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Thanks VB - it's such a nuisance and not the first time this year that Natwest have had "technical issues" which has meant me not getting my money when I need it.

Seriously considering switching to another bank...they all want you to save paper and go online and blah blah blah but at least a piece of paper can't be hacked or experience "database errors". There's a lot to be said for the old fashioned mattress bank account - sure, you might not make any interest but at least you know where the cash is when you need it.

Switch to Halifax! I did the other day and they gave me £100 and they transfer all your direct debits for you! (I am not employed by Halifax or on commission to get people to switch BTW ;))
Actually, I’m still waiting for the catch >_>
C.T: I wish real life was like Fable. “Oh, I’m sure you can give me a better deal on my mortgage. Shall we discuss the interest on the repayment while we dance?”
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C.T: I wish real life was like Fable. “Oh, I’m sure you can give me a better deal on my mortgage. Shall we discuss the interest on the repayment while we dance?”

Or playing pat-a-cake in a store for a discount on...whatever? Actually...I may try that one day. Just to see if it works or if they'll throw me out...or, you know, if they'll just laugh in my face. ._. I hope it works....
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Or playing pat-a-cake in a store for a discount on...whatever? Actually...I may try that one day. Just to see if it works or if they'll throw me out...or, you know, if they'll just laugh in my face. ._. I hope it works....

Yay Shadow!

Do it! :D

I should try that, dance, pat-a-cake and tickle and make them fall in love with me within 5 minutes (after sending a parcel for them) and they they can pay half my mortgage! Actually, it would be pretty bad since everyone in the town I live in will be in love with me or my best friends... all of them being shop keepers ^_^
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Yay Shadow!

Do it! :D

I should try that, dance, pat-a-cake and tickle and make them fall in love with me within 5 minutes (after sending a parcel for them) and they they can pay half my mortgage! Actually, it would be pretty bad since everyone in the town I live in will be in love with me or my best friends... all of them being shop keepers ^_^

*huglz* ^^
LOL XD I think I will. XD But at a store I don't go to often, just in case they kick me out. ._.
XD I always hate when they want me to send/find things for them. >_> I'm like, can't I just give you a shiny present and call it a day? Granted, the kids always want presents I can never find anywhere.... (*remembers* kid: "You're the worst mummy ever. I hate my mummy." me:*finally finds present* kid:"You're the best mummy ever! Mummy, can you do something for me?" *dies inside at the thought alone* T-T) XD Shopkeepers being your best friends might not be too bad...don't they give you a 25% discount in Fable II if you're friends with them, or something like that? :P
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Ah, a DMC novel, ey? Sweet, have you much planned out for it?

Haha, nah, not yet. Though I am working on one of those. >_> (Technically it's a series of three DMC ones but, still.) At the moment, I'm working on a Fable fic. But the novel I'm gonna do is like a cross between steampunk, fantasy, and um..."urban fantasy", aka supernatural stuff. >_> It's completely original. I've got it somewhat planned out, but I'm stuck between two ideas. One's about a demon who's in trouble with other demons and the other's about a demon hunter with amnesia. @_@ *sighs*
^ Both ideas sound intriguing, I can see the one with amnesia being interesting, You could get some great moments with a Demon gradually finding out what He really is.

I was never really too fond of Fable at all, if I'm honest, the only one I've actually played was the second one, and that was only for 20 minutes. Sold it the next day. :blush:
*to laptop* thank Avo (fable) you are getting wiped tomorrow. You are really doing my head in. (VeeBee won't be around tomorrow because of it.) it's slow and keeps freezing... and i've had to delete eveything... what fun... not >.>

Well done to nintendo for being such d*uchebags again. I finally have my 3DS, and now they are releasing a new one with a 90% bigger screen and longer battery life... (it's style looks like the Wii U though)

I wonder if Angel got anywhere with Natwest.... :S (apparently they were open today. )
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Original FF.net comunity blackout announcment ( as Im part of it):

So on June 23rd, there will be an official Black Out. Authors will not log in,
read, or review stories. Those who do not have accounts are also affected by FF's decisions too. Please participate and spread the news! If enough authors take part in this event, FF will know we mean business. Also, if anybody has any information on when this purging on M-rated fics will be please contact me. I would like to know in advance.!
copy and pate this into your story updates, communities and forums thanks!
The rules state that MA content is not permitted. It's stated that since I first signed up ages ago. Authors who try to cheat and upload erotica on a fanfic site SHOULD get their fics deleted. There is a difference between M and MA. As an adult, if I wanted to read porn I'd go to a porn site. Smut like that don't belong on a fanfic site where thousands of underage kids get onto.
I'm with FFN on this one. Delete those sneaky little bastards.
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The rules state that MA content is not permitted. It's stated that since I first signed up ages ago. Authors who try to cheat and upload erotica on a fanfic site SHOULD get their fics deleted. There is a difference between M and MA. As an adult, if I wanted to read porn I'd go to a porn site. Smut like that don't belong on a fanfic site where thousands of underage kids get onto.
I'm with FFN on this one. Delete those sneaky little bastards.

So are MA fics allowed or not? I remember a very strong content yaoi fic on there. *ish confused*

EDIT: England football team = steaming pile of s**t... as per-usual ('pologies, but it's true)

See you all in a couple of days
^ Both ideas sound intriguing, I can see the one with amnesia being interesting, You could get some great moments with a Demon gradually finding out what He really is.

I was never really too fond of Fable at all, if I'm honest, the only one I've actually played was the second one, and that was only for 20 minutes. Sold it the next day. :blush:

Thankies, Zilla. =)
LOL Well, I can understand that. Different games appeal to different people. =) My mum, for instance, doesn't like playing any of the games I play, and I don't like playing her games (I never got into zombie stuff or Saint's Row), so I can see why. =)

The rules state that MA content is not permitted. It's stated that since I first signed up ages ago. Authors who try to cheat and upload erotica on a fanfic site SHOULD get their fics deleted. There is a difference between M and MA. As an adult, if I wanted to read porn I'd go to a porn site. Smut like that don't belong on a fanfic site where thousands of underage kids get onto.
I'm with FFN on this one. Delete those sneaky little bastards.

While I agree that MA content/erotica shouldn't be permitted, I think the label "M for Mature" states it all. Mature stories don't just leave you little hints of violence/smut/etc. That's what Teen stories do. Mature stories usally can and most of the time have minor smut scenes and strong violence (these days, anyway; Lovecraft and Poe never needed that junk to make a good story...then again, that wasn't their genre). There's a huge difference between erotica and a single smut scene in a story. The NaNo story I'm working on has one descriptive smut scene and one that's referenced, but it's definitely not erotica. I think FFN needs to think more realistically. Yes, punish those writing true erotica, but don't punish those of us just just writing regular mature content. If FFN can't realize that, they need to figure out a better way of keeping kids from seeing it. It ticks me off that, as a writer, I can't write things the way I imagine them just cuz the site can't monitor fics properly and doesn't know the difference between M and MA. /endrant
Sorry for ranting at you. ._.

So are MA fics allowed or not? I remember a very strong content yaoi fic on there. *ish confused*

They're not. Those people are probably doing it against the rules. :/
Since everyone has to tread on eggshells now on the internet in case a child just *might* happen across something they're not old enough for it seems (to some) easier to just segregate the content off to two separate sites, "adult" and "totally kid-friendly". Because the adults will be able to handle mature, and all the content between mature and kid friendly, and the other one can be for kids. Problem is that site started off at a time when people weren't so uptight about this, and the transition from the internet being a 'free place' to being one where you've gotta watch your step everywhere isn't an easy one (or one that people are going to be happy to obey. I know I'm not happy with where internet law is going here in the UK).

Of course... it's all silly in a way anyway since no site knows if a user is really of age or not, and if you're only 10 years old or something you can still log in to AFF as long as you click "18 or older". Looking at FF.net's general apparent user age though, it seems sensible I suppose. There are alternative sites other than FF.net for publishing writing on that aren't bothered if mature or not, although they nearly all have a content warning system anyway. I don't really know what the massive deal is - sites like DeviantArt are extremely popular too and have a massive under 18 userbase, and they just operate an image blocker based on age and security preferences. Why not do that with fics on FFN? Of course that does mean enforcing proper labelling nonetheless - if fics appear that contain mature and aren't labelled correctly, I'd have them tagged for 'adult' content so the blocker would block them for all declared under 18s? Simple enough, ne?
So...someone accused me of trash talk on xbox LIVE. The thing is: I rarely co-op, I haven't used my headset since I first got the console (which was last x-mas), and I don't really PM people. And I certainly didn't talk/co-op with anyone last night, which is when the person did it. So...is it just a spammer? Or did I inadvertantly offend someone? But how could I offend someone if I didn't talk to them? *confused*
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So...someone accused me of trash talk on xbox LIVE. The thing is: I rarely co-op, I haven't used my headset since I first got the console (which was last x-mas), and I don't really PM people. And I certainly didn't talk/co-op with anyone last night, which is when the person did it. So...is it just a spammer? Or did I inadvertantly offend someone? But how could I offend someone if I didn't talk to them? *confused*
I wouldn't really think too deeply into it, Shadow. It is Xbox LIVE afterall, the place where right from the get go, You're black, fat, ugly, gay and Your mother is rather promiscuous.
I wouldn't really think too deeply into it, Shadow. It is Xbox LIVE afterall, the place where right from the get go, You're black, fat, ugly, gay and Your mother is rather promiscuous.

Touché. I didn't really think about that. :/ *always jumps to the conclusion that she's at fault without considering every other possibility*
Touché. I didn't really think about that. :/ *always jumps to the conclusion that she's at fault without considering every other possibility*
When I was very passionate about playing Gears of War online, I was banned on more than one occasion simply for being too good. I recall one instant in particular where I annoyed a clan to the point where they, and their friends all group-reported Me until I received a 14 day suspension; Just for beating them.

I've also received countless hate-mail accusing Me of cheating, using mods, lagging on purpose, etc. Ha, Xbox LIVE is a place You don't want to make the mistake of taking too seriously, it really isn't worth it.

Also, if it makes You feel any better, My LIVE rep is 19% preferred, 81% hated. Share the Love!
When I was very passionate about playing Gears of War online, I was banned on more than one occasion simply for being too good. I recall one instant in particular where I annoyed a clan to the point where they, and their friends all group-reported Me until I received a 14 day suspension; Just for beating them.

I've also received countless hate-mail accusing Me of cheating, using mods, lagging on purpose, etc. Ha, Xbox LIVE is a place You don't want to make the mistake of taking too seriously, it really isn't worth it.

Also, if it makes You feel any better, My LIVE rep is 19% preferred, 81% hated. Share the Love!

:O Dang...I knew there was a reason I only play with people I know. *torn between amusement and shaking her head*
Tbh, I've never played competitively (I'm not much of a team player, though I'm okay with just once other person), and I'm...actually surprised people can act childishly about it. *thinks lack of maturity in just a few gamers makes people think bad about gamers in general* I guess I'll just have to try and relax about it.
O_o Woah. LOL Actually...it does, a little, considering I'm now 80% pref/not commented and 20% avoided. There's irony here, I just know it. >_>

I hate Shadelight. It's so creepy. I like the music but I hate the place. I keep imagining the Crawler behind me...and then he jumps in my mouth and eats me alive. DX *hides* Though...I might change my location to there...it kinda suits my name. ._. That or the Shadow Court.
Mass Effect re-ending releasing soon? Great. Sh*t's gonna get real around here when he sees it. :lol:
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