What's with this stigma that women have to be smaller than they were before 1 month after having a kid? Never mind you that many of the women who do this have NANNIES on deck and call...
So in short, I'm fairly sure he's on the spectrum. Possibly Aspergers. The more time goes by, the more it seems to become a genuine concern. This despite mentioning my fears and worries to the Plunket nurse last November. Child-minder suggested I take him to be seen by the nurse AGAIN. Can't we just get the bloody ball rolling on this already?
I need a glass of wine. Or two.
Followed by some Jagermeister and Red Bull. And then drop concussed into bed. Do. Not. Want. This. Reality. :'(
Get the ball rolling. Sooner it's done, sooner you can get some peace of mind and the help that you all need. I hope it happens soon for you.So in short, I'm fairly sure he's on the spectrum. Possibly Aspergers. The more time goes by, the more it seems to become a genuine concern. This despite mentioning my fears and worries to the Plunket nurse last November. Child-minder suggested I take him to be seen by the nurse AGAIN. Can't we just get the bloody ball rolling on this already?
I need a glass of wine. Or two.
Followed by some Jagermeister and Red Bull. And then drop concussed into bed. Do. Not. Want. This. Reality. :'(
You already have one on the spectrum so get pushy and refuse to budge until you get a referral. I have had to do the same with Josh - sure, he can put a puzzle together but he ticks a lot of the other boxes according to the paediatrician. The only thing preventing further intervention right now is how sociable he is.He rubs his face in people's hair.
He drags chairs and tables across the floor.
He hits other people.
He squeals when he gets excited.
He's constantly all over the place.
He hits himself in the head with his fists, toys, or anything new in his reach.
He has no idea how to play with anything besides a ball, my phone, and the Xbox.
He walks on toys (and over laundry at home) like he doesn't see it's there.
He makes eye contact, understands the basics, and can speak (still not very clearly) as well as you'd suppose a bilingual kid with glue ears (very poor hearing) can.
I've had my suspicions for a couple of weeks now (well for a few months actually, but it hadn't become a serious consideration until recently). It's like KC all over again. "I went out with the ladies this morning and ***'s little girl spoke so nicely!" "Oh? How old is she?" "A month younger than KC." "Hmmm. We need to get KC checked out then."
A day or so ago it was:
browsing FB homepage.... ooooh OMG lookee, he put a puzzle together! Dawww, what a clever boy! And it's like a tricky one too. I totally fail at puzzles... *checks over where the kids are putting together a NZ landmap puzzle* *watches Seth first kick and destroy said puzzle then commence to try and eat one piece* Nope, can't even argue that he got that from me.
So in short, I'm fairly sure he's on the spectrum. Possibly Aspergers. The more time goes by, the more it seems to become a genuine concern. This despite mentioning my fears and worries to the Plunket nurse last November. Child-minder suggested I take him to be seen by the nurse AGAIN. Can't we just get the bloody ball rolling on this already?
I need a glass of wine. Or two.
Followed by some Jagermeister and Red Bull. And then drop concussed into bed. Do. Not. Want. This. Reality. :'(
Fable III! The worst sh*t Molyneux has passed, which says a lot, considering he calls each of his Fables disappointing. The first one was nice, second was alright, this is just terrible.
Shadow member: 15134 said:I respectfully disagree with this as, personally, I felt the first Fable was/still is very overrated. But I agree with the rest of your post. Especially the armor bit. I don't understand why the coolest looking armor is almost always the weakest one. >_<
I respectfully disagree with this as, personally, I felt the first Fable was/still is very overrated. But I agree with the rest of your post. Especially the armor bit. I don't understand why the coolest looking armor is almost always the weakest one. >_<
Yeah, the first is often overrated. It's a good game, but not excellent. But the downgrade to Fable III is just... wow. All the legendary weapons don't exist anymore. Instead, you can morph your starting weapons, which are the weakest ones -_- All the other weapons pretty much look awful. Melee combat is useless. The story is terrible, there aren't any boss fights to speak of, the game tries to be funny but mostly fails. You can no longer be pure or corrupt, only 'good' or 'evil'. The characters have no background stories, and just randomly come and go. Fable I simply does better in all these respects.
This is a good review: http://www.gamefaqs.com/xbox360/971431-fable-iii/reviews/review-148574
The thing about Fable is that it's never been a boss-oriented game. Despite the first game and TLC having that one big boss fight with JoB, that...is like the only real boss fight in the series. I think it's supposed to be more about the adventure than big fights. *shrugs* I dunno, maybe the changes don't bother me because I enjoyed the storylines of II and III (and the Journey) quite a bit and I've never been one for using Legendary weapons (except the Solus greatsword...mmm-hmm :inlove. I'll admit, the level up system for the weapons annoyed me and I disliked the whole guild seal=level up points system, but, otherwise, my only real issue with the game is, as VB said, the fact that becoming a monarch is so...anticlimactic. :/ I mean...I wanna really rule this country, not just decide if I should tax people for having babies or let everyone have free booze.... >_>
(Also, I think the point of the characters not having backstories was the fact that you're in a war, therefor, people will just come and go. There isn't time to learn everything about them.)
I think a lot of the 'snarled lip' look concerning women in video games comes from the fighting genre, mostly. I am looking at Ivy Valentines outfit in Soul Calibur 4 and I'm just like...
How do you fight in that without your t*ts falling out everywhere? If you're doing heavy combat moves, why do you have strings holding your outfit together? Granted I love Ivy's "don't-f*ck-with-me" personality, and I understand the whole fetish/light bdsm play, but damn....seriously?
Whilst we're on the subject of Soul Calibreast... I mean Soul Calibur, not so much Ivy, but SCII's Taki's breasts bothered me:
NIPPLES, plus no bra...she just as well have fought naked...
The running gag was that her red outfit wasn't an outfit at all, but painted on.
(Can't see the image, for some reason).
lol. I've just seen another picture and it does look like it is
You're not really missing much