The ranting thinking thread

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So, this is the second time someone said they loved me and then dumped me the next day. First, Marcus said he loved me then dumped me that following night two hours after school ended over a FB chat. Then April said she loved me and then dumped me the next day through a text while I was hanging out with Daniel and his boyfriend.

I don't know, maybe they were mad I didn't say it back. But it's like, I'm not going to say I love you to someone if I don't mean it. And you shouldn't say it to me if you don't mean it. What the ****, seriously? I guess that's what I'm going to be dealing with for the next three years until I'm out of high school.

Whatever. I don't really care. I enjoy my solitude anyway, and having a boyfriend or girlfriend probably won't let me have that solitude.


So, this is the second time someone said they loved me and then dumped me the next day. First, Marcus said he loved me then dumped me that following night two hours after school ended over a FB chat. Then April said she loved me and then dumped me the next day through a text while I was hanging out with Daniel and his boyfriend.

I don't know, maybe they were mad I didn't say it back. But it's like, I'm not going to say I love you to someone if I don't mean it. And you shouldn't say it to me if you don't mean it. What the ****, seriously? I guess that's what I'm going to be dealing with for the next three years until I'm out of high school.

Whatever. I don't really care. I enjoy my solitude anyway, and having a boyfriend or girlfriend probably won't let me have that solitude.


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So, this is the second time someone said they loved me and then dumped me the next day. First, Marcus said he loved me then dumped me that following night two hours after school ended over a FB chat. Then April said she loved me and then dumped me the next day through a text while I was hanging out with Daniel and his boyfriend.

I don't know, maybe they were mad I didn't say it back. But it's like, I'm not going to say I love you to someone if I don't mean it. And you shouldn't say it to me if you don't mean it. What the ****, seriously? I guess that's what I'm going to be dealing with for the next three years until I'm out of high school.

Whatever. I don't really care. I enjoy my solitude anyway, and having a boyfriend or girlfriend probably won't let me have that solitude.




People at least talk to you. o.o
I'm done! Nope, no, not even gonna bother playing that game any more. Having my character's mother's face stitched onto a corpse was the LAST straw! WAY too morbid for me.
1. Don't f***ing slam the door in my face while I'm walking through it.
2. Your husband needs a f***ing bloodhound to keep track of his glasses
3. I am an animal lover, but will some f***er shut those dog up! Bark, Bark f***ing bark! It's like f***ing Battersea dogs home here. Its a pity those dogs weren't in Battersea either, they'd be better looked after instead of being bred like... rabbits! One lot of puppies, dog goes back in/on heat, then it has more puppies, what kind of a f***ing life is that?!
Too much oestrogen = greater chance of breast cancer/other cancers
Not enough = migraine

Woo freaking hoo
They never prove it, they just talk. I'll grudge over it for months without even be able to do anything about it. I'll be angry, it'll fuel my other problems and I'll get out of hand. Just talk, never any proof.
Never any single proof. I hate being insulted. Of course I insult myself constantly, but mindlessly being insulted without any proof...
Insults, insults. They get to me, they always get to me. I can't even ignore it. I wish to ignore it, oh how I wish.
I can't continue like this, people act just as wrong but I don't insult them. Why do they insult me? What have I done to be insulted?

I'm tired of it. I need a rest from it. Just stop the insults.
Backtalking, ****ing on people behind your backs. Yet still the only time I actually insult is when I've been insulted.
Have they too been insulted? Then why don't they just say so? That's the proof it lacks, that's the proof that would hinder me from insanity and emotional instability.

I will try and heed his advice, something tells me I won't even be able, but I'll try.
They never prove it, they just talk. I'll grudge over it for months without even be able to do anything about it. I'll be angry, it'll fuel my other problems and I'll get out of hand. Just talk, never any proof.
Never any single proof. I hate being insulted. Of course I insult myself constantly, but mindlessly being insulted without any proof...
Insults, insults. They get to me, they always get to me. I can't even ignore it. I wish to ignore it, oh how I wish.
I can't continue like this, people act just as wrong but I don't insult them. Why do they insult me? What have I done to be insulted?

I'm tired of it. I need a rest from it. Just stop the insults.
Backtalking, ******* on people behind your backs. Yet still the only time I actually insult is when I've been insulted.
Have they too been insulted? Then why don't they just say so? That's the proof it lacks, that's the proof that would hinder me from insanity and emotional instability.

I will try and heed his advice, something tells me I won't even be able, but I'll try.
Hey...what's up?
**** you. You're a white, heterosexual, cisgendered male and have no Goddamn right to be saying "We shouldn't be telling kids it gets better. We should be telling them to be stronger" when you haven't dealt with the bullying and abuse us LGBT teens have gone through. Being told we're going to hell and being called dyke, faggot, and tranny over **** we can't ****ing control is absolutely terrible. And, believe it or not, suicide takes a lot more guts than most people have. Those of us who suffer in silence are the weaker ones, and I don't care what you say. I can't tell you how much I've wanted to kill myself--and still want to--but I lack the balls to do so. Sure, it's a horrible thing to do, but at least the kids who do kill themselves are doing something so that people know how bad the bullying is to us. It's better than not doing anything and just keep letting people be ignorant to the whole damn thing.

I am so ****ing sick and tired of these privileged assholes acting like they know the torment we LGBT youth go through when they don't.
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^ Tbh I never suffered anything of that kind, maybe I'm just lucky... or maybe I never mentioned it much, so few people around me actually knew. People are a lot more willing to talk and be open about it now, which is great... at the same time though it leaves us open to the crapsacks who don't know how to do anything but flap their mouth about how much they hate it.

They really don't matter though. There will always be some people out there full of hate and bull, and some ready to attack you if you're too open about it... best to not involve them in your lives if it bothers them that much, if you can. You can always leave people behind. The best kinda freedom there is.
Ok here goes....

Y is it tht when you treat someone with total kindness, totllay loyal to them, would never do anything to hurt them, always stands by them (even when with certain situations you dont nesacsrily agree with them at times), put up with their bullshit, and ALWAYS, ALWAYS, is there for them tht they treat u totally unfairly and sometimes treat you like ****, making you feel bad and like ****, and yet I STILL act totally kind and loyal to them bc I cant bring myself to tell them wat is seriosuly bugging me about there actions towards me, i love them too much and their great people, dont get me wrong, but sometimes i just get sick of all the **** they throw towards me but no one else.....they say theyre joking with some of the stuff they say but sometimes I feel like their not and some of the stuff they say, if they werent joking and said it seriously it would b seriosuly hurtfull (stuff like tht), so it kinda drove me to believe that the philosiphy 'give wat u get' is total BS, and sometimes i think tht maybe everyone is an a-hole to the nice ones, so ive always been afraid of getting hurt by ppl....kinda made me distance myself from others.....

But like i said before, i love them and they love me (dont say tht thts BS bc trust me they do love me to bits and peiceses), but i just get sick of how they treat me sometimes.....

Gah! Tht felt nice to let tht all out haha!!
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Lost my rag quite a bit. Was just very confused and annoyed at the time.
GRRRR, Ya know. I'm older, I have a headache, and people trying to rile me is getting on my nerves. It's just not worth it....
Sorry ._. It ticks me off that nobody would give you a break for ONE f'ing day in the year. Just ONE day. It's pretty upsetting. Sorry Veebs, hope your day is better tomorrow :(
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Sorry ._. It ticks me off that nobody would give you a break for ONE f'ing day in the year. Just ONE day. It's pretty upsetting. Sorry Veebs, hope your day is better tomorrow :(

Like heck it will be, gotta go to the doctors. I'll be made to talk about stuff (ie what's happened in the past month, what an utter sh*t my dad is... the normal stuff)
Meh, don't worry about it, I get it all year, so I'm pretty much used to it.