Ugh, why can't I draw? Sick of people telling me "with practice you'll do better". Really? I'll practice for hours on end and it still all looks like cr*p to me. The faces never turn out right, the bodies are poorly proportioned. Until someone sits me down and walks me through it step by step in easy, understandable steps, I don't buy this "continuous practice" thing. If you're practicing the wrong way, it'll never progress, after all. >_<
Not really my business but I've been there so I'll offer what was said to me, which helped me out at the time.
Rule Number 1: For some reason, no matter how good it is, if it's our creation we only seem to get stuck at the weak spots of the art, making us think it's awful and all that. Let the others judge as well.
Rule Number 2: Practice DOES have results. But yeah, depending on how you go at it, you might be progressing like 0.1% per day or 2% per hour. But the more you are at it, you DO progress. You can never see it immediately. The best way to realize it is to look for your drawings from a year ago. If you draw every day, they are bound to be completely different.
And lastly Rule Number 3: Don't ever give it up. It's not like the bicycle, where you learnt it once/be good at it forever. It takes dedication, time and some other word I'm forgetting, but you get the gist of it. Don't be hard on yourself and keep doing what you like. Try to have fun with it instead of trying to create a masterpiece. That way you progress while having fun.<= Best way to go at things!