I just wish they'd quit talking about this on the Rema radio station. It's like, y'know, if you're a Christian then you follow a certain law that pertains to Christ and God. If you're gay and Christian, well then you pretty much know what you can and can't do. If you're gay and not Christian, well all the power to ya on your homosexual journey. There shouldn't be all this hoohaa about it ON A CHRISTIAN RADIO STATION. Let the people make their rules and let them be, we keep to our rules and so there is peace. I don't understand why this is even a debate in my religion. All they're doing about voicing their opinions on gay marriage is JUDGING.
Now, I'm no Bible scholar but I'm pretty darn sure Jesus didn't go around boyctting fornication and abortion and gay marriage. These are massive things in Christianity and therefore it should only be addressed to followers of Christ, whom I highly doubt would be aborting babies or trying to get God's blessing by marrying another person of the same gender (if you're Christian, you should already know that God is NOT going to bless your sin), but if you're a Christian looking at these things and abiding by the Lord, you'll see these things for what they are. Worldly things. Material, temporary things of the flesh. One of the disciples said that we are to be IN this world but not OF this world. That means living WITH GOD and not allowing ourselves to be tempted by THE WORLD.
I think I should write that in an email and send it to the radio station. Hopefully then they'll give the topic a rest?
Now, I don't know if you want to actually discuss this with anyone, or if you just wanted to say that one thing, so if not then please disregard this. But you said some things here I'd like to address.
Mainly the fact that you said-without-saying that homosexual acts (I guess that's what we can call it) and abortion are against God's wishes. But, where exactly does it say that. I've seen and heard so many people say that, but I've never seen anywhere in the Bible that clearly condemns those acts. And by that, I mean the New Testament since once Jesus showed up and went around being awesome, everything in the Old Testament became largely irrelevant. (As far as laws go.)
Now to mention, the Bible has been changed and translated and changed some more so many times that it's hard to take anything it says literally. I honestly cannot believe that God would create gay/bi/whatever people, but then say they can't act on those feelings. That does not make sense. Homosexuality is found if hundreds of species, so it's not something that people "choose" to do in one way or another.
And as for abortion, the vast majority of abortions are done for legitimate reasons. Either, the life of the women or child is at serious risk, condom/birth control failed, the women didn't have access to those things, they were raped, they don't have the money, etc. Point is, I honestly cannot believe that God would look at these women, women who are overcome with so much pain as they make their decision, and be angry at them for it. Heck no. God is love, right? Since no one wants to get an abortion, and it's only something people need to do, then why would God condemn those women. It doesn't make sense to me at all.
Again, if you don't what to talk about this, then please ignore my thought dump. But if you do, I'd love to have a discussion. Although, now that I think of it, it might be better to PM me a response. But I'll leave this in this thread so others can see it and send me their thoughts if they wish.