Nnnnnnnnnno. I'm not schizophrenic.:/ If I am, then so are all the people who RP and write. Noo, you're not the first to state that I am, either. I have bouts of psychosis, but that's different. I also don't suffer from multiple personality disorder. Er, no I don't, you idiot, because if I did, then Vergil and Dante would be my alternates XD
Don't mistake my writing sprees for some mental disorder. Stop it. You're an asshole. Hey, I'm not the only writer who talks to her characters, okay? NO they don't actually physically talk back to me, what are you, dof? Yes, but that's called creative writing......so what if I start to sound like....hahahahaha oh my soul you've got to be kidding me, I don't think one gets to PICK what kind of alternate personality you want.....because I don't believe it's a voluntary thing.....uh, no, it's not....okay. Okay. Okay.
No, you don't get it.
That's okay. What-evs. I'm not talking to you about my writing again. Yes, Dr. Firestone. Oh, of course not. HA! HAHAHAAHAHA! Yes. Well no, I would actually LOVE to wake up one morning and be 'taken over' by Dante. Hmmm-mmmm, yes I would.
^my thoughts while chatting to my friend right now :|