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The ranting thinking thread


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
They won't get in anyway. Their policies are: "ask all the "non-indigenous non-white" peoples to ...go get on boats and go somewhere" and like... that's it, I think. Isn't Nick Griffin a TV chef now? yeah, I want one of those running the country. ex-thug bigot chef would really complete the joke.

Even the biggest moron out there should be able to see that they don't have a plan for running the UK. So that makes him an über moron.

I'm pretty sure he filed for bankruptcy too not so long ago.
Tv chef... well he's cooked up enough sh*tstorms and he's good at stirring so... he may as well have a go.
It's a pity he never tried Dancing on Ice... :laugh:...


Devil hunter in training
It's a real f*cking shame, how the legal system here would sooner put a child in a children's aid facility, over letting the capable, nurturing father have said child, when the mother is little more than a f*cking jizz stain on the couch.
Sadly, it's still stuck with the stereotype of women being the best carers for children, even if the mother is unfit and dangerous. I don't know why it isn't easier for men to have custody of their own children, especially with a mother who is so unfit like that. Dads want to be dads, but they don't get the chance.

The whole attitude towards parenting needs to change. Not every woman wants to be tied to the home and children, and not every man wants to be at a job all the time when he would much rather raise his children.
It's time men get the same choice as women: be kept at home by the wife's earnings or get a job themselves and earn their own way.

They won't get in anyway. Their policies are: "ask all the "non-indigenous non-white" peoples to ...go get on boats and go somewhere" and like... that's it, I think. Isn't Nick Griffin a TV chef now? yeah, I want one of those running the country. ex-thug bigot chef would really complete the joke.

Even the biggest moron out there should be able to see that they don't have a plan for running the UK. So that makes him an über moron.
Those UKIP people are just a bunch of loony racists with policies incompatible with reality. Someone in their party tried to blame all these terrible floods on god being mad at gay marriage.:shifty::laugh: I think tat shows how weird and removed from the modern world they are.

I wouldn't trust them to run the country; they'd probably try and throw a lot of my friends out because they're not white.:bored:


Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
well said loopy me and my partner have discussed it that she is gona go back to work on reduced hours when her maternity ends. I work from the garage out back so i am happy out as i can be around for my little girls growth and won‘t miss anything. My partner will work 25 hours a week and it will be evenings so i can mind our darling til she gets home and she will be with her during the day so it is win win. A dad who wants to be the carer should be left. We are in different times when rightly so women are finally seen as a mans equal so they should be able to be the earners too if they want and the man can stay home.


Devil hunter in training
well said loopy me and my partner have discussed it that she is gona go back to work on reduced hours when her maternity ends. I work from the garage out back so i am happy out as i can be around for my little girls growth and won‘t miss anything. My partner will work 25 hours a week and it will be evenings so i can mind our darling til she gets home and she will be with her during the day so it is win win. A dad who wants to be the carer should be left. We are in different times when rightly so women are finally seen as a mans equal so they should be able to be the earners too if they want and the man can stay home.

I think each family should do what is right for them, and it's great that you are both able to spend time with your little girl. :happy: Lots of Dads aren't able to get the chance either because of outdated custody rulings or not being able to stay at home because society still views men who want to raise their children as weird and *gasp* like a woman.
I don't see what's so bad about taking on the caring role. It's not like caring is exclusive to women; and it's time to stop looking at things that women stereotypically do as inferior.

It's also time to stop that stereotype of men as dangerous creepers who can't be trusted around even their own children.
Little girls need their Dads too, just as much as Mums; and to the people who say they don't, they're talking rubbish. Children need Dads as much as Mums. I am lucky that my Dad could look after me as a child. I benefitted a lot from that. I wouldn't have discovered Batman, my love of science or learned how to wire a lamp, fix a TV or take care of the car without him encouraging me.
If a Dad wants to be at home while his wife works, it should be a valid choice, the same as when a woman can stay at home and expect the man to support her. It should go both ways in these times.


Crimson Sentinel
My mother believes some times she can hear her mother or other people long since deceased, because... get this... a clock started working again. Or that a smoke detector went off for no reason.

...Why would dead people try to contact you in such a way? It makes no sense whatsoever. If they have the power to set off smoke detectors, turn on radios and clocks, and other stuff like that, why the heck can't they just pick up a pen and write something down, or do something more productive? Do they have power over electricity, and electricity alone? And if my grandmother wanted to contact somebody or let them know she's around, why wouldn't she contact me? The only people she's supposedly contacted are my mother and my aunt, and my other aunt hasn't noticed a thing. Coincidentally (or not), my mother and that perticular aunt are very easily impressed, so... yeah. Don't want to rub them the wrong way, but this makes just about as much sense as ghosts revealing themselves in shower curtains - I don't see the point in it, unless the dead develop a liking to pranks.
Besides, why would their deceased parents contact them, while other people's deceased parents may not? Are their parents just insensitive or something?
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Devil hunter in training
I hear ya. It's a friend of mine. I've known him only a couple of years, but the whole concept-even if he were a stranger- fires me right up. The sick part is, she pretty much used her pregnancy to ensnare him, and then when the baby is born, he's doing all he can, while working 12-hour shifts 6 times a week...

She spends money without even talking to him about it first, but if he wants money for coffee or for a pack of smokes, she flips. I'd punch her the f*ck out, if I hadn't moved away.

She's living proof that some people don't deserve their children. She has a three-year-old from a previous relationship as well, and this kid is such a spoiled brat-but that's only because mommy has the exact same "entitlement issues".

Gah...I'm just so mad on his behalf right now...

I'm glad you and your fiancée are a united front; that seems rare in this day and age. :) I'm glad you'll never have to go through what my friend is going through.
Wow...I just saw your post. It makes me mad too.

Your friend is a good man to put up with her. I can't believe in this day and age that she used a baby to trap a man. She's darned lucky he stayed and is working very long hours to provide for her and a child that isn't even his. Not many would take on the 'baggage' of a child not related to them.

She should be grateful that she is allowed to stay at home and do nothing because of his hard work, and yet she can't even be bothered to give him money for little things.
It'd be ok if she actually did something while being at home, but it sounds like she just lounges around. What a waste. I hope the children will be alright. The only hope is that your friend is sticking around and doing the best he can. Hopefully he can keep the children afloat.

Failing that, she should darned well be prepared to get a part time job to support him when the children are older. She can't use the child excuse to stay at home forever.
Besides, how is she going to even get a job if she takes years out of work to 'look after' children? These days, people need to be in constant job training and keep updated, which is why it is such a risk to stay at home. There might not be a job left when deciding to go back to work years later.

Besides, why would their deceased parents contact them, while other people's deceased parents may not? Are their parents just insensitive or something?

Real or not, if your mother takes comfort from believing that her mother and other deceased can contact her, then it's alright. Sometimes people need to believe in things like that to make life a little easier, or to draw encouragement from believing that a loved one could be watching over them.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
My mother believes some times she can hear her mother or other people long since deceased, because... get this... a clock started working again. Or that a smoke detector went off for no reason.

...Why would dead people try to contact you in such a way? It makes no sense whatsoever. If they have the power to set off smoke detectors, turn on radios and clocks, and other stuff like that, why the heck can't they just pick up a pen and write something down, or do something more productive? Do they have power over electricity, and electricity alone? And if my grandmother wanted to contact somebody or let them know she's around, why wouldn't she contact me? The only people she's supposedly contacted are my mother and my aunt, and my other aunt hasn't noticed a thing. Coincidentally (or not), my mother and that perticular aunt are very easily impressed, so... yeah. Don't want to rub them the wrong way, but this makes just about as much sense as ghosts revealing themselves in shower curtains - I don't see the point in it, unless the dead develop a liking to pranks.
Besides, why would their deceased parents contact them, while other people's deceased parents may not? Are their parents just insensitive or something?

Real or not, if your mother takes comfort from believing that her mother and other deceased can contact her, then it's alright. Sometimes people need to believe in things like that to make life a little easier, or to draw encouragement from believing that a loved one could be watching over them.

I've been going over/through exactly the same thing (but it was someone I lost a few years ago).
I've seen and heard things and it made me feel better thinking they were around... up until I mentioned this to my doctor where he said that it was my 'temporal lobe' giving me these visions and sounds... (he said years ago it would've been a sign of schizophrenia... which I don't have). Now, it's left me cold and 'at war' with myself. Tbh, what he said has pretty much left my in my longest depressive state in 9 years. Something that gave me comfort isn't real, and now I have to deal with that...

In 20-odd years we haven't seen my Grandmother (my mum's mum) since she died... mind you, with how she and my mum 'parted', I don't think she'll be back anytime soon.


Devil hunter in training
Tbh, what he said has pretty much left my in my longest depressive state in 9 years. Something that gave me comfort isn't real, and now I have to deal with that...
And who's to say your doctor is correct? You believe what has happened and you don't think you're weird, so who is a doctor to say your are wrong? He's not in your head, so don't listen when he says things like that, especially if it's getting you into depression.

My Great Aunt, her son died when he was young, and on the day of the funeral, she saw a kingfisher bird. She now draws comfort from those and believes that maybe her son is one now. Whose to say that is wrong, any more than you seeing what you see?

If it makes someone feel better and gives them strength to go on, then no one has the right to rip that personal belief and experience away.


Crimson Sentinel
I've been going over/through exactly the same thing (but it was someone I lost a few years ago).
I've seen and heard things and it made me feel better thinking they were around... up until I mentioned this to my doctor where he said that it was my 'temporal lobe' giving me these visions and sounds... (he said years ago it would've been a sign of schizophrenia... which I don't have). Now, it's left me cold and 'at war' with myself. Tbh, what he said has pretty much left my in my longest depressive state in 9 years. Something that gave me comfort isn't real, and now I have to deal with that...

In 20-odd years we haven't seen my Grandmother (my mum's mum) since she died... mind you, with how she and my mum 'parted', I don't think she'll be back anytime soon.

Oh, that's sad to hear. Sorry, man.
Yeah, I can see that belief in their presence would be a comforting thought. I'm not sure there's anything you can otherwise do to find comfort. It's just that to me it sounds like it would also be sort of cruel to have a deceased family member let you know they're still around, only to know that they aren't actually physically there - that they're not coming back. That you can't have actual contact with them.

I don't know how to feel about it either way. Both views sound kind of depressing. I guess it mainly serves to give you hope that such a thing as 'heaven' exists. I guess that's not a bad thing. If it exists, it exists. If it doesn't, you won't find out while you still live anyway. Might as well feel as good as you can, even if what you think you hear and see is possibly a lie. As long as it doesn't hurt you or society, there's no danger in believing in ghosts/spirits when something improbable happens.

That said, I do wonder if it's not best to just find a different way of coping with it. Maybe talking to people about their deaths would help process it better. It's like something I saw on Facebook today: a doctor had made a made-up spray for a kid that could 'spray monsters away'. It was an actual spray, though. While it's a nice gesture, I'm afraid it'll only make the child believe in things that aren't there, and I wonder how long she'll cling to that spray. What if she's still terrified when she's a teen? It's a difficult subject.
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Devil hunter in training
Buses: when I buy a ticket and wait at the stop, I expect the bus to arrive on time, not late or suddenly cancelled. The same goes for trains. Sometimes I do despair of the public transport in this country, especially since I prefer it to the stress of driving on a busy road by myself.


Oldschool DMC fan
Lol, uh oh. ^^; Hopefully they do something to make it up to you.

...Like a nice dinner, or something. I know what the rest of you perverts were thinking. :wink: Only because I'm one, too....^^;

They better or it's a paddlin' :p

Well, it's not because I'm not too bothered about my birthday, but I could use some firewater right about now. All would be forgiven if someone makes me some Screwdrivers/G&Ts.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I'm so ****ed... I thought my brother had asked my mom about pre-ordering Dark Souls II but I never thought to ask her, so now my dad thinks that I'm lying just to get my brother in trouble. Mom's gonna come home and my brother's going to lose his Xbox, and then when he finds out I'm "lying" they're just gonna straight up rip my computer out of my room...

What the hell am I supposed to do? He always thinks I'm lying... I told him that I thought my brother had asked, not that he explicitly said he'd asked. I told him it seemed like he had because I figured he wouldn't have asked me before mom. ****ing hell, I hate this...

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I'm so ******... I thought my brother had asked my mom about pre-ordering Dark Souls II but I never thought to ask her, so now my dad thinks that I'm lying just to get my brother in trouble. Mom's gonna come home and my brother's going to lose his Xbox, and then when he finds out I'm "lying" they're just gonna straight up rip my computer out of my room...

What the hell am I supposed to do? He always thinks I'm lying... I told him that I thought my brother had asked, not that he explicitly said he'd asked. I told him it seemed like he had because I figured he wouldn't have asked me before mom. ******* hell, I hate this...

If you made it perfectly clear that you only thought he'd asked, not that you are 100% certain that he did, then I would say you have nothing to worry about...

But, having grown up with a complete hard-ass of a stepdad, I can't say that.

How capable are your parents of actually letting you state your side of things, before raking you over the coals? Because in the event they actually do hear you out first, I'd suggest explaining the situation as calmly and clearly as you can. If your bro ordered it without first consulting your mom, any grounding he suffers is his to bear. You may be his brother, but you're not responsible for his actions, so there's no reason for your parents to take it out on you.

Well, idealistically there isn't, but we don't really live in an ideal world... :/

Good luck? ^^;


the horror was for love
Seriously, UPS? Seriously? That package has been in town for FOUR DAYS and you haven't delivered it? You just keep shuttling it between places. What the f*ck is wrong with you?! Delivery estimate does not mean "it must be delivered that day" it means "around that day". Bring me my manga! :mad:


Crimson Sentinel
Buses: when I buy a ticket and wait at the stop, I expect the bus to arrive on time, not late or suddenly cancelled. The same goes for trains. Sometimes I do despair of the public transport in this country, especially since I prefer it to the stress of driving on a busy road by myself.

You know what's even more annoying? When buses are too early. Seriously, how is it okay for a bus to leave two or three minutes early? Sometimes the driver even leaves when he/she sees you standing in front of the door... really.
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I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
And who's to say your doctor is correct? You believe what has happened and you don't think you're weird, so who is a doctor to say your are wrong? He's not in your head, so don't listen when he says things like that, especially if it's getting you into depression.

My Great Aunt, her son died when he was young, and on the day of the funeral, she saw a kingfisher bird. She now draws comfort from those and believes that maybe her son is one now. Whose to say that is wrong, any more than you seeing what you see?

If it makes someone feel better and gives them strength to go on, then no one has the right to rip that personal belief and experience away.

I used to associate rainbows with this person... Everytime I saw one, I thought that person was telling me that they were okay (I do know they are something to do with rain and the sun... I'm not dumb or anything lol).

In my case, the damage is done and what I drew comfort from no longer means anything (it's sad, but true).

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Man, the hypocrisy in regards to certain things really ****es me off. -_- I'm getting pretty damned tired of certain people getting away with sh*t that, if anyone from the opposite side of the spectrum attempted the same crap, they'd get raked over the coals for it...

Entitlement issues are getting way out of hand...
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