The ranting thinking thread

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"You look like A."
"Don't say that stuff! Its insulting."
"Relax, its just a joke."
"Saying I look like 'A' is a mere joke? No my friend that is a insult. Your making a joke at my expanse and their is NOTHING funny about that. By that logic you look like 'B' "
"That's just racist."
"Insulting isn't it?" :eek:
What does that mean?
That there is no objectively good thing or event?
Well, no, because then there would also have to be no objectively bad thing. Ying and yang, balance, y'know? But nah, my post was fairly superficial. Feeling very sick when I just got more hours of work is a bad thing.
Pesticide is going to be spread over my area today, from 7:30-11:30. :|
Which means I have to close all the windows of my house >.>
Which means it's going to be very hot for several hours. :shifty:

Well I told her! And I got the reaction I expected. She had that look on her face, that "oh God no, please don't crush on me, please don't crush on me!"
Afterwards It done and over with. It was short actually lol. I was more or less like "hey "C" so I think I got feelings for ya." She gave me the look and tried to "tell me a pet getting hurt story" so I would be turned off by her. (I love all animals and things and a girl not caring for animals is kinda a deal breaker for me) I walked away from her saying "don't tell me such tales, blah, blah, blah." And that was it! Lol Short, dry, to the point.
This was my reaction when I got home:
Lol Just kidding folks. I'm over it. I'm still a cute smooth criminal! (Yes, she's ok)