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The ranting thinking thread

Sparda's rejected son

For Edenoi!
Supporter 2014
Sigh! There is always that one person at work who makes your life hell. Not the unrealistic boss, oh no. Rather the guy who messes with ya because his life is crap! Yet when he pushes me to far and I scream, its my fault! "That crazy white boy!" The world is cruel, and I'd kill for a Ax!


Devil hunter in training
Steve was 19.

I was 23.

I'm such a bad person...
Not bad, just unusual compared to what I've been brought up with, especially with the woman being older. Just seems too big of a gap to me with those kind of ages and the idea that women mature faster than men. I wouldn't go for it, not after my experience of accidentally dating an 18 year old at age 21 at university.
I felt awful when I found out. It just seemed so icky...that and he lied about his age. So I ended it, and then he shaved his hair off in protest and put it all over myspace that it was my fault.:laugh: What a weirdo. It's a shame, he was so cute looking with his hair, but he was too young and it wouldn't have worked out. I still have some of his books though.:tongue:
Now I always make it a priority to ask their ages...I don't like being hit on by kids. It's embarrassing.

My parents are only 3 months apart and for my other family members it's give or take 3 years at the most as they all met at university. The only exception would be my uncle who married a woman 7 years older, quite unusual, got him teased a bit, but she's slim, takes care of herself and looks young anyway so one wouldn't be able to tell. She's definitely a lot more mature than him when it comes to emotions and practicality :tongue:
At first, my Nana was worried she was in it for a free ride and a meal ticket, but she wasn't like that at all. She pulls her own weight.
They have a very good relationship met at work, have children, and live incredibly well because they now run a very successful insurance company together.

Back to smaller age gaps though... it seems weird when I think of the similar gap between 16 and 20. An adult with a barely legal child who can't drink, vote or drive. :vomit: Sure if it was 20 and 24/ 25, at least the gap means similar maturity, life goals and finances. But being with a 16 year old at 20 is horrible when you look at it from modern society's expectations for 16 year olds. There's something wrong with the adult if that's what they're chasing. They had their time, let the kids be kids.

My sister's friend did that, dated a 16 year old when she was 22 and wanted to settle down with him or something crazy. Her friends thought she had lost the plot and her parents were disturbed when they found out. I have to admit, what a grown woman of 22 sees in a child is beyond me. Turned out he just liked her money and cars and he left her. An old fool and her money are easily parted. :laugh:

I'm turned off by the 'teen' part. It's the association. Teenager...it makes me think of kids, young, barely out of school, or in school, not much life experience in the majority of cases, maybe can't drive, vote or drink, easily manipulated by fads or other people, no idea why they want from life...just too young on too many levels. I just have to think about all the dumb and reckless **** me and my friends did as teenagers when we were allowed and that is enough to put me off. :laugh:

I wouldn't date younger than me, with the exception of 2 years. Anything more, and I think people start feeling the age gap more strongly at different times in their lives. Like 23 and 26. One is just into their 20s and the other is nearing 30. It's a relationship of two different life stages. The younger one is usually all about parties or further education, and the older one is focused more on settling down and getting higher in their career, maybe even marriage and children.
Sure, you can get exceptions to that, but they are called exceptions for a reason.

I keep thinking, if I did date someone younger with a big gap, for example 5 years, when I get to 30, they'll be 25, and by then, that will seem really young to me. It would be too weird. 25 and 30 can be a big gap in terms of maturity, life goals, career prospects, money earning potential and educational attainment. Sure, if there was an exception, I'd think about it, but otherwise, no way. The majority of 25 year olds I know are in post grad degrees, taking masters and doctorates which would be incompatible with career me at 30.

And, right now, I wouldn't date older than 30, and even that seems too old for me. Sure, if it was the right person, but it's the whole life stages thing coming into play for me, and older men thinking they can have their own way with younger women. I don't want to end up in that kind of relationship. I've had too many awful experiences with older men that I never want to even entertain the idea of being with one. Too old or too young...it's just icky for me on a lot of levels. It'd have to be a really special guy for me to break any of my age boundaries.

The largest age gap I've seen amongst the friendship circles I move in is 6 years, older guy and younger woman and they still seem to be going strong, but then again, they're both professionals and earn pretty much equal pay, so there's no using each other for money which I think goes along way in making the relationship equitable.
They met when she was just at the end of her first year at university and he was doing a doctorate. Now she's doing her doctorate on the side and he's helping her write it. I think they're planning on marrying after their careers are a bit more advanced and their education is finished.
It's nice to see a younger couple have it all worked out instead of rushing into it shotgun style and messing up. At least if they do eventually have children, they'll have travelled, finished their education, become even more financially secure and accomplished a lot of their life goals. So I'm hopping there won't be a sudden divorce on the cards for them. They're such a nice couple.

Amongst my friends' parents though, there are some pretty big gaps of 8-10 years or more, with the men being older in the majority of couples.
A lot of them ended in divorce and the man traded in for someone younger, which totally screwed up my friends. Or in one unusual case, the younger woman left the man for another woman.
I think they're the kind of guys I encounter who start blabbing about how their wife let herself go after children and became lazy, then they think I'm some idiot who'll want to be a bit of hot fun on the side in exchange for presents.
Those guys have the morals of alley cats. They should go back to their wives and be grateful they even have a family when they're behaving like that. :bored: There really should be age limits on student hangouts to prevent these kind of losers being allowed in. It really kills the night and ruins the image of respectable older men who would never dream of being like that.

Just like you can meet similar people who are stay at home parents. This notion that those who get married and raise their kids themselves are somehow ruining their lives is a bit alien to me.

It's not being parents or marriage that screws up the children or themselves for life, it's the affairs, the arguing, resentment, unfulfilled dreams and the divorces that follow.
I have adult friends still in therapy because of selfish fathers who had repeated flings and then abandoned their children and left their wives financially up the creek without a paddle, making up lies about their shares and investments to cut down on support payments. One idiot even cut his nose off to spite his face and declared bankruptcy, even though he had an impressive assets portfolio. Then he teased his ex wife about her not getting a penny of his hard earned cash. :facepalm:
That's all I hear from my friends of divorced parents at times, how their father's messed them up, and some even blame their mother's for putting up with it and being weak...I don't get why they blame the mother though. Sounds like they're powerless in a lot of these divorces where the man just kicks them out.

The asses got away with it too because they could afford solicitors who know the loopholes and the wives just had to take what they were given because they had no jobs and no money except for their allowance from their husband. Relying on a man just isn't a safe thing to do these days, especially with younger women out to bag these men, and these men more than willing to go along because the grass seems greener with a young women without children.

Just go on the mothers forums and see these women posting about their husbands demanding divorce out of nowhere and then revealing they have a younger woman lined up to move in once the wife and children are out. Then these women have no idea what to do and are very hurt that they gave up their lives to support a man who betrayed them in the most intimate and hurtful way.
The husbands suddenly felt that divorce was grounds to financially abandon the woman they once loved, who gave up their bodies, energy, careers and even their mental health to care for their children; because they felt the woman did no work and should have earned her own money. Talk about a kick in the teeth for her and the children. :bored:

Situations like that get me so angry. Sure, no one goes into marriage thinking of divorce, but if the marriage does go South, women always need a quick get-out plan in case the worst happens. Otherwise a woman has no option but to suffer and take it if she relies on her husband for everything. I guess that's the risk they take with marriage, and won't know it's too late till maybe 5 or even 10 years later.

Marriage is just too much of a risk these days, especially emotionally and financially. Sure, back in the day when it was basically a contract then I guess it was accepted that women married for money and security in exchange for children and sex, and men were just wage slaves with huge earning pressure.
But these days, it's not advisable for a woman or man to enter into a marriage with nothing, no money and no job, because it more likely they will end up vulnerable position when the partner either dies, becomes unable to work through illness, or has had enough and moves on to spouse number 2 and divorces for no reason other than feeling stifled by children they claimed to want.
That's just how it is these days, that's what the reality is for a lot of people and they have to be prepared for that, especially with children involved.

All I can say is thank goodness my Mum didn't decided to turn my Dad out on his ear when he took time off to look after me by claiming he did no work. Having him around really formed me into who I am today. Children need their Dads, bonus if they can stay home either part or full time. They can do just as well, if not better than Mums.
Then again, my Dad was also working from home earning money, did all the stereotypical 'women work' along with my Mum after she had a long day at work. But still, the point is, my Mum didn't kick him out for being some perceived lazy bum and go around having affairs.

They had a very egalitarian relationship on the whole. Sets a good example when there are female children.

When my Dad was unable to work for months following a heart attack and stroke, it was lucky my Mum also had a well paying job otherwise we would've been screwed. As it was, we just had to downsize to a 4 bedroom and my Mum made my Dad take a lot of time off work, even though he felt ashamed for not earning, and she made him get a less stressful job at reduced pay because he was more important than money.
They did a lot better than the majority of my friends' parents who completely messed up.

It's their messed up and failed marriages, my friend's divorce, other friends messed up by their parents' divorce, along with creepy older guys hitting on me while complaining about their wives that has made me so wary and jaded about marriage and a woman's worth in it. I want to believe that it works, that vows actually mean something, but with what I've seen, it seems nearly impossible.
What's the point if the guy will turn around, maybe 10 years later, and say he wants you out of the house you shared, you let yourself go after children , and you do no work so none of my money for you, ps, I found a younger woman who looks a lot like you did in your prime and she's moving in.

It's awful that that's the end result of something that was a serious commitment made in church with vows. Do wedding promises mean nothing these days?:bored:
And it seems to turn into such hatred and bitterness on all sides, especially over money, who did the most work in the relationship, and who has the children full time when one or the other doesn't want to be tied down by them. What's the point in it all if that is what happens?
At least I can afford to not marry, or if I do, that guy is signing a pre and post nuptial contract just in case. No way he's benefitting from me after cheating. My parents always told me to protect my assets; sure it's a glib way of looking at it, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

I think older people of my grandparent's generation did marriage much better. At least there was less divorce, and more respect for each other. Then again, there was no leaving a marriage if it went abusive either...anyway...

My Nana was with her husband until he died. They both worked and had really good careers, they respected each other, had date nights and took marriage seriously, and did what was best for the children.
I'm sure they had their spats, but they never threw in the towel and they loved each other dearly.
In later life, my Nana cared for my Grandfather full time because he got very ill. But she didn't see him as a burden to divorce or bundle off to a nursing home. She loved him and respected him and wanted to look after him in their home. When he passed, she didn't want to date or remarry because she said no one else would be the same and she felt like she would be unfaithful to him doing that.

Anyway, my main point with that part was that I don't know why more young people and people of my parents generation don't treat marriage with the same respect and serious commitment, instead of suddenly feeling trapped by children or marriage and then filing for a divorce or having an affair.

This really has turned into a rant from me. But, that's how I feel about these subjects right now and it feels pretty darn good to just type it all out knowing my friends have no idea I'm even on a forum and will never see the whole garbled thing. I don't think they think I'm capable of this kind of rant...maybe I've absorbed too many of their rants? But I do tend to agree with them on things like this considering they lived these messed up situations.


Oldschool DMC fan
This really has turned into a rant from me. But, that's how I feel about these subjects right now

I think you're confusing dating with long term commitments and marriage/kids. Not the same thing I reckon, even if one does sometimes lead to the other. Saying you wouldn't date this or that, unless I'm assuming you don't date anyone unless you seriously consider them long term/marriage material first. I don't. There's no marriage or kids ahead of me in life, so I'm not bound to the same responsibilities. Sometimes people just want to enjoy dating.
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Devil hunter in training
I think you're confusing dating with long term commitments and marriage/kids. Not the same thing I reckon, even if one does sometimes lead to the other. Saying you wouldn't date this or that, unless I'm assuming you don't date anyone unless you seriously consider them long term/marriage material first. I don't. There's no marriage or kids ahead of me in life, so I'm not bound to the same responsibilities. Sometimes people just want to enjoy dating.
I'm not confusing my idea of dating and more long term commitments like marriage. I don't know if I ever want to marry, and I know for sure I never want children; that would be a deal breaker.

I'm more concerned about age gaps and older adults taking advantage,whether it's dating, or something more serious. I guess it's age manipulation in general, as I've seen some teens doing some messed up stuff to older adults too.

The young person could think they are out for fun, next minute, they are being manipulated or coerced into things they don't want to do like marriage. That's the problem.

Young people, on the whole, think they know what they want, but they are susceptible to suggestion by older people. They make choices that they think they want at the time and don't think about years later when they are more mature and regret it.
Sure life has regret, but to wreck your whole life because of one dumb decision in your teens that snowballs into something much more serious isn't something teenagers should have to deal with.

And now that science has proven that teenagers process thoughts and feelings in different parts of the brain to 20 somethings and older, it makes even more sense as to why older adults shouldn't be manipulating teens when their brains aren't even fully matured yet.

But since you ask about dating, I just know that I want to date people who I would be compatible with for however long I want to date, and age is usually a good indicator of that because it usually signifies educational level, life stage,emotional development, and maturity.

However there are rare exceptions.

Having said that, what would I or other 20 somethings have in common with an 18 or 19 year old sixth form student or teen on their first serious job? Nothing.

Been there, done that and don't want to vicariously go through it again.
Or if the teenager was in a job, we 20 somethings would either be at university and generally mixing exclusively with fellow students, be educated academically, and when we graduate, in a lot of cases if we meet a teen at work, there'd be too much of a life experience, maturity and educational gap for dating, let alone being serious. It'd be like dating a child to me and many of my female friends.

Or if the 20 something didn't go to university, they're probably higher up the job ladder than the teenager, earning more and have more life experience than a person who just finished school.

In either scenario where a 20 something or older will meet a teen or older teen, all I see too much difference for any kind of equitable relationship to arise from that sort of age gap. Maybe if the younger one was on their late 20s and had matured, it would be more equal than a 21 upwards year old with someone 18 to 19. A teenager is a teenager to me, not a date and certainly not a potential mate.

As for something more serious like marriage...
16 to 19 is inappropriate in this day and age; even 25 is definitely too young for marriage and especially children where I come from.
Education, career, gaining life experience, attaining own goals and financial security come before making long term commitments like marriage and children. Otherwise it's a setup for failure with an unequal relationship as the foundation.
That's what it's like where I come from. It's moved away from 'marry the young person with hardly any life experience', to even dating being about equal education and life experience. Age gaps just don't offer that in a lot of cases.

And if 20 somethings or older are deliberately seeking out teenagers with serious commitment in mind, then I don't know what is wrong with them. Haven't they got people in their own age range or older interested in them that could be ready and mature enough to commit to marriage or children? Why go for people who still have a lot of maturing to do and life to live?

Like I said before: old people had their time. Stop trying to vicariously relive it by dating people too young and too immature, and don't trap young people into serious things like marriage and children. Chances are it hardly goes well.
I still don't know why my sister's friend thought that was a good idea. Even if she had gotten her way, 5, 10 years later, what then? The gap was too big. Maybe in their 30s it wouldn't have been such a problem...

Since I vaguely remembered what I typed last night, I did a quick question of the people around me about this kind of thing at lunchtime with dating and marriage vs acceptable ages.

Agreed consensus was that 4 years was acceptable either way, but 17 dating 20 was way too much due to maturity levels and life stages; and 20 somethings shouldn't be dating teenagers at all, except 19 with 20 or 21 year olds who are both at uni and have similar life experience or are both in work. Weird but that's what was said. One of my 20 year old mates even said he wouldn't go near a 19 year old again because they are immature and full of drama.

One of the other guys weirdly said it was sick predatory behaviour of the 20 something if marriage was involved, even with an older teenager. I wouldn't go that far. It's not like chasing 14 year olds. I think he's a commitment phobic or something.
But it's still inappropriate considering all the experiences and growing an 18 or 19, 20 year old has to do in this day and age to be ready for something so serious as marriage.

Having said that, the guy who said about predatory behaviour sleeps with 30 to 34 year old women at 24. I think he's equally predatory but in a different way.
He refers to them as desperate old women who'll take what they can get, 'a pump and dump'. They want something serious, but no way in heck does he.

He's not the only one with that attitude either. It's like a competition for who can bang desperate 30 somethings amongst the university males, and then share the text messages and images from these women who think its a serious relationship at sports gatherings and laugh about it. Bonus points for an overweight one, from what I can gather.
I just don't know why they do it. It's disgusting and just proving their immaturity, along with desperation of the 30 somethings seeking out serious relationships with university students.
I actually found one raiding our fridge one morning and she tried to act like she was one of us, mutton dressed as lamb to boot. It's totally pathetic on both sides. But at least he's not a teenager being manipulated into it. Still I can't decide who is degrading whom in that situation.

Reminds me of an ex friend I once had at 19, same age as me back then, and he had hookups with older women, anywhere from 22 to 36, especially if they had children because he saw them as an easy lay; and like the situation with the 25 year old uni guy, these older women thought he wanted to be with her and be a father to her children. I just don't understand those women.
Why would an older woman want my totally irresponsible ex friend to be a father figure at 19? He's a sex crazed kid for goodness sakes who treated women like that as easy targets.
It just boggles my mind that these grown women pinned their hopes and children's new father figure on a kid. In that case, it was the teen manipulating the much older adult. He used to show me pictures of them and messages and boast about what they'd do for him sexually and financially, while also making fun of their looks. Needless to say, when I saw that side of him, I was gone like a shot. Sick weirdo.

I don't agree with any of it, whether it's the older person looking for a young breeding machine to replace his old wife, the older woman looking for a younger immature meal ticket to look after and be a father figure to her children , or the young person using the older one like a meal ticket.

That's my main bone of contention. Always will be, especially when it involves children or young people coerced into adult commitments that they later regret or end up in therapy over.

Older people being used on the other hand, I just feel sorry for them. Their bed, they made it, now they need to lie in it. I don't agree with them being taken for a ride, but they are supposed to be the mature and responsible ones.

Aaaand I think I've exhausted myself on that, been here, there and everywhere; gone off at tangents, been conflicting and probably have cognitive dissonance on these topics. I guess that's par for the course with me.
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I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
You said that if I didn't do anything 'stupid', you'd refer me to grief counselling... I still haven't heard anything, although you've said that you had contacted them a few weeks ago... The only thing keeping my 'head above water' is that you've promised to help me and if you don't, I'll probably be another 'statistic' failed by the NHS...

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
B*tches need to actually read what I say, before they assume I'm victim-blaming. Oh, I'm sorry, was my lack of filter on the situation a little too much for your over-sensitive butt-hurt? Geez, I shouldn't have to run the gauntlet before you finally realize what I'm saying, instead of taking it out of context-like you have for the last twenty minutes. -_- I'll forgive your sh*t this once, but no more after that...


Gabriel Reyes needs to eat me.
People going around saying DMC 1 fans hate DMC 3 Dante then complaining how DmC Dante is superior in every way.



the horror was for love
You've got to be sh*tting me. All that trouble, all that waiting, saying you shipped it out...and you don't f*cking have it in stock to begin with?! F*CK YOU! Learn to take stock better, *sshole, instead of turning it into a big production and then making me out to be the problem with a "you can cancel your order, if you want, instead of waiting". I want what I paid for. So send me what I paid for and then you can kindly f*ck off. :mad: *storms off to her rage corner*


Crimson Sentinel
Skipped a class today because I had *zero* problems with the subject matter. Mailed my teacher I wouldn't be able to come. Next thing you know, I'm getting cynical comments flung at me by certain classmates just because I wasn't there. That's weird because they wouldn't have benefited from my presence, nor did they get any problems due to my absence. It was just a typical homework reviewing class. Seriously, what is their problem? I'm pretty sure this is *my* education, and I take full responsibility for my actions. It kind of sounds like they're jealous, but that would be weird, because they can skip class too if they want. People are weird.


Devil hunter in training
What is the point in allowing parents to help out on school trips when they are no help at all?:facepalm:

Well, I can see why this child is so misbehaved now. No discipline or boundaries, and this adult acts more like a child themselves. The stereotype of children with different partners from relationships only a year old or less in the hopes that one of them will stick around to raise the rest.

This adult was a special kind of stupid...abysmal at spelling simple words such as 'unnecessary', asked the children 'what have you writ?', and thought that 'oxygen' was the answer to the question: which citrus fruit beginning with the letter O contains vitamin C?

Should have spent more time in education instead of breeding so fecklessly.

How on Earth are these people allowed to have children? People like this really make me think that testing people prior to being allowed to have children would be a good idea. Children do not deserve incompetent parents like this.

It only impresses upon me the importance of education before having children. If the parent is uneducated, then what hope does the child have?


Devil hunter in training
Natural selection usually has a (cruel) way of working these things out.
Not in this day and age. For starters, people are kept alive with technology and medicine who should have died at birth.

The feckless are basically paid to breed by the government and their benefits system. Some people actually see having children as a career because they know the government will pay an allowance for each child, plus housing. Anyone who thinks having children is a way to avoid working is a leach and a parasite, and the government should go through with the plan to cap spending after 2 children. People shouldn't be rewarded for breeding when they're producing future criminals and messed up children with no hope of stability.

They don't even look after their children properly, take no interest in their education, and feed them take out food and ready meals. It certainly shows when they come to school. The things these children tell me about their parents is simply shocking. I don't know why child protective services haven't stepped in and intervened.

I really do wish incompetent parents could be sterilized so that they don't inflict misery on innocent children. These adults can barely take care of themselves, use benefits, are addicted to high classification drugs in some cases, abuse alcohol, have different partners on rotation in and out of the home, and just don't give a damn.
The worst part is, if these morons do by some miracle have an intelligent child, chances are they will be stifled by the parents and have no opportunities due to a low socio economic background. It's a waste of a chance to escape that sort of life.

It's funny really. The feckless breed uninhibited, yet people who completed their education, got a degree, a masters maybe...they work hard, and have only 1 child because that's all they want/ can afford, are penalised.
Shouldn't we be encouraging the educated to have children? But I think that's part of the problem. Education means choices, and a lot of my friends chose one child or none at all because they saw the pitfalls and still wanted a career and time to take their education even further.
Yet the people who aren't as educated...generally, it's not like they had much to lose or give up when they had a child. So I guess I can see why they chose breeding as a career. Only problem is, this harms the children and society. Then again , I guess the country always needs the brainless cannon fodder for future wars and cheap labour.

When it comes to children, it should be quality not quantity, and the parents should be financially stable, clean and sober, and educated enough to be allowed to have them. It's not fair on the child who didn't ask to be born into that kind of mess.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I mostly agree with what you've said, Loopy. Of course, not everyone with a Masters degree or higher should have children, either. Keep in mind, paying for an extravagant education doesn't automatically mean someone is more worthy than another. There are a-holes in all walks of life, on every rung of the ladder, from the bottom to the top. For some, being able to balance an education, career, and children is some sort of social status crap-in some of those cases, they don't care any more about their child or children than that crack-whore on welfare.

Being educated and having a broader understanding of things is certainly important-I barely made it out of high school, to be honest; there were a lot of factors working against me at the time, and going into post-secondary education is not something I really want, nor can afford. But, I do take the time to learn what I can, from whatever sources I can get my hands on (or sift tirelessly through the internet to find), so I suppose that must count for something.

Not attacking, of course; I got the gist of what you were saying. Just felt I should throw my two cents in. :)


Is not rat, is hamster
What is the point in allowing parents to help out on school trips when they are no help at all?:facepalm:

Well, I can see why this child is so misbehaved now. No discipline or boundaries, and this adult acts more like a child themselves. The stereotype of children with different partners from relationships only a year old or less in the hopes that one of them will stick around to raise the rest.

This adult was a special kind of stupid...abysmal at spelling simple words such as 'unnecessary', asked the children 'what have you writ?', and thought that 'oxygen' was the answer to the question: which citrus fruit beginning with the letter O contains vitamin C?

Should have spent more time in education instead of breeding so fecklessly.

How on Earth are these people allowed to have children? People like this really make me think that testing people prior to being allowed to have children would be a good idea. Children do not deserve incompetent parents like this.

It only impresses upon me the importance of education before having children. If the parent is uneducated, then what hope does the child have?

Not in this day and age. For starters, people are kept alive with technology and medicine who should have died at birth.

The feckless are basically paid to breed by the government and their benefits system. Some people actually see having children as a career because they know the government will pay an allowance for each child, plus housing. Anyone who thinks having children is a way to avoid working is a leach and a parasite, and the government should go through with the plan to cap spending after 2 children. People shouldn't be rewarded for breeding when they're producing future criminals and messed up children with no hope of stability.

They don't even look after their children properly, take no interest in their education, and feed them take out food and ready meals. It certainly shows when they come to school. The things these children tell me about their parents is simply shocking. I don't know why child protective services haven't stepped in and intervened.

I really do wish incompetent parents could be sterilized so that they don't inflict misery on innocent children. These adults can barely take care of themselves, use benefits, are addicted to high classification drugs in some cases, abuse alcohol, have different partners on rotation in and out of the home, and just don't give a damn.
The worst part is, if these morons do by some miracle have an intelligent child, chances are they will be stifled by the parents and have no opportunities due to a low socio economic background. It's a waste of a chance to escape that sort of life.

It's funny really. The feckless breed uninhibited, yet people who completed their education, got a degree, a masters maybe...they work hard, and have only 1 child because that's all they want/ can afford, are penalised.
Shouldn't we be encouraging the educated to have children? But I think that's part of the problem. Education means choices, and a lot of my friends chose one child or none at all because they saw the pitfalls and still wanted a career and time to take their education even further.
Yet the people who aren't as educated...generally, it's not like they had much to lose or give up when they had a child. So I guess I can see why they chose breeding as a career. Only problem is, this harms the children and society. Then again , I guess the country always needs the brainless cannon fodder for future wars and cheap labour.

When it comes to children, it should be quality not quantity, and the parents should be financially stable, clean and sober, and educated enough to be allowed to have them. It's not fair on the child who didn't ask to be born into that kind of mess.

Cannot disagree with you more on almost every point.

Sorry, but that's all a bit too Matthew Wright to me and just seems to emphasise the divide between rich and poor and the stereotypes found in both camps.

Still, to each their own.
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