The ranting thinking thread

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Awesome. I just LOVE feeling like a jerk because people took something that was so obviously a prank seriously and then got all upset about it.

Get a sense of humor.
Anti- everything Deviants...
anti- this anti- that... for crying out loud ppl, grow up, naked ppl are art, drawings, whether it be nude, clothed... whatever... IT'S ART!!!
Okay, somethings... like an awful pic i saw two weeks ago isn't, but tastefully done ITS ART!!!!
I'm sick of people being paranoid.
NEWSFLASH: I'm not out to get you! Helluuuuu!!! I've got better things to do than make you feel crap about yourself. Duh!

Also...shoot. I forgot I made this thread for rants about the forum. But I already posted in the thinking thread and nobody's posted after me! So, please note: this is in regards to personal stuff. Nothing on the forum. Geez, like I'm on the forum enough to rant about anything on it. :P

Stop whining about not being a loud to have an opinion when you try to debunk mine (Not aimed at anyone in particular).
It's being made, get over it.
I'm sick of not being able to speak my mind because i'm too scared of offending someone.
Well, today that ends.

Way to troll, Square. Way to troll.
To the person who will likely take offence to this post, seeing as everything and anything I have to say that doesn't agree with him is seen as some kind of personal attack or he classes as trolling.

Get over yourself. I mean really. Stop taking things out of context. Stop jumping to conclusions. Grow some balls and learn to think before you decide to unload your teen angst on someone who doesn't warrant it. We are not friends. I've tried to help you with your issues, I've given you the benefit of the doubt. No I'm not disappointed that you haven't changed or that you've gotten worse. That's not my problem. I'm ****ed off that for some damn reason you seem to get all ****y every time we are together in a discussion. You kill it, you really do.

So how about you stop trying to pick a fight with me. You'll come off worse. If I knew how to put you on my ignore list, you'd be on it, and you'd be the only one on it. As it is I can't tell you on your profile to back off or that you're coming off as a fool in the thread, so I'll just do it here where you can see.

Please. Apparently I made a mistake taking note of your post and quoting you to try have a discussion with you on a specific topic. Clearly I am an idiot for allowing you to burn me twice. I won't make the same mistake again, so if you reply to me, don't count on me taking note of your post. You've proven very deliberately difficult to discuss anything with time and time again.

I'll leave you with a little revelation: NOBODY IS OUT TO GET YOU!!!!Noooo, really! No lie! When you take something personally, it's usually not something meant to be taken personally. This ranges from answering a question you asked that I thought you were interested in hearing, to an April Fool's joke, to a comment that was not specifically aimed at you or meant to be taken personally by ANYONE.

Please do not have discussions with me/quote my posts ever again.
You're unpleasant to deal with and I'd rather we avoid one another like the plague from now on.
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I like how people can't talk seriously without resorting to insults. :D

Edit: A side note to everyone else, I don't care about DmC the slightest. ^_^
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When will prospective employers in the design field, particularly on and DA realise that its common practice for professional artists not to work for nothing, or stick their necks out working for free for a job they are not guaranteed to get? It's my policy not to work for nothing, peanuts or rude and disrespectful people.

The last time I did that was back when I was a green little noob, when I was fobbed off on a concept contract for Mourne the Movie, (and by supposed professionals) after doing work for free on their promises. Don't ever work for nothing or on IOUs.
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The "WAAAAAH Don't be mean!" is really grinding at my nerves. I can't say anything anymore without it hurting someone.

EDIT: I'm way to nice. I really do think I've lost the ability to be angry at someone for more than a few seconds. Not to mention I'm incapable of not forgiving someone it seems.

Gosh, sometimes (like now) I wish I was able to just say "screw it and screw you" and just be done with it. e_e
Oh I see. So I go for a little while and people don't want to follow me any more. That really shows me they appreciate all I've done. You know come to think, since this new Forum design, people have really started to ignore me and not care about how much hard work I put in to help everyone else. Ignorance is only bliss on the other person's behalf. I appreciate this being how I am repaid for my years of kindness here. Yeah, thanks.
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Oh I see. So I go for a little while and people don't want to follow me any more. That really shows me they appreciate all I've done. You know come to think, since this new Forum design, people have really started to ignore me and not care about how much hard work I put in to help everyone else. Ignorance is only bliss on the other person's behalf. I appreciate this being how I am repaid for my years of kindness here. Yeah, thanks.

Chill out.

Some people have grown differently, some people may have unfollowed you because they thought you weren't online again, some maybe just don't like one thing you've done. .-.

Your years of kindness I remember, and I'm sure many members do. You aren't being repaid at all. Have you tried to communicate with the members in question? Because when this new design came suddenly unfollowed 75% of all people I had as friends.

Some people don't want help and a helping hand is not always appreciated either, that's important to remember as well.
Chill out.

Some people have grown differently, some people may have unfollowed you because they thought you weren't online again, some maybe just don't like one thing you've done. .-.

Your years of kindness I remember, and I'm sure many members do. You aren't being repaid at all. Have you tried to communicate with the members in question? Because when this new design came suddenly unfollowed 75% of all people I had as friends.

Some people don't want help and a helping hand is not always appreciated either, that's important to remember as well.

Oh no, I understand all of those things. Don't get me wrong. Yes, I did try. Basically I've got to live thinking that I did something 'wrong', when all I did was try to help. I've tried to find out what it was, and I even apologized. Clearly nothing suffices, therefore I 'deserve' to just be outright ignored.
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3 nights... 3 f***ing nights... oh and I nearly threw up on myself. What do these Doctors want before they do anything serious... I mean to ACTUALLY HELP ME.... do they want me admitted to hospital?!
I'm not going through this for s**ts and giggles ya know.