What's this about?Those poor South African heroes. They fight for the people and got killed without mercy.
LOL Wow. XD Sometimes Stilts just comes up to me and meows loudly and looks at me like I'm supposed to fix something...can't stop wondering what he wants. XD
:O Ohmigosh, that sounds painful. DX
LOL True. XD
XD Without the shooting people bit?
I hope your eyes are okay. :S
LOL Nice spare room. XD
I get that with Tilly... a lot! XD I've just had a cuddle with her... after she kept yelling at me for a few minutes.
It wasinch:
She couldn't really use a pistol... no thumbs :lol:
Thanks :3
It is... I've spent some time in there myself. XD
Christmas presents are all ordered and sent out...now to indulge in some Sim points for meh and to get my blankets back from the dog and cat. @_@