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the horror was for love
Original FF.net comunity blackout announcment ( as Im part of it):

So on June 23rd, there will be an official Black Out. Authors will not log in,
read, or review stories. Those who do not have accounts are also affected by FF's decisions too. Please participate and spread the news! If enough authors take part in this event, FF will know we mean business. Also, if anybody has any information on when this purging on M-rated fics will be please contact me. I would like to know in advance.!
copy and pate this into your story updates, communities and forums thanks!

Thanks. =) *goes to log out of her account* Tbh, in a way it's good that they're taking initiative with their site for the first time since I've been there...but if, in the ten years since they "stopped" allowing MA, they've somewhat allowed it...I don't see why they're throwing a fit about it all of a sudden. Unless someone's threatening to sue them.... ._.

why do people keep complimenting my legs in Fable III?


I think im sort of dimensional traveller lol
I honestly thought FF.net had purged mature fics years ago. Like... 2006-2007 time. Everyone moved over to AFF.net. >_>

In truth they not doed anything, some authors ended making MA fics as M so these could enter FF.net to read, and now admins are deleting these who are MA in disguise of M.


Oldschool DMC fan
Ah, I see. Well in that case, I'm not really surprised if FF got wind of that. . . even AFF.net has a tons of disclaimers and age confirmation/legal notices on login. They're probably required by law now at FF.net to remove any material they find that might potentially corrupt the little kiddies.


the horror was for love
Okay, NaNo. Three pages later...let's see how many words I have now....

+ Is it bad that there's a fic on FFN that I hate that's borderline MA that I hope gets deleted? ._. *is hoping that, should it not, the MC dies a gruesome death*


Oldschool DMC fan
Note to self: don't sleep on the sofa again unless you wanna feel like you've been on a rack. Mhmm.


the horror was for love
I sleep really well when I wear my carpal tunnel braces...I wish I could wear them every night. I also wish I could wear them right now...my wrist hurt.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
CT: please stop watching and start bidding. Thanks to the almighty cock-up that is Natwest Online Banking, my account hasn't been credited with my money this week and so I am poor and in need of funds. Ebayers, spend your money!

My parents are in the same boat. (I had my money wednesday so i'm not affected...yet ).
My dad went into our Nat-west bank and said they would receive money today, they asked how much, he told them, the statement confirmed it and they gave him the money. Obviously, when backlog is sorted (the money finally gets paid into their account), the bank will get their money back. So go into your branch of you're due money and see if you can get anything.

Edit: I was going to post some stories on FF.net... forget that


Is not rat, is hamster
Thanks VB - it's such a nuisance and not the first time this year that Natwest have had "technical issues" which has meant me not getting my money when I need it.

Seriously considering switching to another bank...they all want you to save paper and go online and blah blah blah but at least a piece of paper can't be hacked or experience "database errors". There's a lot to be said for the old fashioned mattress bank account - sure, you might not make any interest but at least you know where the cash is when you need it.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Thanks VB - it's such a nuisance and not the first time this year that Natwest have had "technical issues" which has meant me not getting my money when I need it.

Seriously considering switching to another bank...they all want you to save paper and go online and blah blah blah but at least a piece of paper can't be hacked or experience "database errors". There's a lot to be said for the old fashioned mattress bank account - sure, you might not make any interest but at least you know where the cash is when you need it.

You're welcome :). Why should anyone be on the 'bones-of their ar$e' (as my mum says) when it's the bank's fault. There are times when Natwest are completely useless. If i didn't have to have a bank account, then i wouldn't have one at all (especially with them). Plus, they always seem to be forcing me into an interview about a 'gold account' which i keep telling them is no good to me. These people aren't happy unless they're getting money (but that's obvious now).

CT: My wish list is growing again
Top of the pops 2 is rubbish... where's the Duran Duran stuff?
And my football club is in court on monday... if they've got any sense, they'll wind the club up. The owner we've got isn't fit to be incharge

Laurence Barnes

Still not dead. Just not really here any more.
i saw money in the card my dad gave me im like oh no this prankster has given me monopoly money but no its chinese money :lol:


the horror was for love
What is it that You are writing?

Just a fanfic. Kinda...as a warm up for writing a novel in a couple months from now. =)

NaNo story is over 100 pages and I'm at chapter 16. Fun. Oh wait, forgot to PM Meg about the story. DX D*mn. *makes mental note* I keep forgetting to do everything but work on NaNo. I think I even forgot to eat this morning cuz I'm really hungry.
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