The ranting thinking thread

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I know I always b*tch about people b*tching about games. I really do. In fact, I know this because my mum--who always listens to me--has taken to tuning me out when I get started. But, you know, I must be an optimist at heart or something cuz I always think people are gonna get over their BS, grow up, and suck it up/ignore it. But, apparently, I know nothing about humanity because people never cease to amaze me with how much they need to b*tch and b*tch and b*tch about every single goddamn detail on a game.

Take Fable for instance; fans looooooved the first game. And then they loved The Lost Chapters (which is really just the first game + DLC, though they didn't have DLC at the time). And then they whined and whined about Fable II and then they did the same about Fable III. So Lionhead tried some different things. No real complaints about Fable Heroes, and then WHAM! They announce The Journey and it's like murder or something. Why are they complaining? Because it's on kinect because you can't choose how you fight because it's not a RPG because you're driving a caravan and horses the whole time. Really, shut the f*ck up. You people wanted a new game, so the developers gave you a new game. You wanted something different, they gave you something different. You wanted to know more about Theresa, they're telling you more about her. You wanted to be more involved in Albion and the plot, well guess the f*ck what? You're going into first person though Albion and fighting monsters. How much more involved can you get?! But no, people have to complain. So then I see an article about Fable IV being set for next 2013. And guess what? Supposedly it's controller based. Apparently it's even continuing the main storyline--unlike The Journey--but is that enough? No. Of course not. "Great, it's back to controllers because everyone knows kinect sucks but OMG it's gonna, like, suck so bad anyway because the other games suck!" THEN WHY THE F*CKING HELL ARE YOU BUYING THESE MOTHERF*CKING GAMES?! If the other games failed so badly, then why do you contribute to the series? Why not just stop buying them? Maybe, just maybe, if all the fans who hate it stop buying the games then the developers would take a hint and go "gee, maybe we should start making games like the one before people start complaining" or! Or maybe they might even stop making the games. Who knows? But it would be better than people sitting around complaining all day. But heaven forbid anyone tries the logical path.

And now DMC.... I'm not even gonna start.

Because, apparently, people are never satisfied. And, apparently, people can't just sit and say "nice work, game developers! I appreciate all those hours you put into making something to occupy my attention." It's always "the world's not big enough", "the plot line's boring", "the graphics suck", "so-and-so character is annoying", "it would be better if there wasn't a romance/they didn't get along", "there's too many/not enough cutscenes", "there's not enough ammo/attacks/whatever!" It's BS and it's whining and everyone knows it. Unless you've made these games yourself, you have no right to complain about how a game is. "Ew, kinect" and "it sucks cuz his hair isn't white!" aren't good arguements, and people d*mn well know it. It doesn't matter if you've been with the series since it's inception (like me with Fable) or if you're new to the series (ie. me with DMC), there's no reason to be an idiot about it. After all, you don't see me sitting around and whining about God of War, despite my dislike of it. So take a hint: show a little respect and a little class and shut up if you hate it.

(I apologize if I offended anyone, I really do. But it's just really p*ssing me off. I'm sick of it. It's such a huge petpeeve of mine. It feels ungrateful. But, yeah. I'm sorry if I offended you. Feel free to complain at me, but don't get ****ed if I don't reply. I'm not going to sugar coat my opinion just to please people.)
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To be fair, I think Capcom and NT have stoked the fire a little with DMC fans by drawing this out and at certain points accusing them for their opinions. I haven't seen other game developers acting the way these have with DMC and actually responding to or belittling the fan reaction.

It goes both ways. If you are going to tell a fan of something to trust you, that's one thing, but not everyone is going to love it because it is not what it once was that made them fans in the first place. As a fan of something you have an emotional attachment of sorts and therefore you will feel something. I agree pure tiradistic hate is uncalled for, but critique or opinion is surely entitled if you are a fan and supporter thus far. Why should you simply be expected to keep your mouth shut about something you care about? And it is the fans that make a successful title successful. Without their support, it would not be a franchise at all.

As a working creator myself it feels ungrateful to tell the people who allow me to make my living at all to accept whatever I give them and not to have opinion on it. It is a symbiotic relationship.
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Don't you just love when your friends are so hotheaded that if you so much as badmouth any little bit of their favorite game that you get yelled at? Oh yeah, I absolutely ADORE that crap. People should totally do it more often because it seems like I love it so much.

*sigh* Ridiculous... -_-
To be honest,those people lexy, is the reason why i once considered leaving this forum since i'm having less and less fun.
It's like whenever you post something they don't like, they will always gonna jump on the bandwagon and gonna be mad at you.That is why i hide most of my thoughts and restraining myself because i don't want to mess this forum.These people call the haters "fanboys" yet, they are actually doing the same f*cking thing.
To be honest,those people lexy, is the reason why i once considered leaving this forum since i'm having less and less fun.
It's like whenever you post something they don't like, they will always gonna jump on the bandwagon and gonna be mad at you.That is why i hide most of my thoughts and restraining myself because i don't want to mess this forum.These people call the haters "fanboys" yet, they are actually doing the same f*cking thing.

Oh I was just letting my mind wander generally about the subject of fans' input to existing IP and their creators. Not the sort of people who seem to have some problem that doesn't allow them to gracefully accept another point of view on a forum... or the sorts of fans that send death threats to the people who create what they claim to like. Those kinds of people - if you argue cleverly with them, tend to show up just what wingnuts they are and destroy their own credibility quickly enough.

What I meant was, that the desires of the audience are important too, if you are making something specifically for an audience, which is what is happening with DmC... but a state of compromise is all that can be given. If creators pandered only to the wishes of fans, the result would probably be a mess, or grow stale. And if they pandered only to themselves, they might end up alienating many of their supporters.

People have a tendency to get upset and frustrated with all the back and forth discussion and wish that there was less of it, I can appreciate that. I admit, in the case of the recent Vergil thread, I laid down some boot there because differing personal opinions were being mocked provocatively. I suppose we need only report the person responsible to the moderators and ask that they take that person's tendency to act this way in hand. But I thought they showed up their inadequacy when it comes to rationality so spectacularly it was rather funny. Still, people should be able to voice an adult opinion without someone dancing on their back for it. The 'problem people' stand out quite clearly, and it's a shame they make the place less fun to be... but I expect you'll find one or two anywhere and everywhere; the quickest way to shut them down is not to give them your attention.
To be fair, I think Capcom and NT have stoked the fire a little with DMC fans by drawing this out and at certain points accusing them for their opinions. I haven't seen other game developers acting the way these have with DMC and actually responding to or belittling the fan reaction.

It goes both ways. If you are going to tell a fan of something to trust you, that's one thing, but not everyone is going to love it because it is not what it once was that made them fans in the first place. As a fan of something you have an emotional attachment of sorts and therefore you will feel something. I agree pure tiradistic hate is uncalled for, but critique or opinion is surely entitled if you are a fan and supporter thus far. Why should you simply be expected to keep your mouth shut about something you care about? And it is the fans that make a successful title successful. Without their support, it would not be a franchise at all.

As a working creator myself it feels ungrateful to tell the people who allow me to make my living at all to accept whatever I give them and not to have opinion on it. It is a symbiotic relationship.

Tbh, I agree that NT/Capcom aren't being very...erm...wise with how they're going about DmC. And, yeah. What you said about people just showing hate is what I was getting at. While I think critic is good and having an opinion is something everyone's entitled to, just being rude and hateful without coming up with a good arguement and without taking into consideration the time the people working on on it, I feel, is just mean and uncalled for. As a writer, I love critism on my work, but if people are just going to sit there and flame it without telling me how to improve, it bugs me; I'd rather they just ignored my work than they sit there, upsetting everyone, because they don't want to be considerate. Again. Just my opinion. *shuts up and hides*


I know we can't see eye to eye anymore, but why do you flame everything I say, lately? I thought we were friends, but are we only friends if I agree with you about everything? So I don't think competitions are a good thing. Big deal. Have you ever considered asking me why? Or are you suddenly in charge of the site again? The reason everyone goes with what you say is because they're scared of hurting your feelings. I'm trying to suggest something else because 1) I honestly think the idea's about to turn the site into a warzone and 2) when you're're going to have to think about compromising with people. Otherwise, I would have kept my mouth shut. Guess I should have done that anyway.
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Tbh, I agree that NT/Capcom aren't being very...erm...wise with how they're going about DmC. And, yeah. What you said about people just showing hate is what I was getting at. While I think critic is good and having an opinion is something everyone's entitled to, just being rude and hateful without coming up with a good arguement and without taking into consideration the time the people working on on it, I feel, is just mean and uncalled for. As a writer, I love critism on my work, but if people are just going to sit there and flame it without telling me how to improve, it bugs me; I'd rather they just ignored my work than they sit there, upsetting everyone, because they don't want to be considerate. Again. Just my opinion. *shuts up and hides*

For me personally, respect for another's work is a given. I don't criticise work unfairly even if I don't like it or it doesn't interest me, and I'm an open-minded individual when it comes to examining any work if I'm going to talk professional-level critique on something. Which is why I've largely been absent from the DmC board for the duration of its existence. I don't usually wander in there to say "I'm not liking the look of this" because it doesn't help anything or add to any discussion. Except with regards Vergil, for which I make no excuses. ;) I personally think of stating your first impressions of something as no worse than saying you liked or did not like a new kind of food at a restaurant or whatever. I'm not sure now though whether you're referring to recent stuff on the forum or the whole DmC war in general or something else that I'm not clued on.

My advice as an art worker, to a writer such as yourself, however, is to develop a thick skin. People can be unimaginably thoughtless out there, and it seems to be a bit too much to ask for all of the people all of the time to show basic respect. I tend not to worry too much about negative comments or nitpicking on my work in the various places it lives online, because for every bad commenter there are usually plenty of encouraging and helpful ones... and to get decent critique you should cherry-pick those who you think can give it best and in a mature way. Usually, if art or writing is posted in art or writing-oriented sites you tend to get the more appropriate reactions you'd be expecting, which is good, since you know people are there to see art or to read, and not just to be jackasses.
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*sigh* Two break ups in less than a year, and both times, it was the woman who broke up with me. I wonder what I'm doing wrong...

Tbh, I'm trying to do the same...I just know I come off as too harsh/blunt sometimes. And, ditto about being abscent from the DmC board. I think I've posted there about twice because...yeah. Erm...I'm gonna probably have to agree to disagree with you there...unless you mean first impressions after trying something, then I agree. I meant the DmC war (and the Fable war >_>) in general, and I really wasn't trying to point fingers at the forum cuz I really don't want to offend anyone here. *has been phrasing everything wrong lately* For some reason, I can be thick-skinned about my own writing but it bugs me when people are cruel other people's stuff without reason. I know it's unrealistic to want everyone to be respectful all the time or accecpting all the time, I just...I dunno, needed to blow off some steam? I probably should have phrased my words better. ^^; *agrees about finding the right sites, though, to post things*

*sigh* Two break ups in less than a year, and both times, it was the woman who broke up with me. I wonder what I'm doing wrong...

I'm sorry that's happened, DT. =( *offers hugs and hopes things work out better for you*
Erm...I'm gonna probably have to agree to disagree with you there...unless you mean first impressions after trying something, then I agree.

I'm not sure what you mean here... do you mean to disagree that people shouldn't give their opinion on what they think of the characters thus far?
I'm not sure what you mean here... do you mean to disagree that people shouldn't give their opinion on what they think of the characters thus far?

I mean that people should try and wait until they try playing with the characters before they judge them...sorta like "don't judge a book by it's cover"? So...yeah. I guess. In a way. I'm making no sense here, huh? >_< *was thinking of how some people immediately go "HATE IT!" when they see a character, but later they warm up to them, and, if they hadn't been so quick to say they hated it, it could have sparred them alot of how some people got about Nero*
Some people here already like kat to the top even though there's nothing really much shown to her personality,yet.Not saying it's a bad thing, it just baffled me.
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I mean that people should try and wait until they try playing with the characters before they judge them...sorta like "don't judge a book by it's cover"? So...yeah. I guess. In a way. I'm making no sense here, huh? >_< *was thinking of how some people immediately go "HATE IT!" when they see a character, but later they warm up to them, and, if they hadn't been so quick to say they hated it, it could have sparred them alot of how some people got about Nero*

I understand, but then surely all the gushing love is probably inappropriate too, since nobody knows if it's going to be fantastic yet either.

Topics like "so what do you think of _____" after every single piece of footage is released online make it pretty much unavoidable though.
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I understand, but then surely all the gushing love is probably inappropriate too, since nobody knows if it's going to be fantastic yet either.

Topics like "so what do you think of _____" after every single piece of footage is released online make it pretty much unavoidable though.

Very, very true. On both counts, I mean. *agrees completely*

*hugs back* It'll be alright for me, my dragon apprentice. I just need to take a break from women for a while.

Aww. Hmm...well, we can find you some cool xenomorphs to hang around with for the time being? ^^ *thinks they're good at distractions...and cuddling*
Does realism really THAT important to a game where there are demons and shapeshifting enviroments?
The hell's wrong with you man? Do you have some nutrients in your brain? Guess not lol.
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