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I jus can't stop LOLing at this :lol:


Courtesy : Facebook.

No offense to Justin Bieber fans.
Was messing around in Saints Row 4 files, found an NPC titled "Shaundinude"
Tried applying the model to Shaundi's default homie model, turns out, "Shaundinude" is actually Shaundi's Saints Row The Third costume.
I can practically see the devs' troll faces right now.:lol:
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Well, I've just installed a heck load of stuff into Daz Studio... Apparently now I can give my models 'male and female parts' lol *Look out Nite and Vergil* :devil:

Yay! It's finished :3 AAAAAAHHHHHHHH! I love it! *he definitely looks like Dante though.* Always nice to see Nite get a good ... *CENSORED FOR DECENCY* ... by Vergil.
Thanks Vergil :ermm:
No problem...
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New coffee pot just arrived (it smells like Las Vegas :lol:) and I've got Rebellion notes out...anyone wanna guess what I'll be doing tonight? X3 *waits for people who have been waiting for Rebellion to be finished to poke her*

*poke poke poke poke poke* XD XD XD

CT: Wow, I'm rusty. I forgot how to do the non-violent resistance side-mission.:'( All I know is to hack and slash and bash! It was immensely dissatisfying. Why would you put something so obscene in the game in the first place Capcom? UGH.

Also, my notes are insane. It refers to that page, then that page, and oh this one loops back to A and so does this one and this one, and here's some upside down extra FYI's added at random and follow the arrow down, down, down, across this page onto the back of the page, and then again on the next page.... well, it's not my fault they laid out Fortuna the way they have. I'm pretty sure my notes are more coherent than theirs! (no... not really)

OOOOOOH, I found some fluffy oneshots of Dante and Vergie, nyaaaaa! Well, I hope I wrote these, anyway. Guess I'll know if someone flames me for stealing their work, right? :ermm: I've gotta be the worst beta reader everrrr.
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*poke poke poke poke poke* XD XD XD

And somehow not a word has gotten written.... T-T *not sure why Rebellion is being so problematic*

LOL Just now realized I posted something in the wrong thread yesterday. Ooooh, scatterbrained.
+ Coffee. Coffee. Coffee, coffee. Coffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffee! :w00t: *bounces around the room*
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Nnnnnnnnnno. I'm not schizophrenic.:/ If I am, then so are all the people who RP and write. Noo, you're not the first to state that I am, either. I have bouts of psychosis, but that's different. I also don't suffer from multiple personality disorder. Er, no I don't, you idiot, because if I did, then Vergil and Dante would be my alternates XD
Don't mistake my writing sprees for some mental disorder. Stop it. You're an asshole. Hey, I'm not the only writer who talks to her characters, okay? NO they don't actually physically talk back to me, what are you, dof? Yes, but that's called creative writing......so what if I start to sound like....hahahahaha oh my soul you've got to be kidding me, I don't think one gets to PICK what kind of alternate personality you want.....because I don't believe it's a voluntary thing.....uh, no, it's not....okay. Okay. Okay.
No, you don't get it.
That's okay. What-evs. I'm not talking to you about my writing again. Yes, Dr. Firestone. Oh, of course not. HA! HAHAHAAHAHA! Yes. Well no, I would actually LOVE to wake up one morning and be 'taken over' by Dante. Hmmm-mmmm, yes I would.

^my thoughts while chatting to my friend right now :|