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The ranting thinking thread


the horror was for love
I am never co-oping against a kid again if I can help it. Not only do they not stop making noise, but they don't stop saying exactly what their plan is and then they make fun of you if you screw up...and they don't even try to limit it to the one liners most people I've co-oped with use. :/ That was almost painful.


Supporter 2014
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Well-known Member
Xen-Ace 2021
Tumblr needs to go back to being true PG13, not this fake PG that still allows porn. Better yet, wipe off all the porn. If someone's gonna leave the website because they can't see tits or dick, there are a billion other sites exclusively for that, so I don't give a flying f*** what they think. Used to be, people kept that sh** to themselves because how they wanted sex was no one else's business, now they make it everyone's business and get upset when someone has an opinion on it. Hey, yeah, it turns out that having someone treat you like a toilet and take a pee/dump on you is actually pretty disgusting and having an orgasm from it doesn't magically make it good. What the hell planet do you live on where people are supposed to think that's okay and pat you on the head for it? "Don't shame me!" Feeling ashamed is the worst thing that's ever happened to you? What are you, five? I can say "peanut butter is gross because it sticks to the roof of your mouth", but I'm not literally snatching the sandwich out of your hand and stomping on it, and "shaming" peanut butter doesn't even actually stop you from enjoying it anyway in the privacy of your own home if you really like it that damn much. It's a comment on the internet. If you don't want a comment on the internet sharing a contrary opinion against your specific whatever-the-hell, you can keep it to yourself and not post it in public where people can see it and make comments on it. You do you, but you do you away from me, especially about sex. No one should know about how you have sex except the person you're having it with, and maybe your doctor. F***ing keep it that way.

Play-by-post roleplaying has gotten so dumb now, no one cares about actual plot anymore and RPers using characters as a vehicle for their own [lack of] sex life makes me sick. There's this hugbox culture of "EVERY INTERPRETATION IS VALID" sorry, no, I'm not accepting the "interpretation" someone has of eight-year-old Dante boning DMC3 Vergil or Doppelganger, or a Sparda that has sex with everyone except his own wife and including friggin' Rebellion. Shut up about that. Literally no one in their right mind plays DMC and goes "You know what this needs? Underage sex" or "You know what this needs? Gratuitous rape/incest scenes and infidelity", because that's not what the story is about. So no, not every interpretation is valid, and then especially not the ones that have nothing in common with the character except the name. JFC. Shipping and smutting pops up in decent plots like friggin' cancer.


the horror was for love
I've asked you time and time again to make sure you don't log in as me when you come online, and the one time you ignore me...you review a fic as me. More specifically: my fic as me. Ugh, thanks for ruining any bit of respect I may have started to scrape back together from that fandom. Now to hope Support can either delete it or change the name on it. :banghead:

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
For one sweetheart, if you're going to reply to a comment I made, check the ****ing time stamp--it was over a year ago. For two, before you accuse me of "not being as intelligent as I like to believe" actually read what I ****ing wrote, instead of talking out of your ass like the complete lack-wit you are. :/ Because nowhere in my post did I say, "Get over it", I said, "rise above what others have done to you, instead of becoming like the a-holes that hurt you in the first place".

Gods. ****ing idiots everywhere. -_-

Director Bison

King of Games
Premium Elite
so people are getting upset that Cloud is now in smash because FF7 was never on a Nintendo console

so if a Final fantasy character were in smash bros
it shouldn't be one of the most iconic video game characters
from the most popular Final Fantasy game
with an HD remake coming up

just because his game wasn't on a Nintendo console

its simple business to pick the most popular character from the most popular installment

it would be stupid to pick anyone but Cloud

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I really, really don't like the fact that, over the next couple of weeks, the base is going to be playing host to them. I don't have a problem with anyone based on their ethnicity--what I do have a problem with is that, everywhere else that has taken them in has found ISIS twats among them--and what happened in Paris has just made me that much more paranoid.

That, and by some misfortune, the hubby and his company will be playing guard dogs to the batch that comes here. ****ing wonderful.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Almost got stuck with a dog.
Which part of 'costs' and 'unprepared' did they not understand?
Look, I was willing to foster the pup until she's rehomed, to save her from going back to a bad place. I said I'd help with that. I said I'd need help with a cage or doghouse of some sort where she can sleep. I said I'd need help with food for her as I don't have dog food in my budget this month or next.
Then they fall out with this crap about me paying registration for her, and not only that, but I have to back-pay registration for her? I'm sorry, WTF, when did I say I was keeping her? I feel bad for the pup because she's going to go to a bad place now. But good grief. Talk about offering a hand and getting your whole bloody arm sucked in!
I don't have the finances to support a dog right now.
Nor do I have the space.
Nor am I allowed to keep any pets in this rental.
I'm already having a tough time hiding the fact that I've got another kid from the landlord and agent.
I won't be able to hide the evidence of a dog living here.

On another note. I'm going to go for a training session on how to bottle feed kittens and puppies on the day we were supposed to go to the work Christmas party. I'M SO EXCITED! :D
Also, people don't seem to communicate very well. I thought I was being put on the backlist of fosterers until January because I'm not able to efficiently foster any animals at the moment? Instead I keep getting voice messages asking me to ring the SPCA because they've got this, that and another who need a foster home. I can't have pups here, I tried. I can't have cats here either, there's no room for them.

But kittens and puppies, like the proper proper little fur babies? BRING IT ON.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
@Vergilius lol, I'm not sure why the South African flag is included there. Pretty sure whatever terrorising the US is doing there is so insignificant that it doesn't even make the headlines. SA is like Iraq or Syria, just swap the religious bs for extreme black supremacy. Bombs were being detonated in public places there a decade or two before it became a popular pastime for extremists.


Well-known Member
Xen-Ace 2021
Sh!t people say concerning Latino/(a)s:
"Latino is an ethnicity, not a race".

Sh!t you won't find in any actual American or "Latin-American" media, though?
An "Asian-looking" Latino/(a) person, that isn't portrayed as "Just Asian" (as if "Asian-looking" individuals must only know Chinese or Japanese or know kung-fu or karate) if they're there at all
A "Black-looking" Latino/(a) person, that isn't portrayed as "Just Black" ("Black-looking" people don't even get the luxury of English as a second language-- stereotypically they don't know anything other than English) or literally a Token Black in a cast of otherwise lighter-skinned main characters.
An "indigenous" Latina who isn't La India Maria (R.I.P.) or the same old lady in every other novela, and especially an "indigenous" person who doesn't live in some backwater town, away from the rest of "civilization" and the rest of the story with the main characters unless she's a maid.
Literally any Latino/a person that isn't otherwise white-passing on the news, unless a disaster happens and they wanna cover the poor dark folk.
Latino actually being an ethnicity rich with genetic diversity and a spectrum of looks, rather than the same whitewashed crap over and over.

Sh!t you'll continue to find in media that ever brings Latino people up:
Reassurance to the audience that Latino/"Hispanic" people can look white too! Because the only way to combat the racist idea that Latino people are the exact same shade of "Mexican brown" is to say "they can be the blondest, blue-eyedest in the population", like colorism isn't a thing, and stereotypes on what an ethnicity looks like don't rule the day. Like Charlie and Martin Sheen changed their last names (or their whole names) for no reason and share better success than the rest of their family for also no reason. Do people still think Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estevez aren't brothers? When's the last time anyone saw Emilio in anything other than The Mighty Ducks?


the horror was for love
Kinda sick of people forcing their diets on others. "Oh, you shouldn't eat carbs." "Eating meat makes you a murderer." "Becoming vegan is the best diet you can have." I don't care. Diets are meant to help people be the healthiest they can be. Not all diets work for all people. For example, I do best when my diet is 50%/50% meat and produce with some minimal junk foods and a small bit of bread/pasta/etc thrown in (but it's the holiday season, so I don't give a flying f). Mum, however, does best when her diet is about 80% produce. (Diets never work on Gran, we've given up asking why.) If half of my genetic makeup can't share a diet with me, then how am I supposed to share a diet with some random stranger? Why am I supposed to believe your fad diet of the month will work? These things only work if you're planning on changing your entire lifestyle...and I don't have the money to keep up with your fads. :/ I think I'll enjoy my half healthy-half whatever the f I want to eat diet and you can do whatever makes you happy, 'kay?
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