Trying to think of an excuse to not do stuff I'm supposed to be doing. Listening to music is only gonna work for so long.... @_@
Trying to decide whether to work on CoD, IHEAY, OOS, or do that DmC scrap that's been niggling me for the past few days, or betaread. Considering it's going on 11pm soon, I guess I need to make up my bloomin mind. :s
What kind of tea are you having?Just finished cleaning the to write and eat lunch...or whatever the second meal of the day is called when it's just after midnight.... I think I need to take a leaf out of DS's book and get some tea. >_>
What kind of tea are you having?
Camomile and Spiced Apple teaI might go a little fancy and make Jasmine tea for once. >_> So...either that or Earl Grey. You?