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The ranting thinking thread


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
So I'm driving into work through the rear driveway. There's literally nothing but SUVs parked in the middle partition so I can't see anything on the other side. This lady in a huge-ass Ford truck takes a turn right as I get to the corner, so we almost hit each other, and apparently it's MY fault even though I was only going 15 miles per hour. So she gets mad at me, you know, "What the ****, **** you!" and all that jazz, and just as she's about to leave, she sees me carrying my McD's visor... So she goes in and yells at the manager about me. I don't know why she was so mad, our vehicles didn't even so much as poke each other, and yet she was acting like I was driving like a maniac. So I'm probably going to get written-up. But they can't make me sign the waiver. Unless they explicitly tell me they're going to write me up I don't have to sign ****.


Devil hunter in training
Whoever wrote the article I just read should be utterly ashamed and disgusted with themselves. How dare they write that about a child and then put it out for public reading.
They should be removed from the child they wrote about and never see it again.
Things on the internet haven't bothered me before, I'm all for opinions, I'm all for saying about the realities of raising children, especially special needs children, but this, this just makes me feel so angry and sad and disgusted all at once. I just don't know how a person could write it. Scum, just utter scum.

If my friend ever saw something like this on the internet while looking for advice or help, I don't know how she'd react.
She already has enough guilt and worry about her child's future without this kind of thing stirring up her worst fears.

I'm hoping it is an elaborate troll. The only good thing to come out of the article is the mass of responses telling this guy exactly what people think of him.

Still can't believe what I just saw. I need a hot chocolate to simmer myself down. This has got me so mad.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Don't get mad over other people's stupid opinions. The majority of the time, they don't know what they're talking about or they don't want to understand the disorder. Leave them to their ignorance. If you haven't learnt just how uneducated and dumb people can sound about special needs children, you will soon enough, especially if you're a TA.
At the end of the day, all you can do is shrug it off.


Supporter 2014
About the whole "sexual orientation" thing...



As with any other ostracized group (be they black, white, female, low caste, w/e) I personally think a little aggression is in order...

[i.e. this]


"They arm themselves with lathi - traditional sticks - which they have used to beat men who have abandoned or abused their wives and policemen who have refused to register claims of rape."


Now this is what I'm talking about.

Keep fighting, ladies. And keep whatever teeth you knock out of their mouths as trophies to wear as a warning to anyone else that wants some.

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Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I'm not saying that it annoys me that the neighbours are trying to do that strip of garden that divides our driveways.
I'm saying it irritates the **** out of me that they're trying to do it 8pm at night when my hubby has FINALLY fallen asleep (he's got severe insomnia), I've just put my kids in bed and they're ****ing ramming that pitchfork into the ****ing concrete over and over again.
HOLY ****ING SHEIT, that's irritating, especially after the day I've had.:mad:


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Not sure I can rant about what's wrong, but the main thing is that I'm pretty much p***ing myself off.


Supporter 2014
Don't stop fighting, people. Ever.
And I think you should write, "Accept no substitutions" instead of "imitations" VB.
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The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
I don't like where this world is going. That's why I stay in my own world. Away from all that. Makes my life much easier. It looks pretty bad. Is it only me or are more and more people getting obsessed with violence and sexual activities? I mean it's way too much. Where's the soul I wonder. I will keep believing in a future where we all humans can make this world better. It's my principle. To believe regardless facts and see what happens. Then again is it suppose to be like this? I mean there is always dark and light. Where there's light there's always darkness but I'm more talking about how selfish some people can be. We humans are all selfish but I feel like there's a limit of how much selfishness that has to be used. I believe in free will. Free will has no limits. It's outside the laws and how the society works. When I'm not a part of it I do whatever I want but if I'm going to be a part of it I have to go with the flow I guess. A world of lies. I suppose it's like Lelouch says. You never know what can be trusted. The media, newspaper and even religion. What I can trust is when those people I talk to are honest and showing that they really want to talk to me. Be true to yourself. There is another thing. Why do I feel so uneasy? Nothing's wrong but this peace inside me feels strange. I guess I let time heal whatever must be healed!!!


Is not rat, is hamster
See? This is what happens when you faff about and make me wait - all the open reservations are gone. So annoyed with you right now...it's her birthday surprise and now it's going to be very disappointing for her. Next time, do me the favour of giving me a straight yes or no answer.


Oldschool DMC fan
I don't like where this world is going. That's why I stay in my own world. Away from all that. Makes my life much easier. It looks pretty bad. Is it only me or are more and more people getting obsessed with violence and sexual activities? I mean it's way too much. Where's the soul I wonder. I will keep believing in a future where we all humans can make this world better. It's my principle. To believe regardless facts and see what happens. Then again is it suppose to be like this? I mean there is always dark and light. Where there's light there's always darkness but I'm more talking about how selfish some people can be. We humans are all selfish but I feel like there's a limit of how much selfishness that has to be used. I believe in free will. Free will has no limits. It's outside the laws and how the society works. When I'm not a part of it I do whatever I want but if I'm going to be a part of it I have to go with the flow I guess. A world of lies. I suppose it's like Lelouch says. You never know what can be trusted. The media, newspaper and even religion. What I can trust is when those people I talk to are honest and showing that they really want to talk to me. Be true to yourself. There is another thing. Why do I feel so uneasy? Nothing's wrong but this peace inside me feels strange. I guess I let time heal whatever must be healed!!!

Dude, people thought the world was going to **** and the youth were rebelling against modesty in Roman times and before. Some Roman politician even wrote he thought young people didn't have any respect any more and how terrible it was because back in his day they weren't like that and yadda yadda yadda. Well, the end isn't nigh. People always think the end of the world is just around the corner, it's just some brain thing in humans. People are no more obsessed with violence now than they ever were, or sex. You just probably pay a bit too much attention to the media, which likes to play up everything negative to scare people. Tons of good stuff happens out there every day, but it doesn't sell papers or news channels quite like something people are terrified of.

And what's with the preoccupation with the sex other people are having? If it doesn't affect you personally, why do you care? it's just sex.


the horror was for love
You have some nerve, sending me an email, trying to ask for us to collaborate when you've insulted me so rudely. You haven't even read the entire story and yet you have the balls to tell me my storyline needs work? How about you trying reading the rest of what's posted and get your head out of your *ss. You've been a member of FFN for two months and you have one story; no reviews, no favorites, and no follows on it, and, by your own admission, you don't have the skill to write anything other than smut. Don't bs me about not having patience, kid. If you can't take 15 chapters and build a relationship with drama without smut, you should stop writing romance. You should also just stop trying to plead your case while you're ahead. You said the parts "in between smut" were unexciting...thank you for saying my entire story is unexciting and for proving just how childish you are. I could spend the next month b*tching about you, complaining about everything you said in great detail, but I'm just gonna say you've missed the entire point of the story, so kindly f*ck off.

Also, I regret to inform you, because of your new-to-site ignorance, you failed to send me your email address. Don't take it personally since I'm not replying to you. :sneaky:


Oldschool DMC fan
It's bad enough I haven't got my own parking spot, now they wanna charge me multiple hundreds a year to park it opposite my apartment? Dude, shove it. I'll park it in a field before I pay that.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
WHY ARE BABIES SO FLIPPIN ADORABLE!?! i'm tryin to finish my homework and this little brat is over here cooing and making little weird baby noises and such. and i can't leave the room cuz if she needs something i won't hear her. but if i don't leave I WON'T ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING!!! argh...i might as well just play with her. i can finish my homework in the morning


Is not rat, is hamster
Ugh. If you want to play loud music when my kids are trying to get to sleep (bearing in mind you have two young ones of your own), move the hell out of mummy and daddy's house. If it's not that damn dog howling because NO ONE walks it EVER, it's some stupid 19 year old trying to get her teenage years back because now she's living at home once again, her parents can do all the babysitting.

Shut the hell up. No one wants to hear that crap at any time of the day, least of all after 8pm on a school night. My gosh, if I could afford to live in a detached house I would do so in a heartbeat...
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