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The ranting thinking thread


Oldschool DMC fan
I've heard fudge all from them...

EDIT: Just thought, perhaps they haven't sent an invite to me as I openly questioned (and criticized) the cr*p they came out with in the beginning on their FB page... :laugh:

I think I wasn't too supportive about the first stuff I saw too.
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Supporter 2014
Uh...listen sweetie, there's more than a few reasons why I 'm not so active on here anymore. My Ignore list is up to 6. So, I'm not about to view ignored content just to shake my head at the same garbage they spat that made me ignore them in the first place, 'kay?
Why acknowledge them now, then?



I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I think I wasn't too supportive about the first stuff I saw too.

Did you tell them? Plus, I did message them about something and it probably didn't go down too well.

CRT: Why did I ever agree to it? If I knew it was going to cause so much stress, I would've said no.
What am I going to do... I'm going to teach an OAP to use a laptop... I'm not the world's most tolerant person either.


For Sanguinius!
Frelling Walgreens messing my hours and paycheck. :facepalm: Last time I got 100 hours over that now has to be taken out of my two up coming paychecks. Now it seem last week I have been shorted an hour even though it show me clocking in and clocking out at my usual time. And the other day I'm getting ready to clock in I decide to check my time card and show I never clocked in for Saturday but clocked out. :banghead: Frell it!!!


Devil hunter in training
Diet adverts need to be removed from tv.
They target women and make them think they have a problem just so a company can profit.

The best part is that the women they use in these adverts, the women they show as overweight, look very pretty and don't need to lose weight.

It's like so-called plus size models. They're a size 10 or 12 at the most and they have pretty faces with well proportioned bodies. They're not overweight at all.

If they're going to target someone, then target the obese who will develop serious health complications, not people who are bigger than a size 10.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Diet adverts need to be removed from tv.
They target women and make them think they have a problem just so a company can profit.

The best part is that the women they use in these adverts, the women they show as overweight, look very pretty and don't need to lose weight.

It's like so-called plus size models. They're a size 10 or 12 at the most and they have pretty faces with well proportioned bodies. They're not overweight at all.

If they're going to target someone, then target the obese who will develop serious health complications, not people who are bigger than a size 10.

The worst part of it is, a fair number of these women (myself, included) know exactly what these adverts are doing, yet they still fall prey to it, because it leaves them feeling vulnerable and inadequate when compared to say, "Victoria's Secret" models.

Being naturally thin is one thing; but being made to feel like that is the only true definition of beauty is another. It's sickening.


Hot-blooded God of Guns
Can we all just agree that for a character to have actual character development, they have to start from a position that is different than what they develop into? Particularly, that for a character to need development, they have to start at a place where development is actually a desirable thing?

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Can we all just agree that for a character to have actual character development, they have to start from a position that is different than what they develop into? Particularly, that for a character to need development, they have to start at a place where development is actually a desirable thing?

You've got my vote. :)


Devil hunter in training
The worst part of it is, a fair number of these women (myself, included) know exactly what these adverts are doing, yet they still fall prey to it, because it leaves them feeling vulnerable and inadequate when compared to say, "Victoria's Secret" models.

Being naturally thin is one thing; but being made to feel like that is the only true definition of beauty is another. It's sickening.
No point in comparing yourself to a Victoria's Secret model. They are airbrushed, use loads of makeup and good lighting, diets and extreme workouts to make them look their best. Without that, they look normal to above average; and even when these women are lucky enough to have genes that society considers desirable, they still have to do a lot of changes to their bodies to be at the standard VS wants.

Besides, with VS, the models who are a size 6 or 8 are told to slim down even more. To me, that is just crazy. Sizes 6 and 8 are already very small, and trying to force someone to be a size 4, 2 or 0 through starving, crazy diets and too many gym visits is insane.
I'd rather be bigger and happy than be miserable on diets just to conform to that crazy standard.

Modelling just seems like a very messed up, ageist and fake industry. It gives women and girls bad self esteem, complexes over what they eat, how they look, and their age. They're even made to think that they're over the hill old when they become 25.

I looked up the Victoria's Secret measurements online and you have to be 34 chest, 24 waist and 34 hips and 5''9 in height. While I fit those measurements, no way in heck would I ever be persuaded into being a model. I would never go into a career that gave me a complex about how I looked, how old I was, or how I ate.
I love my cake and snacks too much, and you'd never catch me starving myself because I have enough trouble as it is keeping weight on.

Everyone is beautiful and pretty in their own way. It's a shame that people are made to feel less than beautiful just because they are naturally bigger or too small.

This media created body image is just divisive and turns women against each other.
From time to time I hear things like: women my size looks like little boys, that we're not 'real women', or we don't eat and vomit food; even though most of us are naturally small and actually would like to gain some weight.
Then there's the other side using insults like whale, ugly or fatty. I was with a friend of mine when she was insulted by a guy just because she was bigger, and she's once of the nicest, helpful and kind people know.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
No point in comparing yourself to a Victoria's Secret model. They are airbrushed, use loads of makeup and good lighting, diets and extreme workouts to make them look their best. Without that, they look normal to above average; and even when these women are lucky enough to have genes that society considers desirable, they still have to do a lot of changes to their bodies to be at the standard VS wants.
Oh don't worry; I don't compare myself to them. It was just an example (because there was a point several years ago where seeing a VS commercial would literally ruin the rest of my day-yeah, I was a delicate thing, I know. Thank god it's not that bad, anymore).

Besides, with VS, the models who are a size 6 or 8 are told to slim down even more. To me, that is just crazy. Sizes 6 and 8 are already very small, and trying to force someone to be a size 4, 2 or 0 through starving, crazy diets and too many gym visits is insane.

Agreed. Hell, I'm happy when I'm sitting at a 9 (which I'm not currently, but doing what I can to get there again-reducing my intake of certain things, not just because of my weight, but because I want to improve my health, too).

I'd rather be bigger and happy than be miserable on diets just to conform to that crazy standard.

I'd rather just be 145-150 again. I don't want to conform to their b.s. expectations, but I also want to be comfortable in my own skin again. The said weight was when I had the most energy, and felt really good about myself.

Modelling just seems like a very messed up, ageist and fake industry. It gives women and girls bad self esteem, complexes over what they eat, how they look, and their age. They're even made to think that they're over the hill old when they become 25.

Agreed, it really is messed up, how they twist people's perception that way. :/

I looked up the Victoria's Secret measurements online and you have to be 34 chest, 24 waist and 34 hips and 5''9 in height. While I fit those measurements, no way in heck would I ever be persuaded into being a model. I would never go into a career that gave me a complex about how I looked, how old I was, or how I ate.
I love my cake and snacks too much, and you'd never catch me starving myself because I have enough trouble as it is keeping weight on.

Kudos. :) It's refreshing to see someone that fits the "ideal" body type who doesn't have this, "If I've got it, I'm going to flaunt it" attitude. It's one thing to be happy with ones' body, but I can never stand the girls who use their figures to manipulate the people around them. Fortunately, I know quite a few people like you; I'm willing to bet you've caught flack, just for being thin, right? It's funny how there's so much being said against fat-shaming, but when the person getting picked on is naturally thin, almost no one defends them. This leads so well into one of the later parts of your post...

Everyone is beautiful and pretty in their own way. It's a shame that people are made to feel less than beautiful just because they are naturally bigger or too small.

Agreed; as long as we're healthy, that's all that should matter. Obviously there are people-anorexics and those who are obese-that clearly require some sort of help; but it isn't because of how small or big they are-it's because of the inherent risks to their health.

This media created body image is just divisive and turns women against each other.

^^^^ This! This, exactly. They keep us so damned busy clawing at one another, that we miss out on some of the actual important crap going on in the world, and in our own lives. I know this sounds like some crack-pot conspiracy theory, but I can't help thinking they've intentionally got men and women alike side-tracked with this superficial b.s. to keep us unaware of something much larger going on. It really does boil down to control over the masses.

From time to time I hear things like: women my size looks like little boys, that we're not 'real women', or we don't eat and vomit food; even though most of us are naturally small and actually would like to gain some weight.

This reminds me of one of those rotten e-cards you probably see circulating FB. The original says, "Real men prefer curves, only dogs go for bones".

That one really ****ed me off, especially since some of the people posting it were the "plus sized, low self esteem" type of women; to me, it was blatant hypocrisy. They get indignant if someone makes them feel bad about themselves, but it was okay for them to pick on the "opposite" side of the spectrum? Last I checked, no matter who we are, what our ethnicity or our size, we all feel.

Now, when I came across the modified version, I loved it, because it picks apart that hypocritical type of mentality.

"Real men like whatever the **** they want. Real women do not compare men to dogs and other women to bones."


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
i'm stuck at school for financial aid night...that would be cool...if i were with people i actually liked. i hate school, i hate the students here, i hate my mother...and to top it off i've just lost my phone...if there's a gun anywhere...ANYWHERE...please have mercy on me and end it all. please!?!


Devil hunter in training
I really don't like shows like The Jerry Springer Show or Jeremy Kyle show. I just don't understand why shows like this exist, other than the viewers must have a very strong case of schadenfreude,

It's despicable that people are profiting by baiting other people who are clearly not very bright, have mental problems, or are uneducated, and don't know any better because they didn't have the same advantages.
They should be given real help, but it seems like the point of these shows is to laugh and make fun of people who are less fortunate.

Just caught a segment about a teenage mother. Instead of the presenter looking down on teenage mothers, give them counselling and guidance so that they don't go from man to man, having their child in the hopes that one will stick around and raise her other children.
The only bright side is the girls don't have the children forcibly taken like they were right up until 1960's, and they aren't being called sinners and whores anymore for getting into that unfortunate situation...so I guess there's that small victory...still it's not right for a presenter to be like that to a child who obviously had poor judgement, naivety or was coerced.
These shows are allegedly about helping, but all I see are fights and name calling.

In this day and age, it is unacceptable to have TV shows like this. They're just like the freak shows, but instead of making fun of a person's appearance, people get pleasure out of looking down on people who are poorer, made bad life choices or are uneducated.

I can't even stand a few minutes of shows like this, so I don't know how a person could watch a whole show, let alone become a fan and watch it every day.

Things like this are why I don't watch the TV much. It makes me so wound up seeing things like this and knowing that can't do a damned thing to change it.


Oldschool DMC fan
other than the viewers must have a very strong case of schadenfreude,

Nailed it. Whether it was in the Victorian era when there were freak shows, to watching Simon Cowell crush kids' dreams people wanna see other people more freaky than them, or having worse luck than them. A friend of mine claims it's because it makes them feel better about their own lame lives because someone else is having it worse. I find it boring as hell, tbh.

I don't watch TV, period. Ripped the aerial socket thing out of the wall.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
I can't be bothered with reality t.v. shows of that nature, either. I don't watch a lot of t.v. on t.v. so to speak.

I have a handful of shows and anime I watch, some online, and a couple I own. Beyond that, my t.v. sees a lot more gaming and movies, than anything.


Well-known Member
You know, I've been thinking about this for awhile, and I just need to say it. :frown:

I feel like such an outsider here. I feel like I'm not welcome. I like DmC, but I feel like I'm walking on eggshells every time I talk about it. Like, if I say one negative thing about it, the cavalry rides in to shut me down. It's very frustrating. I'm not trying to call out anyone in particular.


Devil hunter in training
You know, I've been thinking about this for awhile, and I just need to say it. :frown:

I feel like such an outsider here. I feel like I'm not welcome. I like DmC, but I feel like I'm walking on eggshells every time I talk about it. Like, if I say one negative thing about it, the cavalry rides in to shut me down. It's very frustrating. I'm not trying to call out anyone in particular.
I don't think you're an outsider at all.
I really like DmC, but I don't think sunshine comes out of the games backside, and I have said in the past that there are things in the game that need improving. I see nothing wrong with voicing a different opinion, so long as it isn't insulting someone in the process.

I just wish there was a more live and let live attitude with regards to this game. It's great to be passionate about something, but when it leads to arguments and insults, then it takes all the fun out.
At least now things have died down a bit with people moving on to other games.


Supporter 2014
... Well.

After these last two posts, I just don't know what to say. I'll just reread them and not say anything then. There's just too much inner turmoil for me to convey any sort of coherent thought.

Edit: I will say this, though. Whenever DMC comes back, it'll probably fix the flaws of its past games. Or some new franchise (whether it be from Capcom or someone else) will pick up DMC4's gameplay elements wherever they left off. That's all.
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Is not rat, is hamster
You know, I've been thinking about this for awhile, and I just need to say it. :frown:

I feel like such an outsider here. I feel like I'm not welcome. I like DmC, but I feel like I'm walking on eggshells every time I talk about it. Like, if I say one negative thing about it, the cavalry rides in to shut me down. It's very frustrating. I'm not trying to call out anyone in particular.
Bite 'em. Hard.

Om nom nom nom tasty fanboy/hater etc.

I find they go rather well with fry sauce and sprinkles.
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