Went to bed at 11pm after having a mild anxiety attack, after hubby took me out to try and calm me down, woke up yesterday morning at 4am and headed into the city to do the work I didn't do the previous night, got home, continued running around for the rest of the day, getting kids ready for school and dropping off, going to therapy with m'boy, going to shops and starting to feel like I was going to fall asleep in the cue, got home to find hubby out and down on the couch, sick as a dog, tried to get as much housework sorted, got m'boy to take a nap, went to fetch my daughter early from school, started feeling yuck, went to the nurse for my smear (you haven't had one since 2007! Lady, it's because I had TWO done that year and I wanted to avoid that friggin pain again), went to my doc afterward and chatted about changing my antidepressants and oh boy what fun it is trying to tell someone you think you've officially gone off your rocker when your kid is attempting to play with the display of human bones and throwing tantrums because you say no. Still didn't get a call from my psych yet, went home, laid down for 10 minutes and looking at the clock every five, got ready for work and went in even though I could feel I've caught whatever hubby has. Get to work and am told not to touch the walls or interfere with the painter, like I'm some fffing idiot who would do that, I'm a foreigner not stupid! Then had to let my supervisor up to come inspect my handiwork even though I'd only done like six rooms at that stage, couldn't get to the messy kitchen because the painter decided he was going to start there even though he could see the place is a pigsty! When I had like a quarter of the offices left to go, I nearly passed out, so I texted my manager and told him I'm feeling real sick and would go in early this morning to finish up.
So my manager said I should leave the job and go home. I did. He called me when I was halfway home and said that the client hadn't given us a headsup that painting will be done, so they can go screw themselves.
So I'm not going in this morning. Yay. But I've been having a restless night. This is the fourth time I've gotten up and it's 5am. And my legs are cramping. WTF. Ow.