Finished my Freshman year of HS with advanced classes a week ago. Now I'm in college getting some more classes in and getting ready for football. Yup, my schedule is basically wake up, go to class, go work out, chill, repeat.
Wondering if I can afford the £12 is costs to get the DLC I want ¬_¬;
Well, its cheaper than buying a new game
Otherwise, sitting at work, the machines are all (almost all) broken, so I have nothing to do w00t!
EDIT: Just ordered the MP's...bugger it, i'm in a bad mood and this'll give me something to look forward to ^^ besides, when I went to checkthem out, it only cost me £10, yay! £2 saving
I'm laughing at the extorionate price of an Xbox 360 Wireless adaptor...if the Wii can have one built into something the size of a box of Tic-Tacs...then why not the Xbox when its the size of portable toilet ¬_¬;
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