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The ranting thinking thread

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
What is the point? I work so long and so hard and put so much effort into just getting to that state of contentment, verging on happiness... and then BOOM it all goes to ****.


Is not rat, is hamster
We have NEVER gone on holiday as a family. EVER. When you have a child with very complex needs, it's too difficult to find somewhere that can accommodate all those things. So when I do finally find somewhere that might - just might - fit the bill, the price is jacked up because one of our party is disabled.

What the hell??

Oh yes, I forgot - we're clearly rolling in cash because he gets the severe disablement allowance. Do holiday companies even know how very very little that is? Certainly not enough to pay for a holiday that, if we had "normal" kids, would be about £400 - but because one of them is disabled, it shoots up to well over £1500. He doesn't need a special bathroom or emergency cords everywhere or extra-wide space for a wheelchair. He doesn't even need a carer on hand - we do that ourselves, thank you very much. All I want is a ramp to the front frigging door so we can get his special pushchair in without having to carry 2 stone of toddler and 12kgs of buggy up and down a flight of stairs every time we want to go out.

And even if he DID need all the extra care that physically disabled people require, does that EVER justify such a hefty price tag? It's disgusting.

Sure, I would apply to those special holiday places that provide a free week in the countryside or by the sea for families with disabled children. Sure, I would. Along with almost EVERY OTHER family in the COUNTRY who cannot afford a regular holiday. The waiting lists for those places are running well into 2016...I don't really want to wait another 2 years before I can take my son on holiday. All we want is somewhere quiet, with good access to getting to places of interest and no steps to the front door.

Apparently that's too much to ask for less than half of my wages as a carer.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Why is it that having feelings is such a crime in this house?!
I can understand that a few of mum's life experiences have 'toughened her up', but surely that isn't an excuse for being such a **** when it comes to someone who has no control over their emotions.


Supporter 2014
As soon as I turned on the washing machine, some fireworks sounded outside. But for a moment there, I almost thought they were gunshots.

... And at this very moment, the Silent Hill alarm is sounding, as well (some construction thing, most likely). Yes, really.

Not to mention the fog that comes in almost every morning... :nailbiting:


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
my mother keeps turning off the internet. not only do i dick around on the interwebs, but most if not all of my work is done here as well. and she keeps saying that i'm the bad guy for getting angry at her for it (time and time again if i may add). i'm so ****ing done. i'm sorry, and i know its socially unacceptable to say this but, my mother is a retarded bitch.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I've been in a pretty good mood today until two things happened that completely changed that.
1. Walking home from the Doctors when my father said about crossing the road. We've had heavy rain for a few days (non stop) there was going to be a pool of water in the road (no matter what), but he chose to cross the road to the side which was deepest and had the most traffic coming.
2. 'Catherine' is reduced on Xbox Live and on Saturday I bought an 8GB memory stick.
So I thought by the time the 360 had formatted it, there would still be space left to save the game...
I get a message at 90% saying '
Download stopped, not enough room on device'...
WTF?! OF COURSE THERE IS! The download is 5.4GB and there was 6.6GB on the memory stick!

So then I decided to eat my pasty, downloaded Lightning Returns Demo on the PS3 and went to sleep for a few hours... Still not happy though.


Gabriel Reyes needs to eat me.
Waiting on the train to arrive. Guy complains about his girlfriend; talks to his male friend and says "Women exaggerate about the pains of their cycles."

All the women around him give him death glares.

Guys awkwardly talk about the super bowl, nervous as all types of sh*t.

A woman mutters this quote:

Other women spawn on the topic.

The older gentlemen simply laugh at the youngsters and keep to themselves. *These guys must've had experience.*


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
I've just read a post in someone's journal 'Rules of DeviantArt'.
Some people that post them want to take a good look at them themselves.
I could add a few myself... :shifty:
My personal fave "Act like you're friends with a person but you're not".
That goes on online too?! (Not that you'd be able to tell).
If someone feels that way about me, I'd like to think they'd un-watch me and never darken my profile again.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
Stop...phoning me...every...f*cking...day. When I don't pick up, do NOT proceed to call back again five minutes later, then again fifteen minutes later, and again another five minutes later.

Understand that one of three things is going on if I don't pick up:

1) I'm not home.

2) I'm currently too busy to answer.

3) I don't feel like talking.

If we're running with number three, I no longer care whether you take it personally-because sometimes it is-or not. You know I don't like talking on the phone in general, and once a week would suffice in which I would be less short and unresponsive with you if you respected that, instead of making me suffer through your "every damn day" b.s.

You didn't f*cking baby me when I was a child, so what gives you the right to be all "mother hen" now that I'm in my late 20's? Stop it.

(I swear, I will never do this sh*t to my daughter; I'll be there when she needs or wants, but I will NOT suffocate her due to "guilt over the past" crap).

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
my mother keeps turning off the internet. not only do i **** around on the interwebs, but most if not all of my work is done here as well. and she keeps saying that i'm the bad guy for getting angry at her for it (time and time again if i may add). i'm so ******* done. i'm sorry, and i know its socially unacceptable to say this but, my mother is a retarded bitch.

I tend to not care about what is "socially acceptable" when it comes to these matters. A lot of people have this, "they're your parents, you have to love and respect them".

Tch. No, no you don't. Individual circumstances are the only basis I go by. Age is an accident of birth; respect is given to those who deserve it.

However...why does she keep turning it off? Also, how old are you? If you're old enough and financially able, now might be the time to go out on your own. Lots of responsibility and stress, but very much worth it.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
I tend to not care about what is "socially acceptable" when it comes to these matters. A lot of people have this, "they're your parents, you have to love and respect them".

Tch. No, no you don't. Individual circumstances are the only basis I go by. Age is an accident of birth; respect is given to those who deserve it.

However...why does she keep turning it off? Also, how old are you? If you're old enough and financially able, now might be the time to go out on your own. Lots of responsibility and stress, but very much worth it.
i would but the court dropped my emancipation case. so i can't go out and do my own thing anymore. suck sucky sucky. but she says its wasting energy and contributing to the melting of the polar ice caps...so...yeah.

Rebel Dynasty

Creator of Microcosms
No, it's not. Or at least, I don't think it is.

Lol, it was/is for me, but that might have a lot to do with the fact that I got away from an abusive step-parent in the process. I went back once to live with them (not because I wanted to) and well, at that point I'd been out of their house for three years, had a sufficient taste of responsibility and freedom...and didn't like going "back in time", so to speak.


the horror was for love
It's official: mum's ex is a pr*ck. I hope he chokes on his non-existant d*ck and burns in hell. $300 for spousal support for two years when mum can't work, I can't work for taking care of her, and yet he's thoroughly middle class. If we were in different positions, he'd hunt us down and murder us in our beds if we only offered him $300...and I'm not joking. We'd be dead if we didn't give him his fair due, and yet he wants to bs us? F*ck him. I hope, when his next marriage fails, his bitch pays him back for everyone he's hurt. Hopefully his medical expenses are accurate.... :shifty:


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
i like how even in an event meant for me my parents just HAVE to take the spotlight


Oldschool DMC fan
So about that politician guy in UK who said gay marriage is causing all the floods because it's god's wrath. Um, how about no, the reason anybody cares about the floods is because people were ignorant enough to build towns on flood plains. Nobody would give a rat's about the rainfall levels otherwise.


Raining the UK to death is

a) normal

b) lame.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
So, they killed an animal (giraffe) because it was 'surplus to requirements' and that it was born out of 'inbreeding'.
Imagine if we had the same idea about humans...
I don't know how to word this rant, but hopefully you'll see where I could take it.
BTW, They fed the giraffe corpse to the lions (after they carried out an autopsy).
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