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Unknown is the fate of DmC 2

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Well-known Member
No swearing. That's why there's a curse filter.

And saying that a game is "not-good" isn't doing the thread, yourself, or the forum in general any favors. Cut it out.

So he can say "Devil May Cry fans ridiculously offended by one video game" and there is no problem?

I must say the game is good even if i dont think that?

At least im talking about my opinion of the game, not about other DMC fans in general saying they are ridiculous like he did.

PD: About the swearing you are right
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The Final Offer

Well-known Member
DMC fans are upset with Ninja theory because NT said all kind of bullshit about fans of the original series (and original Dante) during the development of DmC, and when the game came out, it was **** (for DMC standars after DMC3 & DMC4)

Go ahead quote them.

Show us what they said to offend.


Well-known Member
Go ahead quote them.

Show us what they said to offend.

The comparisson of Dante with the two (gays) guys of the movie Brokeback mountain for example: (you cant do that knowing the Character is loved for the fans)


There are more things but I must find where they are (videos saying the fans were only upset about the white hair and **** like that)
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Supporter 2014
This was already discussed at length about a year ago.


You will not bring about another flame war with this. Enough.

And no, you're not allowed to simply say that DmC is "****" in that way, without further explanation. That's against forum rules.


You can say "you don't like it," but you can't just outright insult it like that without giving any good reason as to why.
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Elite Hunter
You will not bring about another flame war with this. Enough.

Good words, pal.
I'll remember them having come out of your keyboard.

Back on topic, ok yeah, they said they're not at work for DmC2, so the necessary alternative is that Capcom itself is working on it. Which I think is highly unlikely. If Capcom is doing a new Devil May Cry, there are well higher odds that it's DMC5.
The only case I can see a DmC2 announced is that if an hypothetical DMC5 flops bad.
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Well-known Member


Supporter 2014
But OK. its enough.
Good. Let's leave it at that, then.

If only more skeptics could drop the subject as easily as you can. Thank you.
I'll remember them having come out of your keyboard.
You know, if this wasn't such a blatant attempt at baiting, I might've actually cared about what you constantly feel the need to say.

Don't do this again. The mods are already on edge as it is.


Elite Hunter
You know, if this wasn't such a blatant attempt at baiting, I might've actually cared about what you constantly feel the need to say.

Don't do this again. The mods are already on edge as it is.

xD this is amazing. It's like a thief telling me not to steal. Well, ok. I raise my hands then.

The DmC series will most likely cater to even the hardcore fans in future installments. There wouldn't be a reason not to play it the next time around.

Yes, maybe the changes made to DmC is a sign of that. Maybe NT is getting the hang of how to please hardcore fans as well.


Supporter 2014
xD this is amazing. It's like a thief telling me not to steal. Well, ok. I raise my hands then.
Wow. Do people not understand what "go back on topic" means??

The future of DmC will most likely be a bright one, if the Definitive Edition is any indication. More listening to the fans will mean good news for all of us.

Back on topic, ok yeah, they said they're not at work for DmC2, so the necessary alternative is that Capcom itself is working on it. Which I think is highly unlikely. If Capcom is doing a new Devil May Cry, there are well higher odds that it's DMC5.
The only case I can see a DmC2 announced is that if an hypothetical DMC5 flops bad.
Yes, maybe the changes made to DmC is a sign of that.
Well, glad to see you edited your posts to go back on topic. I'm not being sarcastic, I really am glad to see people talking about the thread, and not whatever opinion they have of me.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Go. Back. On. Topic.

The DmC series will most likely cater to even the hardcore fans in future installments. There wouldn't be a reason not to play it the next time around.
Except there are still enough reason for me not to care about any attempt on DmC future, since it still to watered down to be bothered with. That of course if Capcom survives that long to make anything at all, which doesn't seem like a case currently.


Devil May Sexy
The comparisson of Dante with the two (gays) guys of the movie Brokeback mountain for example: (you cant do that knowing the Character is loved for the fans)

This looks like a campy joke more than anything. If you've been to any kind of Pride event, you'd know that a leather cowboy is a popular outfit of choice. The only person that should be slighted by this is the costume designer if this is not what they intended.

Dante has always been over the top fabulous~ Even in DmC, Neo Dante costume is essentially a goth/bondage raver boy. Perfect for Lilith's Club stage. :wink:


Supporter 2014
The only person that should be slighted by this is the costume designer if this is not what they intended.
Alright dude. Stop. Let's go back on-topic.

I can PM about this if you'd like, but we cannot discuss that here.

Moving on:

If DmC2 becomes more like Classic DMC, then I can see more skeptics being on-board with the series, overall.
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The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
Okay guys, relax a little and stop letting personal feelings or grudges get the better of you.

Please continue.

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