The ranting thinking thread

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For someone who claims to be a top engineer who has access to all modern day knowledge and technology decides to install light post in the street before checking if they have enough power plants to generate electricity without overloading the generators. And once THAT top engineer realise that he F***ed up. he does this "We need to build a new power station. So until then the street light of *points at map* This, This and this areas will be turned off for a few days."
I'm probably being really unprofessional in posting this, but I feel the need to get something off my chest.

I don't think I'm a very good mod. I've been at it for a few months and I know I've miss handled some stuff and down right f*cked up other stuff. I know it's all a learning opportunity, but several members up and left over the past few months, and I can't help but feel partially responsible. And I'm not trying to feel sorry for myself or anything. I guess the reason why I'm posting this is because I'm offering something I don't think a staff member has ever offered before: freedom to send me a PM with any and all (constructive :wink:) criticism you have for me. Whenever in a leadership position, I like getting feedback on how I'm doing. Even if you think I'm doing terribly. I want to know because that's how I can improve. :unsure:

I do ask that any and all criticism is about me and no other staff member since I can't speak for them.

Hmmmm......*goes to ponder things*
Meg, you're doing just fine.

And that's all that needs to be said, in my opinion.
Seriously you spent two minutes TWO ****ING MINUTES of that review talking about the box. I am not watching your review because i want to know about the box. I am watching it because i want to know about what is in the box.
I can't believe they're the same age and look at how much he's accomplished compared to how much he hasn't accomplished. 23, not studying, not working, still sponging off mommy and daddy who are more than willing to support his lack of drive and just spoon feed him.... urg. And no amount of encouragement and talking and discussing it is going to change a thing because all I ever get is 'hmm. hmmm. yes... hmmm.' aka, I'M NOT LISTENING BECAUSE YOUR OPINION NEVER MATTERED ANYWAY.
1. It's NOT okay to agree with a depressive that 'you're right, it's too much responsibility to actually set a goal for yourself, you can hide behind your door and stay in front of your computer all you like'. This is NOT how he's going to get through. This is NOT how he's going to learn skills on how to cope and LIVE.

2. Don't talk to me about paying for whatever new university course he wants to study. I don't give a flying fart. You know why? Because The College I wanted to go to since high school - the thing I worked my arse off for most to qualify to attend, was denied to me by you guys because 'there's no money'. Yet you held no restraints to send him to The College to do The Course I had my heart set on despite the cost being triple that it was when I qualified to go, and then ALLOWING him to drop out not even mid-term because 'he's changed his mind'. WTF. There's always been money. There always is money. The issue is that you decided to purchase a second car and book a trip to Cape Town was more important than my bloody future. But you had absolutely no reservations about splurging a ****ton of money on a kid who has no bloody drive to do anything but sponge off you. And you still can't see why I get upset when you mention whatever new thing he wants to go study? I'm sorry but a big fat F U mum.

3. It is very, painfully evident that my needs, feelings and well being never was a high priority for you. It is very clear to me too that you feel it is in your right to completely disregard my thoughts, because you never did like that I learned to think for myself. How have I come to this conclusion? Well, let's see:

Scenario A: I try to talk to you about how being diagnosed with GD has impacted on my emotional and physical well-being. Your response: "we didn't talk much when I was there BUT I did want to point out to you back then that the way your tummy looked was a sign of diabetes". I'm sorry, but what dafuq? I was overweight because of the anti-d I was on, sure, but it's not like I was actually eating either. So you're saying I was fat for a long time and had it coming? Let's just forget for the moment that this was well over 13 months ago and that me having GD has absolutely no relevance to being overweight back then (I also lost a lot of weight and started going to the gym regularly AFTER your visit and BEFORE I fell pregnant), but ACCORDING TO YOU, it's MY fault for getting gestational diabetes because I used to be FAT? WTF. Please. Please. Come tell that to my diabetic nurse. Come tell that to my midwife, and my GP. Tell that to my therapist. Because apparently, my voice holds no power and even if I spelled out for you that my GD now has zilch to do with normal diabetes (which I didn't have either type 1 or 2), maybe if the PROFESSIONALS put you in your effin place, you'd learn to STFU and understand that I'm not thumb-sucking this stuff like you are. F U mum, again.

Scenario B: We've talked once every week. For months. Since we found out what it is (and someone blurted it to you by accident - she was excited and I forgive her, she's only little and doesn't understand that her Ouma SUCKS at respecting her mommy's wants and needs), I've told you, without fail, every bloody phonecall, every bloody week, "don't tell anyone, we're going to make a gender reveal video".
This, which you conveniently chose to 'forget' recently 'because you're past 30 weeks and I thought you weren't going to do the video anymore'. Like your need to make conversation and gossip about me to the family overrode anything and everything I've been consistently telling you. I don't care if you feel bad. I DON'T CARE. You KNEW better but the fact is YOU DON'T CARE. Oh, what the hell, I'll tell everyone what it is because she's taking too long to my liking to do it herself and besides, what's she going to do? I'm her mum, I have the right to do this.
Epic F U mum.

Scenario C: I sent you 4 sachets of coffee. FOUR. I counted them, and recounted them again. Two for you and dad, two for my brother and his wife, because I couldn't give a s***t about your favourite kid. FOUR. So to condescendingly tell me on Facebook, for all sundry to see, that ' you think wrong' when I state I thought I put in 4?#rhetorical effin question, well. WELL. There ya go, ladies and gents. I, according to my mother and father, can't think for myself, and when I do, their thoughts and opinions override my own.

Thank you very much for allowing me rant what has been very heavy on my heart. I'd also like to mention that I'm gradually going to start cutting these people completely out of my life. I'm filtering what I say to them from now on and our weekly phone calls will become a monthly, as advised by my therapist. It might do more damage to my mental health if I simply disowned them and cut off all contact with them abruptly, according to my therapist, but we'll see how the monthly calls go. At the moment my goal is to cut them off before this baby arrives ie. April, but I'm just waiting on them returning a vital document for my daughter (and her future) before I go all-out. This may take a couple of months, so realistically I'm looking more toward May. Which means my FB will be void of photos of the new baby until after I've blocked these people.

Also, I wonder if anyone has noticed what a right royal asshat my dad really is. He's constantly posting negative and ominous things on my page about the country where I live now. First it's about tsunamis, then it's about politics, then it's about an influx of spiders. There's never anything positive. Yep. My father is sadistic, and the funny thing is, this is the ONLY contact he has with me on FB. I know everyone has issues with their family, but mine take the cake. This is why I'm mentally ill. Being raised in a home where verbal, emotional and physical abuse is the norm.

And they call themselves Christians, but then when mum calls, it's to gossip some negative story about some or other family member, or to boast about how well her favourite kid is doing when I'm trying to confide in her that I am, in fact, spiralling downward very fast.

I know that God requires us to respect our mothers and fathers, and I always have. But I need to respect myself, and my own family, enough to be able to say 'you guys are detrimental to my well being and you're influencing the well-being of my children, so I'm sorry, but you've got to get out of my life'.

I hope we can buy a house and move out of here before I cut them off too. Because next thing you know, I'll have the police knocking on my bloody front door again because mum can't reach me. I mean honestly, F U mum and dad. Controlling abusers, that's all they are. As long as things go their way, everything is honky-dory in their world. I want no more part in that, nor do I want my kids exposed to that again.
Constantine's ending....just WTF. And they don't plan to do season 2? Like hell. I just love endings like this. As if Twin Peaks wasn't enough :/
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I don't know what makes you, a person I've never talked to before and who has only reviewed once, think you can tell me what to write next, but I can tell you what to do with your suggestions. Ninety percent of everything I write is written months beforehand--all I'm doing is editing what I wrote when I post it. You have no god d*mn right to tell me what to write just because it's your favorite type of story. First and foremost, I write for me...and then the muses, cuz those'll eatcha alive if you're not careful. You, random person, do not get a say. Friends may get a say while I'm writing, and you are not a friend. If you want to say that you hope for certain things, sure; go ahead. But don't sit there and order me to do it like I'm your personal entertainer. I'm not changing my entire story to suit your needs. Tried that once, didn't work out, and I got a nice, lovely bout of depression every time I considered working on the story. So just go and do what every other reader does: sit and watch what happens without getting bossy.

Also, it kinda freaks me out that you think a kid being sick and helpless and near death is cute. I mean, wtf, dude? O_o
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What the ever-loving ****?! Unless they sold their souls to the devil for some mind-manipulating magic, that game will produce the amount of disappointment on the level of an atom bomb with how long they have been building expectation.
I think by the time it's released we all forget about it already :/
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As a season, I actually don't mind you--yes, I said it! I actually kind of like you, because you give me adequate cause to be as much of a hermit as I like.

But this wind-chill nonsense? It needs to stop. Give me a damned snow squall first thing in the a.m., if you're going to be this bloody cold--at least then kiddo and I wouldn't have to freeze our butts off, waiting for the school bus.
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Jesus God, I just don't want people to smoke in my face when I go running, is that asking that much? Certain people, I wanna punch em so hard at times. You think you're cool with your cigarette eh? Smoking at people's face eh? Well I'll se how cool you are without your teeth next time -.-"

And my friggin laptop's full of dust, I'm sure. Fan's doing A LOT of din, can't concentrate on studying ffs!

Also, Coke my ass, this is just water with sugar.
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