The ranting thinking thread

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I'm sorry, it's totally flattering that you adore Phe, but c'mon now...I'm not a genie, I am not here for wish-fulfillment purposes.
What if it took place in a one-time alternate universe?

If you ever change your mind, then they'll be in your debt.

What if it took place in a one-time alternate universe?

If you ever change your mind, then they'll be in your debt.


I completely read that in Marlon Brando's voice. :laugh:

But nah, I'm busy as is on the writing front. An AU version just for the sake of appeasing a fangirl would be more work load than I'm willing to take on: not to mention apparently she wasn't asking for it (though from her wording, it looked that way) and even if she was, the quality would likely be ****. I have to care about what I'm writing to do it, and that? Well, suffice it to say I wouldn't care an iota. 'Sides, I'm no more comfortable having someone feel indebted to me than being in someone's debt. ^^;
@Rebel Dynasty

I see what you mean. Why not ask her if she would be more comfortable writing her own fanfiction based off of your work?

Or just tell her to write her own story with someone who's similar to Phx? (I pronounce it like "fix")

I mean, if she makes him different enough, then there's no harm done, right?
When you think you're done with something, only to get requests for more corrections. :banghead:
After consulting myself with the internet, he really ain't paying me enough, considering I not only typed up the text, but also prepared the book for print (minus some pictures his daughter will insert).
And I was already roped into typing up some poems he wrote, so i can't just break connections.
Okay, so every time I see this,

it actually ****es me off. Reason being? It's far too black and white for my tastes. Yes, parents are responsible for teaching their kids respect, but it's folly to assume that kids don't learn from outside influences--and no, I don't mean videogames. Games are played in the home, and as such, it is the parents job to make sure their kids don't pick up any bad behaviour or language from said media. The media itself is not to blame.

What I'm talking about is how whoever created this meme seems to be under the grand delusion that parents are their children's only teachers; they go to school, ffs! They pick up behavioural patterns from those around them--their school mates being at the top of that list.

So, instead of always assuming the parents aren't doing their job with their kids at home, take the time to consider that:

1) Once they reach a certain age, kids are accountable for their own actions, having gleaned knowledge of right and wrong, and

2) Parents cannot be accountable for every single moment of every single day of their children's lives.

(Bet whoever made it is either one of those, "mother of the ****ing year" people, or someone without kids, and therefore, who's opinion is irrelevant).
Pfft, they all eff off at 18 without a second glance anyway so doesn't matter how "productive" a mother you are. Kid don't care.

Speaking of kids who don't care, mine need to learn to respect the clock. If I get an extra hour in bed due to whatever reason it is that means clocks go back an hour, those rugrats need to leave me the hell alone.

Doesn't ever work, but I can dream...
I've been understanding. I've been sympathetic, and in spite of my patience being stretched taut, I have kept my counsel--even though I would be well within my rights to do otherwise.

So for how long, exactly, am I meant to keep my silence on the matter? How long before I give in to my impatience and my temper, and say what's been lurking in the back of my mind--only to be vilified for doing so, when it's you who has pushed me to this point?

How is that fair, exactly?
You know, lady, two days ago in front of a church of people, I said I renounce all evil.
The Bible doesn't say dressing up as a zombie or whatever is evil.
It says not to mess with Ouija boards or mediums and not to tell the future with tarot cards and other divination.
It does NOT say you are the devil if you dress up your kids on a day that is in the same week as Halloween.
If you're going to preach, then preach the whole damn story.
Don't say 'you can't do this and this because the Bible says so'.
You say, ' you can't do this and this because the Bible says so, and God says that you have to do this and this instead'.
God said He will spit you from His mouth if you're lukewarm.
Lady, if you want to let your light shine, you gotta get some gasoline and set the world on fire.

SOME Christians. Higher than thou delusional twats.
For the love of god, if you're gonna write children's poems that has them going to the zoo, don't talk about kids going into bears' cage and feeding them candy, like it's perfectly normal for a vulnerable human offspring to interact so personally with an unpredictable and quite strong animal. :cautious:

Skully, you need to listen to me now. The guild as a whole has been trying very hard to make you feel both welcome and happy--I've seen it and I doubt very many other members would get treated as well as I've seen them treat you nor would they go out of their way so often if they didn't like you. As for not learning things, look...I saw mum walking you through GvG the other day and I know other members of leadership have tried to help you in the past. They are trying. You need to understand that they can't cater to you nonstop--they can't cater to any single member nonstop. If you have a question, ask. But also understand that, when you fly off like this, it puts everyone, including me, in a very bad position. I refuse to take sides in this, but I am telling you right now, as a friend and as a guild mate, that you need to take a deep breath and calm down before too much offense is taken (on both sides) and the damage is irreparable.
Skully, you need to listen to me now. The guild as a whole has been trying very hard to make you feel both welcome and happy--I've seen it and I doubt very many other members would get treated as well as I've seen them treat you nor would they go out of their way so often if they didn't like you. As for not learning things, look...I saw mum walking you through GvG the other day and I know other members of leadership have tried to help you in the past. They are trying. You need to understand that they can't cater to you nonstop--they can't cater to any single member nonstop. If you have a question, ask. But also understand that, when you fly off like this, it puts everyone, including me, in a very bad position. I refuse to take sides in this, but I am telling you right now, as a friend and as a guild mate, that you need to take a deep breath and calm down before too much offense is taken (on both sides) and the damage is irreparable.

Oh sorry i am not talking about FoE. and don't worry there won't be any sides. :thumbsup: I am talking about this other game i am playing.