I don't understand how this works.
So usually at the end of the day it's freezing cold downstairs because ALL the heat rises to the top of the house, which means the bedrooms upstairs become make-shift saunas. This is always the case. We end up turning the heatpump on some evenings because it's just so bloomin cold in the lounge.
But nope. Not tonight. The playroom is boiling, to the extent where I'm dripping sweat. The entire downstairs is HOT. So, obviously, no heat pump usage. Yet I walk out the door to the stairs and this frigid cold hits me like a dodgeball out of friggin nowhere. I go upstairs.... and the rooms are, as per usual, mini-saunas.
Explain this phenomena to me, science, because it no make sense to me.
The horrid thing is that the heat downstairs is stagnant. I've left the doors open but no heat is going out and no cold is seeping in.
And then, there is this particular hot spot in my kitchen.
With hot spot I mean in a specific spot just in front of my pantry door it is always warm. If I'm cooking or baking, it's even hotter and a lot more prominent. I'd imagine it's like those 'cold spots' they talk about on ghost hunting shows, only this one is weirdly warm.
And then there's the bloody ringing. Every night. Without fail. No matter what. Those high pitch whistles they love to use in the movies after a bomb or something has gone off? Pretty much that, plus extra. Now I know it's not Tinnitus because we've ruled that out already. So there.
Explain these things to me in simple logical facts, science.:banghead::banghead: