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The ranting thinking thread


Oldschool DMC fan
I like Taki! I prefer quick attackers and she was the fastest character I think I'd seen before in the 1st Soul Edge, but ever since that she's been seriously... uh, unsupported. I think that might have been the first game to include the... "physics" too :whistle:

I totally prefer that pirate outfit Ivy had.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I used to like using her fairly often, if I did a Team round. I always liked Maxi and Talim better, though. SC II was my favourite of the Soul Calibur's, and I never got further than III. ^^; Did Taki get as bad as Ivy?

Well SCIII she pretty much stayed the same:
And SCIV... the only thing missing is the 'toe of a certain desert animal' (if you know what I mean)...
As for SCV, she's not in it, they've replaced her with a 'girl' called 'Natsu'... pretty much the same 'dress sense though':

I like Taki! I prefer quick attackers and she was the fastest character I think I'd seen before in the 1st Soul Edge, but ever since that she's been seriously... uh, unsupported. I think that might have been the first game to include the... "physics" too :whistle:

I totally prefer that pirate outfit Ivy had.

I don't like fighting as female characters... I don't know why (possibly because they have a shorter reach).

I loved that outfit... I could totally see a female Vergil in that :inlove:

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
And SCIV... the only thing missing is the 'toe of a certain desert animal' (if you know what I mean)...

:laugh: I read you, loud and clear...it certainly looks like it got tighter.

As for SCV, she's not in it, they've replaced her with a 'girl' called 'Natsu'... pretty much the same 'dress sense though':

Why the hell did they bother replacing her? O_O She's just a blonde version of her...


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I really loved Soul Calibur 2, I only ever played 2 and 4 and to me 2 was the better one. Link as a guest character, check. An awesome story mode, check. A non vampire Raphael, check. It is actually one of my favorite fighting games now that i think about it.

I totally agree. It was also my first Gamecube game. So I was pretty hyped when I found out that they were releasing it as a HD Remaster. The only thing is, it didn't include Link (only Heihachi and Spawn), which I thought was a bit of a let down.

:laugh: I read you, loud and clear...it certainly looks like it got tighter.

Why the hell did they bother replacing her? O_O She's just a blonde version of her...


That's exactly what I thought (and with smaller breasts... until Soul Calibur VI or VII where they'll be twice the size of her own head).


Follow me to Apex
Now that I think of it the only thing 4 really had over 2 was the character builder. Which given the weapon master mode of 2 would have been put to better use there anyway.


Well-known Member
My guts kept telling me that my family enjoys torturing me. and all this time i've been trying to deny it even though part of me believes its true. WHAT THE **** AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?


Supporter 2014

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Devil hunter in training
Just been watching a documentary about women who have relationships with men in prison, or on death row. These men have done terrible and disgusting crimes. I wouldn't trust men like that. These women even let their children have contact with these men. It's completely irresponsible to make a child have contact with dangerous men like that. What kind of example is this showing to a young girl? You shouldn't be setting girls up for failure by showing that it's okay to date a criminal.

What goes on in these ladies' heads that they do that instead of trying to find a nice normal guy where they live, or maybe even try online dating? Is it that the guy is behind bars, so he can't cheat? It seems like with a lot of these women, they had cheating in their past, so a guy behind bars in one way to negate it. It's a sad situation to me.

Other relationships I can't get my head around are older men and women going with younger guys and girls...I still don't understand that either. I could date a teenager because it's legal, but I'd feel like a sicko dating a 16- 19 year old and I'm only in my 20's. We'd be at completely different stages in life and different maturity levels. It makes no sense to me.

It's like someone in their 30's, especially late 30's dating someone in their early 20's...maybe 20's in general. It's a big age gap in a lot of ways. What do they see in an immature 20 something?

It seems like these older people do it because they think they have control over the younger person and think they can manipulate them.

In the case of some of these older women, bonus points if you get him while his young a dumb, have a child with him, and then somehow get him to stick around.:facepalm: Just wait till that all goes South when the young man goes off with a woman his age or younger because he's cashed in his meal ticket for a while and feels trapped with an old person with fading looks and a lot of baggage so he can't live the life he wanted.

I don't think older people factor that in. Young people need to live their lives, go places, travel, experience the world, make some mistakes, not be tied down with children and a bossy husband/ wife. It's only going to go South when they younger one realises what he/ she has gotten into and wants out because they feel like they wasted their youth and want to try and go for their dreams while they are still young.

The old people had their chance, don't ruin it for the young by entrapping them.

These younger women only going with these disgusting old men just for money will soon realise they have nothing in common, he wants a sex plaything and a house maid, maybe even a baby breeder because he was so busy building up the business in his 20s and 30s that he had no time for serious relationships. What kind of life is that?

I've had offers from creeps in their 30's, 40's and even older. What is wrong with them? They shouldn't even be at student hangouts in the first place! Aside from that, I'm happily with a guy my own age. What makes old creeps think they can compete with that?
They think money can buy youthful women? Thank goodness I'm solvent so that would never be a reason for me dating a man or living with a man just for a free ride. If I ever did that, I might as well be a hooker, trading sexual favours and house work just for an easy life with a guy I don't even like, let alone love.

I guess there are worse ways to hook a man for money. I've seen it on those Jeremy Kyle shows. These women in their teenage years and early 20s having accidental pregnancies being dumped, and then going from guy to guy to support her and the child, popping out additional children to try and keep the new man for his financial support.
What kind of life is that for the woman, the man, and more importantly, the children who are nothing more than a meal ticket and an entrapment ploy?

This is why women should concentrate on their education and get in a good career so that they have options in life that don't amount to living off welfare and mooching off of men, while being trapped in the home unable to pursue neither education nor a career that will help her or her children out of the mess. It's the children who suffer most in the end. It keeps them in poverty and sets children a bad example.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
There's only a year in mine, but honestly, the age gap in relationships doesn't bother me, really. I mean, how can it? There's a thirteen-year gap between my mom and my step-dad...my mom is 61, with my step-dad turning 48 in August. ^^;
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Oldschool DMC fan
Maturity level is practically same for us, both want the same thing and we're both legal, I don't think it's much of a deal. Seems to be something people on the outside/uninvolved are more squeamish about that those involved. Which is often the case when it comes to relationships....

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
My stepdad was in his 20s when he and my mum got together - she was almost 40. There's only 16 years between him and me...but they've been together since 1996.

Nearly the same for my parents; I was 6 when they started going out, 10 when they got married...so they've been together nearly 21 years...which coincidently is the amount of years separating my step-dad and myself. O_O

I think, as long as the two people in question are happy together, share enough common ground and balance one another out just enough, age doesn't matter; love is love, age, gender, ethnicity and so on be damned.


Is not rat, is hamster
Aye indeed. I think it needs to be a case by case thing rather than assuming all relationships with age gaps are wrong or weird or the product of a failed life.

Also education is not a foolproof method of protection against unfortunate circumstance. You can meet some incredibly smart, educated and professional people in shelters and soup kitchens.

Just like you can meet similar people who are stay at home parents. This notion that those who get married and raise their kids themselves are somehow ruining their lives is a bit alien to me.


the horror was for love
Please stop getting p*ssed at me for sending you grocery lists when you ask for them. I'm just telling you what we're out of. It's not my fault the list is so long when you barely get us groceries once a month.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
P.S. sorry about the puzzle if it was me :)
Don't be ridiculous! Absolutely no reason to apologize for posting about proud moments with your babies. I'm happy that he's able to do that and I'm happy for you. I just worry about Seth, a lot. I had a chat with my friend and she suggested ADHD but also said to just get right on it and take him to the GP instead of a nurse. I had to force him to sit with me the other day and go through a list of picture buttons that make noise. He loves noise, but even doing that was painful for him. I had to sit him down at least three times. He doesn't have that focus.
yet he can lie completely still and calm and watch an hour of Spongebob or Despicable Me.
Maybe he's just a little weirdo like his momma.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Steve was 19.

I was 23.

I'm such a bad person...
NYA, Jon was 19 too!
There's a 5 year gap between us, which is nothing considering my parents are 7 years apart. And my aunties like the younger guys.
I think age shouldn't matter unless you've got kids, and the other person in the relationship is less than three years older than your eldest child. That's a bit...awkward, in my opinion.
There's a new TV series starting here that's called Step Dave. Young dude, older lady with kids. I haven't watched it yet but it looks entertaining.
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