone?

An anime villain held a belief that humans do nothing but to hate and destroy each other. And he is:

Rau Le Creuset from Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
Info of him are here. His quotes are here.
Well, Nietzsche was more like "Let the stronger dominate and live off the weaker", I think. But I get what you're saying. Why this turn? I remember you for a nice guy... ;)
Btw, sometimes I too wish to see humanity disappear, so that they just stop ****ing me off. Stupid and good for nothing humans... ;)
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Well, Nietzsche was more like "Let the stronger dominate and live off the weaker", I think. But I get what you're saying. Why this turn? I remember you for a nice guy... ;)
Btw, sometimes I too wish to see humanity disappear, so that they just stop ******* me off. Stupid and good for nothing humans... ;)

It's humanity's actions, especially around here, that makes me think like this...
Every time I go in some threads here, some other members still have bad blood among themselves (ex. Chancey289 vs IncarnatedDemon; then one of my close friends here Unknown became a part of this as he has bad blood with ID). Didn't they even think of using the Ignore function?

After all the war that has happened throughout history and even today (that crisis in my country in another province has finally came to an end), after this endless ramble of "DMC vs DmC" again and again, after the fanbase label each other badly, and taking a liking to GS's villain Rau Le Creuset (Rau The Crucible) for sensing humanity's flaws, that's what made me turn to an existential nihilist. That's what made me want all of humanity to kill each other until we are all extinct!

But I know there are still some nice and caring humans out there; they just number in a few nowadays...!
So the nice guy part is still in me.

It's great to see you again, LysseC. Long time no post. :D

Be the change you want to see. Get it? ;)

+ I stood and did non-stop ironing from 10am to 3pm. With ONE coffee break. Like. Seriously. If it wasn't official before, it is now: I HATE ironing. And best thing is I DON'T GET PAID **** FOR DOING THIS! D:<

++So after getting a call only yesterday from the Board of Education that I'm starting work next week I have managed to locate the premises without using GPS or Google maps (even though I did drive past it twice - very sneaky little ninja cave), AND after calling around all day to find short-notice childcare for my kid, my friend pulled through for me once again and I've secured a spot for him and will be meeting up with L tomorrow afternoon. Which means we CAN go to Junglerama in the morning. IF I want to.

I deserve a bloody pat on the back.
Scratch that. I deserve a good back massage. My back is killin' meh :(
+++ And once again the pnd has kicked in full force. Funny how it comes out of nowhere, especially when my life feels like it's getting on track and I feel that sense of purpose, y'know? I want to run away. I want to cry. I want to pull this thing out of me and burn it dead.
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That's how I feel like sometimes too... People can be reeeeally hard to get around with... You just have to take a deep, deep breath and... Weel, be the change you want to see. Even if this never works. I understand the frustration. Sometimes it's just better to let things go their way and let them destroy themselves...

And thanks, as of lately my life has become a lot busier, so I won't be able to lurk here as I did before. But I still come here once in a while! :)
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