The ranting thinking thread

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Vergil'sBitch;301174 said:
We've had the frontroom ceiling artexed, by the way the ceiling used to look, i'd say the pipes had burst in the bathroom before we moved in.
I've got black mould marks in my room, i have to wait until the summer to get them painted. The landlord won't do anything about the damp because the house is too old and its not worth putting money into.

That sucks - I know how that is. For once this time I seemed to have landed two landlords who are nice people I can actually talk to like a human being, but before this most of my landlords have been total berks. I'm sure they are supposed to follow rules on keeping a rental property in good condition, you know? Like they have to make sure it's safe, smoke detectors and so on, and if there is excessive damp they are supposed to do something about it.
^landlord inspection yesterday... they didn't give a damn...

anyway... oh, its like i've called it out.
I f***ing hate you... :dry:
I. Hate. Alisa. From. Tekken 6.

I main as King in all modes, and this vixen of a chainsaw robot girl thinks she can destroy King in arcade mode. I have been beat by her three times already, but I must play as King! He is awesome, and it is fun to get the hang of. Don't ask why I would choose such a hard to use character, I just liked him for his animal look. Now to kick Alisa's Butt or robotic hardware! Or fail to.
Aww, do i sense sour grapes.... i think so... its okay, i don't like you either, i think you're a gobby little brat... just as well be honest.
"Oh well your little sister is going to get into everything, and she doesn't understand. Wait until she's 2yrs old, at least she will have some understanding."

Well stfu. Of course, she's a fkn baby! Babies get into everything, and if it's in MY room I can keep the door closed or at least keep an eye on her...
What the hell am I waiting for? Why am I still up? What am I doing? What do I want to do? What am I trying to do!?

I lost myself. <.<
I don't want a hug, i don't want you going through my things... AND i don't want you questioning why I'm down. We all kn ow in this house why i'm in the mood i'm in, and if you don't know what day it is pop, i will take the calendar and ram it down your f***ing throat!
I'm upset and feeling extremely evil, so don't f***ing push your luck.
You know what? No. Buy your own damn condoms, go to Planned Parenthood by yourself to get tested and get birth control because I am so done with worrying about you. I'm not being a dumbass and spreading my legs to some guy whom I've only been dating for three months, so I shouldn't have to worry about it. And if you're too embarrassed to get some damn condoms from the drug-store by yourself 1) you really shouldn't be having sex anyways and 2) you're going to be too embarrassed and too much of a ***** to make him use them. This is your sex life, not mine, and I shouldn't be the one stressing about it like I have been since my ****ing birthday!

Christ. Whatever happened to masturbating? Isn't that what fourteen year olds are supposed to do anyway? I ****ing hate dealing with bull**** relationship drama. So glad I'm single.
Social groups are still gone, and my question hasn't been answered in two days... Well, ain't that just dandy. :/ I'm RP deprived, y'know, and I seriously need those social groups back. Like you have no idea. I'm going INSANE with the lack of RPs...

I mean I could make threads for them, but those tend to die. >.>
You have at least one day off every single week, and you only work three days a week. How hard is it for you to work a full week? I do five days a week, and the last time I had a day off work was months and months ago. Seriously, you probably owe the Company hours.
Lay off will you! The admins are doing the best they can! You want the forums fixed then do it yourself! It really isn't that bad, so deal with it.
Perhaps you should stop bitching about it and do something about it... i.e. talk to someone! It doesn't take a friggin genius! know...I try to open up to you and what do you do? You complain that I'M complaining. WTF?
And NO, **** you, I will never make the mistake of trying to talk to you about how I'm doing again. What's the ****ing point if all you do is make me feel like I'm not allowed to feel pressured? WTF, really. I'm seriously having second thoughts about this whole fiasco. Aren't I miserable? Well, **** yeah I'm miserable. It's kinda hard to try be happy or see the good in things when you're constantly bringing me down.

I don't know why I even try. I can't talk to anybody. The only person I supposedly can talk to who can relate is YOU, but you're such an ass and so woe-is-me that when I try to talk to you, you basically tell me to get over myself. Well **** you. I really do hate you. You make me hate you.
You ****ing jerk.

And all of this brings us back to square one. Exactly where we were five years ago. Because your ****ing ego isn't getting fueled by me every ****ing day, because I feel like **** and YOU make me feel even worse than that, and then you throw tantrums that it's not ALL ABOUT YOU.

I swear if I miscarry I'm blaming you. You don't give a ****. You'd probably blame me for it, too. Because you.are.such.a.dick.

**** I hate you. SOOOOOOOO much.
GOD, first i need to explain to you what celibacy is, then you ridicule me....well up yours buddy at least i dont think with my d**** and dont have to waste my time doing everything and anything to get "my end away" with bimbos who dont actually care about me...

oh and another thing have you ever actually thought that maybe a relationship should be about trying to make the other person happy and valuing their company not just what you can get for yourself or what they look like oh wait your a typical bloke, man i sound like a feminist sometimes.

I swear one of these days im just gonna cut my genitals off, then maybe people will get the idea...