Since I got BotW I thought I'd give it a go. It's not bad. I don't like how weapons break, week old bread seems sturdier, so I get the complaints, but I've only just started and it's not too bad. If only I could find winter clothes to get to those other dungeons.
I also finally beat htoL#NiQ. God that is a hard game. A fascinating game but hard as all f***. Still, I couldn't put it down and finally got the normal ending and all the memories which means I can start trying to get the true ending.
Apparently you only get to fight Phantom on the courtyard on hard of DMD. I also find that Bayo2 is kind of a bitch when it comes to timing. Bayo 1 was far more giving. I haven't played B1 in years, nor DMC1, for that matter, and yet I'm scoring A's and Platinums on every stage so far. That muscle memory.
Just occurs to me that I am playing a lot of games yet I have so little time when I am working ludicrous hours this time of year. BotW, DMC1, The Firefly Diary and Bayo 1. For a man with so little time in his hands I sure am play a hell of a lot of video games.