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What on the Bloody **** are you thinking youtube? i wait for a video to load and when i switch to full screen i have to wait for the video to load.

That's cuz when you switch to fullscreen it automatically switches to a higher quality of video, which means it has to load again.
He just wants some attention and probably some reassurance. New home and all that.
I get the same thing with Tilly (although she is nearly four years old now.:lol: )
Tilly doesn't cuddle though, she likes to sit on my shoulders, walk on my back...wave her bum in my face... a copule of nights ago she was climbing around some of the furniture in my room... Onto the tv, from there to a bookshelf, on top of the door... 3.45am! The next night she did the same thing, except jumped onto a shelf and fell off taking some stuff with her, including a clock that I've had for some years... the pendulum broke on it :( *wasn't impressed*

I love your kitten's name btw.

Hehe, I think so. :P He won't really leave mum or I alove most of the time...then he goes nuts and terrorizes the dog, the house, and all his toys. XD He finally slept through the night, though...after yowling for 20 minutes straight. @_@ *brought his toys in and was allowed to sleep*
Aww. :3 Tilly likes lots of love, then? :3
LOL Slilts only goes on my shoulders to get to the back of the couch. ._. But he does like to walk all over me when I'm sleeping. o_o On top of the door? HOW?! *amazed* Sorry about your clock, though. =( I hope you can get it fixed.
Is it normal that he purrs nonstop whenever he's sitting/laying/etc. next to me? @_@ He kinda sounds like a motorcycle or a lawnmower....
Thankies. :3 Mum and I were joking that he ought to have been named Nightmare with all the ruckus he's making. :lol:
Good luck with the doctors. ^^

No, kitty, that's mum's tea! Get away from it! No, wait! Get out of the fridge! *chases*
.....I really have to go for a pee, but I'm enjoying: browsing this forum, listening to a stream on twitch.tv and also listening music. However, I don't want to get up . I'm thinking, would I be able to align mirrors around my house to rebound the pee into the toilet? Hmmm
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Hehe, I think so. :P He won't really leave mum or I alove most of the time...then he goes nuts and terrorizes the dog, the house, and all his toys. XD He finally slept through the night, though...after yowling for 20 minutes straight. @_@ *brought his toys in and was allowed to sleep*
Aww. :3 Tilly likes lots of love, then? :3
LOL Slilts only goes on my shoulders to get to the back of the couch. ._. But he does like to walk all over me when I'm sleeping. o_o On top of the door? HOW?! *amazed* Sorry about your clock, though. =( I hope you can get it fixed.
Is it normal that he purrs nonstop whenever he's sitting/laying/etc. next to me? @_@ He kinda sounds like a motorcycle or a lawnmower....
Thankies. :3 Mum and I were joking that he ought to have been named Nightmare with all the ruckus he's making. :lol:
Good luck with the doctors. ^^

No, kitty, that's mum's tea! Get away from it! No, wait! Get out of the fridge! *chases*

Yup, Tilly still does all that stuff... :3 (except for terrorizing a dog, as we don't have one :lol:)
I think cats tend to do the 'yowling' thing when they're little. It could be attention... well done for gettin him to settle through the night though, Tilly won't do that.
Yeah, but only when she wants it... which is once or maybe twice a day.
Aww :3 Tilly clinbs onto my back when she wants to get anywhere that she can't reach. I was connecting cables, kneeling over on the floor yesterday... she sat on my back watchong what i was doing :P
The bookcase is right next to the door (well it's behind the door), and she just jumped up onto it...
It sounds like Stiltskin is contented if he is purring like that. It just means he likes you and he's happy.
Our last cat used to sound like a engine from a tractor :lol:
:lol: I call Tilly the 'Creator of chaos'. It's not too far from the truth :P
Thanks :3. I now have to go to eye hospital because my eye 'looks angry'. But it'll have to wait until next week (somehow doctors don't believe the words 'I have no money'.)

:lol: LOL, I have a picture of Tilly in the fridge when she was a few months old, it wasn't long after she was spayed (you can see her stitches). Mum wasn't too impressed.

CT: Yay Mythbusters!
I hate this Laptop... too damn slow :(

By the gods, I can't believe the shooting.... :'(

*Liked because I agree with comment*
i don't choose the music the music chooses me watching teamformers has lead me to this awesome piece
amazing how music can dramatically change my mood one time i'm all happy and jolly the next i hate life and want to exterminate humans with a robot army
Yup, Tilly still does all that stuff... :3 (except for terrorizing a dog, as we don't have one :lol:)
I think cats tend to do the 'yowling' thing when they're little. It could be attention... well done for gettin him to settle through the night though, Tilly won't do that.
Yeah, but only when she wants it... which is once or maybe twice a day.
Aww :3 Tilly clinbs onto my back when she wants to get anywhere that she can't reach. I was connecting cables, kneeling over on the floor yesterday... she sat on my back watchong what i was doing :P
The bookcase is right next to the door (well it's behind the door), and she just jumped up onto it...
It sounds like Stiltskin is contented if he is purring like that. It just means he likes you and he's happy.
Our last cat used to sound like a engine from a tractor :lol:
:lol: I call Tilly the 'Creator of chaos'. It's not too far from the truth :P
Thanks :3. I now have to go to eye hospital because my eye 'looks angry'. But it'll have to wait until next week (somehow doctors don't believe the words 'I have no money'.)

:lol: LOL, I have a picture of Tilly in the fridge when she was a few months old, it wasn't long after she was spayed (you can see her stitches). Mum wasn't too impressed.

LOL XD Cats....
I hope so. @_@ He yowls a lot when he wants me to carry him somewhere or when he gets up high and wants to attack the ceiling fan chain or the chandelier in the dining room but knows it's too high for him to jump. @_@ LOL Thanks. I think it was a one time deal, though, cuz he spent all last night pouncing on me and going after my fingers. *tired*
LOL Well, they do say cat's owners are their staff. XD *wonders if this is how Jasper feels*
Oh. ^^; *was imagining some superhero-like leap onto the top of the doorframe completed by some Reaver-like smirking*
Phew. *relieved* I thought he was grumpy or sick or something. ._. *worries too much* LOL XD Cats make some REALLY strange noises.
You're welcome. ^^ .... O_o Angry? Oi. (I know what you mean. I'm actually having trouble getting a website to understand that, atm.)

ROFL XD *wonders why they like fridges

I don't like these pills...they make me feel weirdly happy. And...not in a good way. I don't like it. XP And the vitamins smell like...yeah, you get the picture. *sulks*
when a teacher moans at me it's all normal but in my head it's like

boom, headshot
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LOL XD Cats....
I hope so. @_@ He yowls a lot when he wants me to carry him somewhere or when he gets up high and wants to attack the ceiling fan chain or the chandelier in the dining room but knows it's too high for him to jump. @_@ LOL Thanks. I think it was a one time deal, though, cuz he spent all last night pouncing on me and going after my fingers. *tired*
LOL Well, they do say cat's owners are their staff. XD *wonders if this is how Jasper feels*
Oh. ^^; *was imagining some superhero-like leap onto the top of the doorframe completed by some Reaver-like smirking*
Phew. *relieved* I thought he was grumpy or sick or something. ._. *worries too much* LOL XD Cats make some REALLY strange noises.
You're welcome. ^^ .... :blink: Angry? Oi. (I know what you mean. I'm actually having trouble getting a website to understand that, atm.)

ROFL XD *wonders why they like fridges

I don't like these pills...they make me feel weirdly happy. And...not in a good way. I don't like it. XP And the vitamins smell like...yeah, you get the picture. *sulks*

Awww. I can remember when Tilly used to do that to me... now she just yowls at me for no reason :P (She's just chatty cat in general).
Tilly doesn't do that, but Tom did... He was obsessed with chasing hands, arms, legs, feet.... if you were in bed, nothing could stop the teeth from getting through the covers. I know once, he bit my arm, it ballooned the next day...
Very True. Lol, then again, Jasper deals with humans :lol:
:lol: She is a bit like Reaver *The Reaver team spirit award springs to mind* :lol:
They do indeed.
Yeah, the blood vessels are really huge (angry) and it looks like ready to explode.

No idea *mum thinks it becuse they think it's a spare room... a cool spare room :P*

CT: download file in 44 minutes?! who are you kidding?! Just because I won't buy a premium account...what a cheek!
Oh, I've just remembered what Gary Barlow gave Michael Buble for christmas.
Awww. I can remember when Tilly used to do that to me... now she just yowls at me for no reason :P (She's just chatty cat in general).
Tilly doesn't do that, but Tom did... He was obsessed with chasing hands, arms, legs, feet.... if you were in bed, nothing could stop the teeth from getting through the covers. I know once, he bit my arm, it ballooned the next day...
Very True. Lol, then again, Jasper deals with humans :lol:
:lol: She is a bit like Reaver *The Reaver team spirit award springs to mind* :lol:
They do indeed.
Yeah, the blood vessels are really huge (angry) and it looks like ready to explode.

No idea *mum thinks it becuse they think it's a spare room... a cool spare room :P*

LOL Wow. XD Sometimes Stilts just comes up to me and meows loudly and looks at me like I'm supposed to fix something...can't stop wondering what he wants. XD
:O Ohmigosh, that sounds painful. DX
LOL True. XD
XD Without the shooting people bit?
I hope your eyes are okay. :S

LOL Nice spare room. XD
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