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The ranting thinking thread


the horror was for love
I understand you need to move on, but...I can't. Please forgive me, but you must realize my...everything I am was founded on my anger--my despair, my hatred, my fury--and without it, I'm not me. I can lock it all away in a tiny box, but it's still there. It will never go away. Maybe that's why it's so loud here--in my head. As I said, I can understand your need to move on and I will support you. Just don't expect me to get over everything soon.


Is not rat, is hamster

But seriously, I am fuming right now. We went to pick up Josh from nursery this lunch time amd in passing, we said good morning to our neighbour who lives in the house right at the end of our terrace. He took it as an opening to verbally abuse us about having the kerb lowered so we could access our own property. The delusional and absurdly petty little man ranted and raved for about half an hour, calling us liars, selfish and even accusing us of illegal activity in lowering the kerb.

When we pointed out that all our paperwork is logged with the council and they approved the plans for work to be carried out by approved contractors, he completely ignored everything and carried on arguing and insulting us.

He basically went as far as implying he considered himself to pretty much own the street and we had stolen parking spaces from his family (they have 3 cars).

He ended the assault by telling Steve to never speak to him ever again.

Fine by me...although I think it will upset you more if we remain utterly polite and courteous towards you, you batcrap crazy middle aged old man with too much time on your hands.


Fake Geek Girl.
Ugh. This past week has just been stupid. So much drama and BS it's almost funny.

First I have to deal with a bunch of ridiculous BS at work because someone threw me under the bus for something I didn't do. Then people in my family start performing their usual rituals to berate me. Then I found out the girl that I was talking to for a while and actually really liked gets a boyfriend. :unsure:

To top this crap all off, my idiot uncle took my grandma's car because we all thought he was gonna go to court and finalize his divorce with his ex wife. For some reason he never showed up. This was yesterday morning and he's still out and about somewhere with now a warrant out for his arrest.

What ticks me off is the heartache he's causing my grandma. She's getting upset because he's gotta be this selfish idiot and weak coward. Well, now he's really screwed up because no one is going to help him. He's going to jail and no one is going to bail him out. About time he learns something. Especially since he's got two little kids who I hate seeing suffer because of this BS their parents put them through.


Well-known Member
What the **** is my room cursed or what i just cleaned it two days ago and now its much dirtier than how dirty it was before i clean it.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
This is ridiculous...

Aurora's had this cough for a month, now. There was one point where it started to get better, but that lasted for...I don't know, three or four days? Then it went back to being that ridiculous, painful-sounding bark.

She's been to the doctor twice; the last time they put her on antibiotics, said she had a lung infection. She's been taking it for nearly two weeks...

The cough has gotten worse...

To top it off, now she's broken out in a rash that I'm almost positive is chickenpox-even though she was immunized against it a little more than a year ago (it's supposed to last until she's 8; she's going on 6).

What in the bloody f*ck is going on? >.< Despite the amount of time she's been absent, I have no choice but to keep her home again tomorrow.

Well, at least we can do something about it this Friday...just wish we could help her, sooner. She's otherwise in good spirits, though quite tired. :/
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Gabriel Reyes needs to eat me.
It really grinds my gears when people give each other sh*t for something, but when someone else does the same thing, crickets chirp through the f*cking field. I am so sick of people saying the Beyonce's video "Partition" makes her look like a sl*t and a wh*re because of how she's dresses and of its "explicit nature".

Thing is though, she in the video with her husband, which I'm sure many wives like to do for their spouses/significant others, and she's dancing for him. That causes controversy because she's in this sexy lingerie and she should keep that behind closed doors, but when actresses do nude and sex scenes ON F*CKING FILM FOR EVERYONE TO SEE, and they have children and are married, nobody's making that much of an issue out of it. Why is that? Don't start with the role model speech because those actors/actresses revered as "wholesome" or all around "classy" often times make the most explicit scenes. At the end of the day, that woman is responsible for her own actions on what she does.

Hell, January Jones had a child without being married and she got flack, yet people praise Kourtney and Kim Kardashian for the same f*king thing.

Honestly, why are people so wrapped up in imposing their wants and urges and desires on how people should behave and act based on their beliefs?

The pot loves calling the kettle black.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
The docs gave her medicine and it got worse?:eek:

Have you tried the home remedies (chicken noodle soup/tea/cough syrup) already? I'm scared to go to the doctors because I've been watching these malpractice documentaries. They are NOT fun.

I don't think the antibiotics made her worse, but I definitely don't think they're helping. Cough syrup has been ineffective, completely. D: That's why we took her to the doctor to begin with; we figured it must have been something stronger than a cold/flu.

I've been doing soup for her, quite a bit. I've even gotten her to drink green tea with honey, but only once it's cooled.

Our basic plan: we take her back on Friday, because until then, my husband has less than half a tank of gas to get him to and from work. ^^; Money's tight, unfortunately. Luckily, we don't pay for doctor/hospital visits in Canada.

Medication is still a bast*ard, but manageable.

Where was I? Oh, yeah.

So when we go, we'll be demanding a more thorough inspection of her, in order to get a proper diagnosis, because listening with a stethoscope and checking her blood pressure isn't going to cut it, this time around.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
me: i'm gonna ****ing kill myself
random person: SUICIDE ISN'T THE ANSWER!!!
me: first off... when i died before in those other NDE's i don't remember much, but i remember feeling a **** ton better than i am now...second...WHY ARE YOU IN MY CONVERSATION!?!

i just really hate it when people try to help. i'm all for people helping, but first off, if you don't know the context of the conversation, don't get involved. second, i was joking...sorta. but i guess since you only came in on the tail end of the discussion, you missed that part. or the part where i joke around like that and you don't know a damn thing about me


Is not rat, is hamster
Parents evening coming up for my eldest - I'm sure that's just code for "complain to parents about things outside of anyone's control".

Like her attendance. Since September she has had 8 days off school due to her medical condition. Somehow, some bored little nobody in the office has equated that to 6 WEEKS of missed education. Seriously.

If my kid was missing school because she was down at McDonalds instead or going shopping or on a holiday then yeah, complain away because that would be the right thing to do. But hospitals don't offer appointments to suit school hours and if she cannot walk then she has to stay in bed - ON THE ORDERS OF THE CONSULTANT.

You think I like keepingy kids off school? Do you think I like having my day messed up too? If I don't send her in when she's ill, I get letters from the education welfare officer threatening legal action. If I do send her in, you lot call me within an hour to collect her. And then complain I should have kept her at home.

Schools. Blah.


Devil hunter in training
After my hair appointment, I went with a friend to give her support about seeing the doctor to get sterilized. She's older than me, with one child and going through divorce. The doctor told her no in case she changed her mind and met a new man who wanted to have a child with her. :facepalm:Even the wording of that is all wrong. It's only the man being considered there, never mind what my friend wants.

My friend knows what she can cope with, but the doctor just wouldn't listen to her; even when she said about bad PND and only just being able to cope with her son due to his special needs, let alone going through pregnancy and another baby. And never mind how that new baby would affect her existing child.

I just don't understand the reasoning of these doctors who refuse women when they are very sure that they do not want more children, or never want any at all. Don't they understand the impact on existing children, family, sanity, emotional and physical wellbeing, and earnings that pregnancy and children bring?
It's denying women control over their own bodies just because the idea still persists that all women want children. If a woman says she's done with one or two children, or none at all, then that's what she wants.

I gets me thinking though: if my friend is being refused, then I've got no chance. I'm much younger than my friend, and I have no children. Right now, without sterilization, it feels like my body could betray me and ruin my life. I know that's dramatic, but that's how I feel about it.


Well-known Member
I swear brain you are sick and twisted and need to see a therapiest. Seriosly at a funeral show some respect for the dead and don't go "Mmm-mmmm i would give anything to have a sweet piece of bread filled with 4 type of cheese". or " hello delecious (sp?) girl".


Oldschool DMC fan
Hate it when the cold causes the skin over my last knuckle to split. My drawing hand specifically. I dunno why that one, maybe because it's always held up the circulation isn't as good. Either way, it's weak and I can't believe I have to use a moisturizer on this thing.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Get. A f*cking. Grip.

Seriously, I was out all f*cking day; instead of leaving three messages on my answering machine, becoming more needy and self-pitying with each one, realize that I am not, in fact, ignoring you. While it is true I will ignore your calls if you literally call me the day following a lengthy conversation, or while I am busy doing things around the house, you should also f*cking know by now that I'd pick up the phone, if for NO other reason than to shut you up by the second call.

Of all the f*cking times for my landline to need replacing, man. -_- Now I have to wait 7+ hours for the new ones to charge, before I can actually ream you out for being ridiculously clingy with your ADULT daughter.

Ffs! Always with the guilt-trips, which FYI, do not work the way you want them to; I don't feel guilty, I am freaking ****ED at how juvenile you become, and how quick you are to assume the worst, when I am otherwise the ONLY person in this family who PUTS UP with your constant bullsh*t neediness.

Honestly, how the hell are we related?!


Oldschool DMC fan
After my hair appointment, I went with a friend to give her support about seeing the doctor to get sterilized. She's older than me, with one child and going through divorce. The doctor told her no in case she changed her mind and met a new man who wanted to have a child with her. :facepalm:Even the wording of that is all wrong. It's only the man being considered there, never mind what my friend wants.

My friend knows what she can cope with, but the doctor just wouldn't listen to her; even when she said about bad PND and only just being able to cope with her son due to his special needs, let alone going through pregnancy and another baby. And never mind how that new baby would affect her existing child.

I just don't understand the reasoning of these doctors who refuse women when they are very sure that they do not want more children, or never want any at all. Don't they understand the impact on existing children, family, sanity, emotional and physical wellbeing, and earnings that pregnancy and children bring?
It's denying women control over their own bodies just because the idea still persists that all women want children. If a woman says she's done with one or two children, or none at all, then that's what she wants.

I gets me thinking though: if my friend is being refused, then I've got no chance. I'm much younger than my friend, and I have no children. Right now, without sterilization, it feels like my body could betray me and ruin my life. I know that's dramatic, but that's how I feel about it.

They don't care when it's a guy with three kids already. For some reason they're told to put women off doing it. Maybe it's more dangerous or expensive a procedure on the state, I'unno.

If you have more than 2.4 kids though they seem more happy about it.
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