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I just now found out she's a girl.
I'm starting to think my life is a lie.

Nothing is a lie.
'cept the cake. The cake is always a lie.
And who said I'm a gurl?:blink: Gimme names so I can sort this matter out.

CT: Had a nice loooong brainstorm session with Shadow into the wee hours of the morning, got to sleep in some this morning, got treated with breakfast out of the blue, got on here to see some cool messages from my friends and logged into FB to be greeted with a friendly message from my crush.
I'm feeling so much better than yesterday.
....still feel like running off at a whim, but chances of that occurring have dropped from 7% to 1% since last night.
Thank you Shadowwwwwwwww^_^ *huggle-glomp-squish*
I can't believe it, I've just written the most beautiful, soppy piece of cr*p ever... (Vergil and Nite's relationship does that to me sometimes, I don't know why...)
Christmas pic is already planned, I'm forcing Vergil to wear a Santa hat :lol:

Oh, Dad's just thrown up... *has fear of sick*... I can hear him!!!!
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Nothing is a lie.
'cept the cake. The cake is always a lie.
And who said I'm a gurl?:blink: Gimme names so I can sort this matter out.

CT: Had a nice loooong brainstorm session with Shadow into the wee hours of the morning, got to sleep in some this morning, got treated with breakfast out of the blue, got on here to see some cool messages from my friends and logged into FB to be greeted with a friendly message from my crush.
I'm feeling so much better than yesterday.
....still feel like running off at a whim, but chances of that occurring have dropped from 7% to 1% since last night.
Thank you Shadowwwwwwwww^_^ *huggle-glomp-squish*

:O Shh! Not everyone knows that the cake's a lie, yet...wouldn't want to ruin the surprise. :shifty: :troll:
Aww, you're welcome. ^^ *huglz*
So today has been filled with my sister playing the same stupid song over and over again. This song happens to be whatever the heck Miley Cyrus's new song is called so after the 9000th time the song gets replayed i hear a line about her being a wrecking ball and messing everything up
My thoughts: oh so she is describing what she does to the music industry
:shifty: *ebil laugh* :| ...I mean...erm...hehe. ^^; *whistles innocently*
Nuuuuu! D: *clings*

I'm pretty sure from at least the last time I can remember that innocent whistling is a sure sign I'm being lied to lol

Aw lol Just don't cling too hard you may crease the shirt :p

Well this be my last past for a few days now. I`ll love you and leave you...

...and then come back.
need to create synthetic abilities of glaser then i can hack everyones phones, computers, the entire internet by just putting a metalic tentacle into my computer
So today has been filled with my sister playing the same stupid song over and over again. This song happens to be whatever the heck Miley Cyrus's new song is called so after the 9000th time the song gets replayed i hear a line about her being a wrecking ball and messing everything up
My thoughts: oh so she is describing what she does to the music industry

I have to applaud you! :shifty:

I have so much to do because tomorrow college starts! :ermm:
This thread or on the forums generally? Because I can see your posts and so can others
I think it's because of my internet, but for example, I quoted and replied to Dante'sStalker.
I saw it post, I know it did, but when I refreshed the page, waited ten minutes, check again it was gone.
It happened a couple of other times.
Sorry for double post, but it also won't let me edit my post as an unclickable text box (like it would look like) shows up.
It also randomly logs me off on here.
I really got to control my swearing when i play hard on DMC. :lol:.

I sound something like this when i get hit unexpectedly.

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Reactions: Dante's Stalker

I really got to control my swearing when i play hard on DMC. :lol:.

I sound something like this when i get hit unexpectedly.


*bobs head* This ought to be DmC's theme song.



Where have you beeeeeeeen?

Waking up to no bread, awesome.
Almost out of milk.
And it's not even 7am yet :/

I LOVE the final episode. DIE DIE DIE! I watched ep 36 and actually applauded Near, like BOOJA IN YER FACE YAGAMI! But then he started mono-rambling about knowing Near's plan and I was like :blink::|:'( nuuuuuuuu plz plz nuuu.... I started watching 37 through my fingers because I was just like, nuuuuuuuuu I'ma cry if they all drop dead!

Ugh, Callum it's not a seatbelt, it's just a BELT. If it was a seat belt then I'd have to tie you to the seat with it.

I don't want to go out to the shops this earl......oh wait, hang on, I wonder if that cute blonde is working today?

.....^_^ I'ma go to shops.