Take it easy DT.
It happened two days ago, but I feel that I should tell you the story anyway.
So it's busy at work, and I am the only person working on the food prep line. So I get told to clean the cabinets. While we're busy. If I had called someone else up to help, then they would've been alone, so I didn't. I wanted to wait until we weren't busy.
The orders never stopped coming. I worked on line alone for three hours, and then come time for my shift to end, my manager made me stay an additional 45 minutes to clean the cabinets. She lectured me like it was my fault I had to stay. From what people have said, apparently she has it out for me. She's the only manager that straight up doesn't like me, no matter what I do or how well I work. Everything is a mistake. She even once tried to get me written up for "breaking procedure" because I'm left-handed.
And to put the icing on the rage cake, one of my friends has apparently been swayed by her talk of me being a terrible employee because now he refuses to talk to me except to make passive-aggressive quips. It got to the point that when I left, having forgotten to ask him if he needed anything from me before doing so, he grunted out "Thanks for asking, Nate." to which I replied "Thanks for the passive-aggression, Mark." I don't think he's ever going to talk to me again.
TL;DR: One of my managers is evil and apparently has at least one of my friends on her side now after only two bad nights.