The ranting thinking thread

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for a game that isn't out yet, they've got enough details on the game's page.
something tells me if that game isn't out on the same day there'll be weeks in it.

Hello...mother... they're called RICH TEA BISCUITS... NOT RICH COFFEE!

EDIT: Sorry, i don't see the point in posting pics if they aren't your own work... that's just me
-Why didn't I just call the chemist and get the stuff after I had that nightmare about running out of them?
-Then I wouldn't have had to wake up on the busiest morning we've had in weeks, rushing around to get everything packed for the trip, and realising in horror that I'VE RUN OUT AND IT'S A PUBLIC HOLIDAY AND OMFW WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!?!?!?!?
-Did that storm have to break? I mean really, when we were there, with naught but a pram and two towels, on the opposite side of the town, nearly all the way down the beach, did that storm HAVE to hit us then?
-Did the wind have to blow our last dummy with an attach ring away?
-Did it have to be so damn cold?
-Did it have to traumatise my babies so much?
-Was the bird crap on the bed before or AFTER we left?
-I hate you wind.
-You could have been more mindful and asked around if anyone has an air pump or alternative instead of saying 'head thata way for 38km's'.
-Did the wheels really have to go flat on the day we were leaving?
-Did it really have to go POOF while we were on a long stretch of road literally miles from anywhere?
-Did the battery have to poop AGAIN right after we got the wheel sorted?
-Did it have to rain while we were fixing the wheel?
-Did I have to pick up a cold ontop of my early morning empty stomach?
-Do the roads really have to be so zigzag? This is the second trip she threw up in the car because of your stupid zigzagging roads.
Okay, I'm ranted out.
Oh, wait.
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My status was on as Away for a bath and you decided to think that "hey, Im not answering i must not be in the mood to talk." Take a f*cking chill pill and breathe.
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Wtf seriosuly? Mind your own business and leave me alone. Theres a reason why I dont talk to you anymore and if you wanna carry it on just because you have nothing better to do then screw you and get a life. I have more important problems in my life so go away and bother someone else. Seriously, I didnt do anything to you, so get out of my life. Like....right now please...
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Ohhhh WWWWWWOOOOOWWWWW. Way to take offense about nothing. Geeze. Okay you know what, forget it, I'm not talking to my brother's wife again. I didn't say anything wrong to win her and her mum's anger over, I mean really, OH MY WORD I cannot believe they totally took me out of context.

Well, that's that.
Another person going on my 'ignore' list.
Bloody women.

*FOP is the alternative to the other 'F' word ;) *
Oh so now I'm not important anymore? Way to make me feel like a freaking fool. I'll just go then if what I have to say is so meaningless.
Orly? You made me feel like a majorly awkward idiot and now your going after my best friend? Wow...just wow. I'm not tough or anything, but if you screw with her I will flip a poo....and I mean it.....My gawd, my high school is filled with all kinds of a-holes -_-""
These past few weeks have been hell, when will I get peace of mind? I don't know! *screams in frustration* On the brighter side things somethings have turned around for the better...
ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME??? ARE YOU SERIOUS??? Now your going into name calling...Are you for real?? I honestly dont care what you call me but just the fact that your carrying sh*t on from...what 6 months ago, ****es me off. Your so lucky I didnt come to school today cuz of my damn cold, I've never met anyone as shallow as you in my entire life. I really hope you get whats coming to you.
ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME??? ARE YOU SERIOUS??? Now your going into name calling...Are you for real?? I honestly dont care what you call me but just the fact that your carrying sh*t on from...what 6 months ago, ****es me off. Your so lucky I didnt come to school today cuz of my damn cold, I've never met anyone as shallow as you in my entire life. I really hope you get whats coming to you.
bang bang bang boy you're going down down down boy....

Just saying.
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I'm SO ANGRY at Wiki!! In the story section of Soul Calibur 5 I wrote what happans (which is what the story section is for) and some punk removed all my work telling me it "contains to many spoilers." I swear to God If I ever met that punk in real life I will take him down!! :mad:

DON'T **** OFF LUKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's okay. I've worked my fingers to stubs, slaved in front of a glowing computer screen and even prepared myself for multiple interviews despite the fact that I have a major complex about public speaking and my family members told me I was already ****ed because it involved talking to people and I am the most horrible, talent less, awkward speaker that has ever disgraced the face of the planet. I won the board over, I pulled my scores up to match and then beat every competitor, but it's fine. You can turn me away because of my family. Because, you know, my father committed horrible crimes and my brothers frequent jail cells, so I must be no better, right? So you go ahead and tell me, to my face, that I am not suitable for enrollment or even the right of being CONTACTED just because of my last name. Just another delinquent your impeccable board has saved the innocent students from. Goodness, what might have happened if you let a lowlife like me in? I might have set fire to the curtains.
Since when were the Channel Islands classed as 'Outside the EU?'. Could it be a ploy for the HMRC to squeeze more money out of the unsuspecting public?
I wish i could understand it...
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Just gimme mai tix!

Honestly! I have paid you a stupid amount of money for this trip the least you can do is spare a postage stamp for me and send me my tickets! Why the blooming fudge do I have to pay £8 for a train ticket to get to your offices to pick up my tickets, for FUDGE SAKE!

Yay, my first rant ^^
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Just to make it clear - that distinction she got for part of her degree? Yeah, I wrote that paper. I've never studied that subject in my life but I spent an hour writing it and got her an 89% mark, the highest in her class. And V's diploma? Yours truly - she struggles with writing and comprehension, so her tutor said I could help out. Oh, and have I mentioned yet that I finished college with straight A's? No? Silly me.

Absolutely agree with you - I am stupid. I'm not intelligent. I'm not academic. I'm not a clever or witty or eloquent person. I cannot articulate myself effectively. I did not go to university. I just stayed home and had babies instead. But just so we're absolutely clear: I can do it. I just don't want to. The fact I wrote a degree-level paper on a subject I knew nothing about and got the highest mark shows I can do this stuff. It simply doesn't interest me to do it for myself. I'm sure that really does disappoint you, but then that's all I ever do, right? So leave me be, let me sit in my stupid-corner and continue to be a dumbass. It suits me.
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