I'm really tired of the solution to my being offended or bothered at something my family says is for them to accuse me of even more things. Is this a normal thing people do? Or just with me. My sister just accused me of being an over sensitive tw*t, and of moving down here to get away from the entire family. Isn't that kinda validating if you're gonna call me a tw*t for things you don't even know about?
I didn't move away to get away from them but now I'm sorta thinking I'm glad I'm not anywhere near.
And... I'm totally sick of one person saying one thing about a subject, and another person saying another so that I have no idea who's telling the truth. Like she said my mother was 'devastated' I wasn't gonna see her this year because it turns out I can't join them in France due to some issues... that, she was 'really unhappy' I wasn't talking to her for 2 years after an argument (but I was the one who sent emails and stuff and tried to sort it out, not her). My dad says she was "too busy" to phone me (for 2 years) and that she was all hardworking sweetness and light. And I got really ****ed off with all of this bullshit and rang her up yesterday to find out what was going on with this France thing, and from the horse's mouth I get told she was deliberately avoiding me. So it's all bullshit.
It's just not worth it anymore to even care.
After finally talking to her after so long I just feel even more ****. The way she and everyone else are talking is as though my feelings are totally irrelevant, my problems are nothing for them to care about. Well, who am I kidding, my mother (who's the only one I was missing) never cared about my problems. This just reinforced the fact. Every time I tried to explain there are real issues stopping me from going to France to see them, like NO MONEY and my other half's no TIME OFF, I get told I am 'looking for problems' and 'not living my life'. Oh sure. I suppose if I don't have enough to pay rent next month and get kicked onto the street and felt bad about it, I'd just be 'looking for problems' and 'letting it get to me'. Eurgh. These people. It's like they have all forgotten what it means to have any hardship in life because THEY are all doing well, that MY problems are pure fantasy now.
I might as well pick up my emotional **** and get packing with it. They don't seem to be on planet Reality.