The ranting thinking thread

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Please, don't get up in my face because I can't find it in myself to kill someone in my stories. I'm well aware my stories are rather innocent.
DS: THANK YOU. I completely agree with the whole LxV, LxD,TxD pairings. Its just rubbish and turns mah stomach.
Although, what are SxN and DXVXNXA (Obviously its Dante Vergil Nero)
Got another one for you too... DantexCredo

Pettiness and arguements on forums and irl?
No thanks, it's bad enough dealing with the latter, thanks.
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^Agnus XD I thought I'd throw that one in there for the grossness.

CR: *&%%$^*(
Looks like it's going to be one of those weeks again. You know, where people mess up important stuff to you, and you pay $20 for HALF a piece of junk and realise that they neglected to give you the receipt...*&%^^$%^^*& I'm so PO.

Receipt or not, I'm going to create the biggest MF scene the warehouse has ever had to deal with. And I'm not going to bloody (*^&^%&*( back down until I get value for my *&^#%^## money!
Really! No bolts, and only two poles where there ought to be four? Unacceptable.
I swear I'll even have them rewind the CCT footage if it comes down to it.
$##^%*&(*) Cheapskates.
And I'm going to climb into that %$&^*&(* git at the cash register. I don't NEED to ask for a receipt, they're supposed to GIVE you one regardless.

....$%^(Q*@4()Q_)$*(&*@Q)(_$!*(^$^!(* :mad:
I'm still mulling over in my head whether my landlord is a rude ass or not. He keeps on at me about 'what I do' for a living. Last time he were here, he asked me what I was making and was pretty rude about that... I'd have hated to be his kid in primary school, bringing home what I'd made in art class. Then today he tells me a "do you want fries with that" joke relating to graphic design, and says he'll ring the doorbell early because he thinks I'll be in bed doing nothing all day. What the f*ck, man?

And mulling it over further, do I have ****ty luck with landlords or what. The one before these ones was okay, but the one before that was in prison and forgot to pay his mortgage meaning I got kicked out of a repossessed flat, and the one before that told my (ex)bf at the time he didn't want to talk to me at the door because women aren't trustworthy and'll accuse you of rape. What, the, f*ck. Seriously.

I haven't wanted to think too much about it till today. Now I just wonder why they seem to be such a bunch of ass hairs! I pay to live here and I don't trash the place, quit insulting me thx.
Now I just wonder why they seem to be such a bunch of ass hairs!
I think they're in competition with lawyers for the 'biggest arseholes in the world' trophy.

CR: Grrrreeeeeaaat, you'll get back to me on whether or not I'll have a roof over my head by October? Hmmm, thank you so much for your effort, you know, considering that's exactly what I was told three weeks ago and yet here I am, ringing YOU up once again to find out what our status is. Oh, you guys 'normally' send out a letter 21 days before the expiry of a lease? So I'll get that letter maybe 18 days before our lease expires, right? Am I wrong in assuming that you guys are not going to get back to me via email or phone, and instead are just going to send me the letter? Hmmm, okayyy, you do realise that means I have to find a house in 18 days, pack up this place and clean it in 18 days, with two little kids and a one month old baby to take care of with no additional help with moving, don't you? Oh, right I forgot, you people don't give a ****.

Ugh. You know what, screw it! I'm not going to wait for them anymore. I'm finding us another place, and I'm not going to tell them until they contact ME. Absolutely useless!
I think Tameem talks a lot of sense. At least he did in the latest interview I watched. I mean he comes across as quite awkward at first and gets his words mixed up, which lets him down. But at the end of the day, he seemed to know what he was talking about. He made some good points about previous Devil May Cry games, showing more understanding. I think he's learning about it himself because it's all new to him and now he's trying to create something that we'll enjoy. I don't think a negative response to Tameem or Ninja Theory is appropriate at this moment in time, because I genuinely feel they aren't trying to **** us off. They are trying to make a better game (By better I mean story wise and combat wise). I mean, they aren't trying to make things worse. I know a lot of people will probably think this is a bad thing at first, but Tameem said that Capcom came to Ninja Theory asking for them to design a new take on Devil May Cry. It was Capcom's decision. People working for Capcom that have worked on previous Devil May Cry games have been overlooking Ninja Theory's designs and ideas and have obviously said "Yeah, that sticks to the other games" or "It relates to this, that or the other". That means that Capcom are letting this happen, they are approving it. They trust Ninja Theory with this. If they let Capcom and us down then Capcom shouldn't have trusted them in the first place.

Not so much a rant, just a long thought.
Just stop feeling so sorry for yourself! I already told you everything is fine, nothing bothers me other than the fact that you try too hard to please me, stop, just stop. I love you the way you are but if you keep feeling bad like that then...I don't need to say anymore...
Stop asking me if I'm "ok" every five minutes. No, I am not "ok", I am hormonal and tired and everything hurts but then again I did just have a 10lb 40z baby without anything more than a bit of gas and air 6 days ago so to be completely honest with you I am entitled to feel a bit up and down for the next few days. All I need from you is to shut the hell up, cut me some slack and stop nagging me about every damn little thing. I need time to recover, ok? I know you're also worried about PND and so am I with my history but if I get it again, I'll deal with it like I always have done. The team are aware of it, they are keeping an eye on it and if I should develop a problem they are ready to handle it so flapping about and getting in a state over the what-ifs isn't going to help anyone. Kindly stop.

And will someone PLEASE let me get more than three minutes of sleep before Christmas? I can't remember entire portions of my day now, let alone the odd bit here and there. And this headache is really getting to me...honest to goodness, if you will just let me sleep for a bit I'll feel so much better.
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Seriously, I'll get to you on my ever expanding list of college applications XD

And as for YOU pre cal...just go away. I'm tired of your abuse!

-eyes school schedule- WHHHYYYY is my physics class next semester? Oh right, because I'll be with Blue ^_^

But enough word vomit. I guess it's time for the actual rant. Ugh, is it bad that I'm only three weeks in and nomming Tums like -name and address withheld-? This isn't even the hard semester...math being the only exception. Maybe I'm just anxious to get it over with?

I'm sure I'd be much less stressed if I had a job, because then I'd already be prepared to step my foot out into the big, scary world that eats people like I eat muffins. The fact that I remain in the unemployed bracket does nothing do boost my morale, especially since I'm constantly being told I'm not going to make it. ><

Seriously, I'm the youngest of five, I'm already better off than my big brother, and you're picking on ME? ><

Oh, right. My brother sells you your nasty videos >.>

Rant/ramble over.
rlly, bitch, rlly? ur a ****ing bitch you know tht!? i was in a good ****ing mood and then you had to go and do THAT.....rlly? ur more low than i thought. u know wat? go **** urself and get the hell outta my face KTHNXBAI.

EDIT: oh btw im not talking about anyone on here dun get the wrong impression >.> im talking about some asshole tht is unfortuanetaly in my life...and jesus, i just sounded rlly unclassy in my rant just now o.o i cuss alot when im angry T.T
I saw my friggin dad naked!!!!!!
Close the f***ing door you idiot!

I know what you mean but my dad was coming out of the bathroom as my mom and I were coming in from shopping. T_T

/rant omgwtfbbqiwantoutofherei'mlosingmymarblesiwanttodrawandwriteandliveoffofcoffeeforafewnightsbutnoooooihaavetobea"responsible"adultnowaaahhhh! *takes a deep breath* /endrant
Oh mmmmmy wooooorrrrrdddddd.
Don't you hate it when you let a video buffer, but when you click to full screen it starts buffering ALL OVER AGAIN?
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Stop it. I'm not mental, I'm just adjusting. Please give me a break and stop hovering around me like some sort of old woman, flapping in the background. I overdid it today and that's why I got upset...not being able to walk further than the bottom of the road without feeling I've been hit by a train is starting to get to me so back off, try to understand and if you can't understand then please keep it to yourself because I don't need everything I do and say to be scrutinised down to the last detail. I'll call the nurse if I need her - right now, I just need space and sleep.

You're still lovely though <3
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