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The ranting thinking thread


Devil hunter in training
I hope they never find this "gay gene" they're looking for.

Being gay isn't a choice. Choosing a gay lifestyle is, just like having a straight relationship is a choice if you're straight, but being gay is not chosen. If there were a "gay gene" at least people would get off the backs of us who are for 'choosing it', but if there was a gay gene, you could figure it would probably become legit in half the world to take measures to kill your unborn gay kids. I think finding out "what makes people gay" would never be a good thing, just abused.

If they could test and abort for being homosexual, then what's next?

For me, the only time pre birth testing should be done is if there is a real risk of some serious condition that could kill, really impact life quality or be degenerative. Then at least parents would be prepared for whatever challenged that child faces, or make whatever choice they decide.

But to make a test to find homosexuality and have them killed...disgusting. I don't understand why people say being gay is evil. The only evil I see comes from bigots doing the persecution. It's like they never heard of 'live and let live'.


Oldschool DMC fan
I don't know what goes on in the brain to make someone think it's okay to murder anyone, but kids do get killed by their parents for less in some places and some societies.

I can't see what finding the gene - if there is one that determines orientation - would 'help' with. If you just treat it like any unique quality, it's not something that is a disease, or has to be cured, and it doesn't need altering or fixing. And if you believe in God, then God made the child that way or allowed it to be. A child is completely innocent...
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Devil hunter in training
I don't know what goes on in the brain to make someone think it's okay to murder anyone, but kids do get killed by their parents for less in some places and some societies.

I can't see what finding the gene - if there is one that determines orientation - would 'help' with. If you just treat it like any unique quality, it's not something that is a disease, or has to be cured, and it doesn't need altering or fixing.
They do. It's like the parents just snap and then children die. I hear the most common reason is shaking a baby who won't stop crying. Pretty scary, but I hear it's a common thing that parents are told about. I guess all the sleep deprivation and crying gets to them or something.

I don't think they should find the gene either. There's no need. It's not a disease or a problem to be cured. People should just realise that there's nothing wrong with homosexuality. It's like hetero people are born hetero. Just because a guy likes guy or women like women doesn't make them some evil monster.


Fake Geek Girl.
You know, at my new part time job working at this huge truck stop, I've pretty much got everything down except when it comes to getting these truckers fueled up and ready to go. It's SO FREAKING ANNOYING. There's different companies that pass through and different ways this gas and diesel is payed for.

Basically, there's multiple scenarios and different processes you have to learn to handle that. A lot of people are different. Learning not to mix it up and do the right stuff is kinda hard. I was trying to make myself cheat sheets to look off of. It helped but my speed still needs work.

And some of these freaking truckers should learn to use the showers in the back. I swear I never have to wash any towels because no one decides to get clean every now and then. Nasty sons a b!tches.

Also some idiot today tried to get all stupid with me because he wanted some cigarettes and didn't have an ID to show whether or not he was old enough. Trying to tell me he's done it before. I don't know that, I just started here and I'm not taking any chances. Still wasn't enough and I'm glad he walked out instead of sticking around any longer. Felt like I was about to smash his head on the counter. Douche.

Overall, it's still not a bad place to work but, I'm seeing some of the things I'll have to learn to deal with and the fueling process is a pain in the a$$.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
I think finding out "what makes people gay" would never be a good thing, just abused.
They already have found what causes people to be gay. It's certain chemicals that the brain releases too much or too little of. I can't remember all the details aside from it being a chemical imbalance (hence why they say they can 'cure' homosexuals, but let's face it, anything to do with the brain can't be cured, only suppressed) I'm not really all that interested in what makes people gay so I wasn't giving it my full attention.

I'm so friggin nervous. I have two days left to finish my plot outline, character profiles and decide what genre/market I'm writing for. My tummy is doing funny things, man. I don't think I've ever been this nervous about writing. I DUN LYK EET.


Oldschool DMC fan
There was some geneticist who claimed he'd found genes on the X chromosome causing men to be gay, but he couldn't back up the same with women and it seemed more like guessing and assuming from a small number of people in the studies than facts. But there are people out there looking for it and wanting to confirm it. Totally not sure (after they get their Nobel prize or whatever) what that would mean for all the gay people and parents of gay people in places less tolerant than this if becomes some accepted fact.

The idea of a gay gene doesn't make a whole lot of sense, either, considering genes exist because they're passed on through kids, something gay people can't physically do. Over time you would expect a gay gene to die out, not keep appearing.


Devil hunter in training
There was some geneticist who claimed he'd found genes on the X chromosome causing men to be gay, but he couldn't back up the same with women and it seemed more like guessing and assuming from a small number of people in the studies than facts. But there are people out there looking for it and wanting to confirm it. Totally not sure (after they get their Nobel prize or whatever) what that would mean for all the gay people and parents of gay people in places less tolerant than this if becomes some accepted fact.

The idea of a gay gene doesn't make a whole lot of sense, either, considering genes exist because they're passed on through kids, something gay people can't physically do. Over time you would expect a gay gene to die out, not keep appearing.
There's a theory I came across last night about it being to do with women's bodies releasing hormones that make unborn children gay. So now some nut jobs are blaming women when there is nothing to be blamed for. :facepalm:

You're right. If there was a gay gene, then it couldn't be passed on. Only way that could happen is through donation and a woman being a surrogate, and even then I think it's a pretty crackpot theory. Some people are homosexual- get over it. I just don't understand the big fuss and hatred in some places. In Uganda, they had the death penalty for being homosexual ,until December last year, it became life in prison. Disgusting.

It reminds me of a documentary about a gay reporter going to Uganda because evangelical churches there preach this terrible slander and lies about homosexuals, how to stop them and encourage lynching. So this reporter wanted to see what was going on.
So the reporter talks to them and some other important people in government and they like him, they get on with him; and then the reporter says he is homosexual. They're lost for words and think he is joking and refuse to believe him just to make themselves feel better. Proves how stupid and ignorant some people are.

It also gives evangelical Christianity a very bad name thanks to a bunch of uneducated- in the literal sense- sheep who follow anything a corrupt minister tells then. Men of God my butt. God teaches love, not hatred and killing. Surely, even if they could not fully accept that some people are homosexual, they could at least reconcile their faith with 'love the sinner, but hate the sin'. It's a lot better than this senseless hatred and violence being propagated by those churches.

This nutjob in the link thinks gay men physically abuse women and hate them. I am worried for the state of the world with morons like this in it. It's a shame they can breed and pass on their hatred to a new generation.

Just as well this is the ranting thread because I just went off on a big one.:tongue:


Oldschool DMC fan
Gay people don't necessarily never breed, especially historically when having kids was more important for different reasons than it is now. But that's what I mean, there's less pressure on people to "continue the line", there's countries in the world where you can live your whole life not having kids and it is acceptable. So you'd think that now, any "gay gene" would be under greater pressure to die out. But it isn't because people are definitely more than the sum of their genes. (A geneticist might gag that I said that, but it's true.)

Looking at Russia at the moment and what's going on over there against LGBTQ and... eurgh. Hard to see how people can be so willingly dumb and hateful in this age and it's usually being said by someone using Christian or Islamic values as the reason it's O.K. to persecute and brutalize. Talk about missing the point.


Fake Geek Girl.
There was some geneticist who claimed he'd found genes on the X chromosome causing men to be gay, but he couldn't back up the same with women and it seemed more like guessing and assuming from a small number of people in the studies than facts. But there are people out there looking for it and wanting to confirm it. Totally not sure (after they get their Nobel prize or whatever) what that would mean for all the gay people and parents of gay people in places less tolerant than this if becomes some accepted fact.

The idea of a gay gene doesn't make a whole lot of sense, either, considering genes exist because they're passed on through kids, something gay people can't physically do. Over time you would expect a gay gene to die out, not keep appearing.
Yea, the gene thing doesn't make a lot of sense which is why I was thinking of another theory as to why we have different sexualities.

When you look in nature we have lots of species that exhibit homosexual behaviors. I personally think that we are all born bisexual and over time our brains kind of get wired to what side we lean more towards or even both. I mean, it's not black and white. We have gay, straight, bi, and even pansexual so I think it makes a lot of sense. Also, isn't it normal for a lot of people to be a little bicurious? Just saying, it's like there somehow.

It's hard to explain because the mind is literally like the final frontier. We're barely scratching the surface when it comes to understanding the brain.

I just wish some people would stop worrying so much to why people are gay and just accept them as they are. We're still a long way from equality and it's a damn shame.


Oldschool DMC fan
Yea, the gene thing doesn't make a lot of sense which is why I was thinking of another theory as to why we have different sexualities.

When you look in nature we have lots of species that exhibit homosexual behaviors. I personally think that we are all born bisexual and over time our brains kind of get wired to what side we lean more towards or even both. I mean, it's not black and white. We have gay, straight, bi, and even pansexual so I think it makes a lot of sense. Also, isn't it normal for a lot of people to be a little bicurious? Just saying, it's like there somehow.

It's hard to explain because the mind is literally like the final frontier. We're barely scratching the surface when it comes to understanding the brain.

I just wish some people would stop worrying so much to why people are gay and just accept them as they are. We're still a long way from equality and it's a damn shame.

Yeah, good points.

The argument gay is "against Nature" seems put forward by people who don't even look at nature. Or people who think that sex is only for reproducing. With humans (and some other species) it's way more than just that, sometimes never about breeding and more about bonding or favors or mutual satisfaction or whatever. There's this type of primate that is generally bisexual and uses it in an even more complicated and variable way than humans do. So if it's against Nature, Nature is totally against itself, and all these things still manage to exist anyway.

I don't get why something that doesn't affect anyone outside of the relationship gets people so upset. Even just talking about it now is probably gonna upset some people.

I can't speak for anyone but me, but I think you're probably right. Attraction isn't conscious preference, at the same time it depends on who you're with, or surrounded by, who will become an object of attraction, and also the wiring whether any of that makes a circuit and results in being attracted to somebody. One thing I do know is, you don't have much control over that process at all. Anyone who was ever attracted to somebody knows this, so why some of them still think you totally choose who you go for is just... wut.


Is not rat, is hamster
No I am not a particularly tolerant person and I hope I never become one. Because these days it would appear that tolerance means turning a blind eye, avoiding responsibility and treating accountability like it's a dirty word. Tolerance seems to equal a nicer way of saying apathetic. And please stop confusing tolerance with love for your fellow man. Because they are two very different things, you are not in the God Squad and you cannot preach to me what you do not even believe in yourself.

Nice try though, chicklet.


Fake Geek Girl.
Yeah, good points.

The argument gay is "against Nature" seems put forward by people who don't even look at nature. Or people who think that sex is only for reproducing. With humans (and some other species) it's way more than just that, sometimes never about breeding and more about bonding or favors or mutual satisfaction or whatever. There's this type of primate that is generally bisexual and uses it in an even more complicated and variable way than humans do. So if it's against Nature, Nature is totally against itself, and all these things still manage to exist anyway.

I don't get why something that doesn't affect anyone outside of the relationship gets people so upset. Even just talking about it now is probably gonna upset some people.

I can't speak for anyone but me, but I think you're probably right. Attraction isn't conscious preference, at the same time it depends on who you're with, or surrounded by, who will become an object of attraction, and also the wiring whether any of that makes a circuit and results in being attracted to somebody. One thing I do know is, you don't have much control over that process at all. Anyone who was ever attracted to somebody knows this, so why some of them still think you totally choose who you go for is just... wut.
Yea, the whole choice thing is BS. It's not. It really is some complex stuff that I doubt we'll ever understand anytime soon.

I mean, I have nothing at all against gay people. One of my closest friends is gay but, I can't turn around tomorrow and say I'm gonna date him or anything because I'm just not attracted to men.


Devil hunter in training
The argument gay is "against Nature" seems put forward by people who don't even look at nature. Or people who think that sex is only for reproducing. With humans (and some other species) it's way more than just that, sometimes never about breeding and more about bonding or favors or mutual satisfaction or whatever.
You're right. I don't know how it is against nature when seagulls are lesbian, and lots of other animals are homosexual or have homosexual tendencies. I had two male rabbits who tried to...you know:tongue:
Besides, if sex was just for reproduction, then why do condoms, pull out method, vasectomy sterilization, pills and spermicide exist? Clearly people want sex for either pleasure or pair bonding, but don't want to be pregnant. So that does away with the idea of sex for reproduction only. Most people use some form of birth control because they want sex without pregnancy. I don't blame them. It's not worth it these days when all it leads to is divorce, marital affairs, depression and clinics.Then the children who don't even ask to be here suffer the most.

I guess the roots of the fear of homosexuality and people not having children came from high infant death and a need to create lots of children to ensure some survive.
Either that or people who are all about passing on the family line, so a homosexual child would have stopped that. Still, humanity wouldn't go extinct just because some people are gay.

Besides, it's not like you can force hetro people to breed either. Most people these days put off having children or not having them at all for a reason. The world isn't going to stop just because they don't have children. Having said that, I guess that's why people and society put pressure on couples to have children. If a couple say they don't want children, they get abuse and hassle. But pressuring people to reproduce just creates unwanted and unloved children who will be messed up adults.

I don't get why something that doesn't affect anyone outside of the relationship gets people so upset. Even just talking about it now is probably gonna upset some people.
Ingrained and passed down the generations I guess. fear mongering and the like. Persecution and hatred is part of humanity sadly.
People like to butt into the business of other people. Some do it out of misguided sense of helping or doing what they think is right. Others just because they are so self righteous and see problems everywhere except for in themselves and persecute out of a twisted sense of love and trying to save them.
It happens with all relationships, straight or gay, someone always buts in and tries to force their view on someone else. What works for one person just doesn't work for another, and that should be fine.

Then there are the people who say homosexuals prey on children and attack them. In that case, look to the Catholic priests who abuse boys, look to the public school teachers who do the same,or the nursery workers who abuse children too; never mind the actual parents who kill their children.Those are people who are supposedly celibate or straight. Sexual abuse is sexual abuse. Sexuality preference has nothing to do with it and I don't know why child abuse is said to be done by homosexuals.

Unless there's some kind of fictional never-going-to-happen violent uprising of homosexuals VS heterosexual war, then why can't people just live and let live.

I can't speak for anyone but me, but I think you're probably right. Attraction isn't conscious preference, at the same time it depends on who you're with, or surrounded by, who will become an object of attraction, and also the wiring whether any of that makes a circuit and results in being attracted to somebody. One thing I do know is, you don't have much control over that process at all. Anyone who was ever attracted to somebody knows this, so why some of them still think you totally choose who you go for is just... wut.
I could get behind that idea. It makes sense. Besides, people like who they like.
Maybe if we didn't make such a big issue out of it, there wouldn't be so many confused teens afraid to speak to their friends and parents; there wouldn't be adults feeling like they are living a lie in hetero marriages with children. Imagine the damage that causes when mother or father can't take it anymore and says they are gay. The children will have their world turned upside down. Happened to a friend of my brother's and he hasn't looked at his parents in the same way. Lost all respect for them and sees his childhood as a lie.

Yea, the whole choice thing is BS. It's not and people can just look at themselves.

I mean, I have nothing at all against gay people. One of my closest friends are gay but, I can't turn around tomorrow and say I'm gonna date him or anything because I'm just not attracted to men.
True. I have lesbian friends and I'm not going to date them. The most I think about a woman
is she has cool clothes or makeup or a nice personality. But I'm not attracted to them in a dating way. That's just not me. :tongue:


Fake Geek Girl.
True. I have lesbian friends and I'm not going to date them. The most I think about a woman
is she has cool clothes or makeup or a nice personality. But I'm not attracted to them in a dating way. That's just not me. :tongue:
Well, even with being attracted to women I can still say a guy's handsome. Like, Brad Pitt is a good looking guy. It doesn't mean I would like to hook up with up him.

Besides, my man crush is on Ryan Gosling.

:inlove: dream boat level: Over 9000

.......uhh... I mean BOOBS AND GIRLS ARE GREAT! :whistle:


Oldschool DMC fan

Even if people are used to the idea of gay people (and with the marriage bill thing going through) they still prick up ears when someone suggests a school might have a gay teacher or if any of the curriculum happens to include teaching kids about LGBTQ issues (think there's a ban on it still) meaning people are accustomed but there's still the undercurrent of belief that it's deviant and dangerous. Personally I think they should teach about it in school. If they did, kids who need help and information with it might get some, instead of their problems or desperation resulting in suicide. Still happens a lot.

Happened to a friend of my brother's and he hasn't looked at his parents in the same way. Lost all respect for them and sees his childhood as a lie.

That's rough. Though I don't think people always know their orientation immediately so I wouldn't assume they lived a lie in a straight marriage... some people do, esp. in places/cultures that put huge emphasis on pleasing your parents by getting married and giving them grandkids. The pressure is on people to do that. There's an assumption in general that everyone is straight, and as a kid in a society like that you kind of assume you are too to begin with, it's all you see presented 'normal'. It can take people a while to figure out that they're not straight, and sometimes a bunch of relationships. Not in my case, but I do know people that didn't figure it out until later and some experience. I don't know anyone who went so far as to get married and have kids before figuring it out, but... doesn't seem fair to hate on them for it. I would see it as meaning they fell out of attraction for each other, then, and there would be no point continuing the appearance of a straight married couple, causing tension and split which would turn the kids' lives upside down that way. I know because my parents divorced when I was young and that was pretty tough to deal with. But that happens fairly often anyway, right? I guess I can't say it would be better for them to have kept quiet and kept a pretense... even as a kid when I thought my family was about to break up I mentioned to them that although it was basically "the end of the world" to me, there's no point being together to only be miserable and living a lie. The truth hurts but it's better than a lifetime of pretending.


Devil hunter in training

Even if people are used to the idea of gay people (and with the marriage bill thing going through) they still prick up ears when someone suggests a school might have a gay teacher or if any of the curriculum happens to include teaching kids about LGBTQ issues (think there's a ban on it still) meaning people are accustomed but there's still the undercurrent of belief that it's deviant and dangerous. Personally I think they should teach about it in school. If they did, kids who need help and information with it might get some, instead of their problems or desperation resulting in suicide. Still happens a lot.
True. I guess it still does cause either controversy or panic. But really, children are in just as much danger of straight teachers. Actually, I've never once heard of a gay teacher abducting a minor to France. Just straight ones. But I guess that's because the teaching staff is majority straight. More gay teachers= maybe more chance of that happening statistically?

I agree that children should be taught, but the sticky part for me would be what age.
I would say start when they are young and explain in simple ways, but that could be seen as indoctrination by some people. In which case, I guess you could give parents permission to remove their child from that lesson.

Then again, more children, whether through adoption, donor or surrogacy, are growing up with gay parents. So children do need to be taught about gay parents. It would cut down on teasing or just plain misinformation.

Besides, children are curious. If a child has two mothers or fathers, they're going to ask why and want to know. So I don't think there's harm in saying basics like some people have two mums or some people have two dads, and that the idea of family is varied.
Heck, they could just do a class on different types of family without specifically focusing on gay family; you know, like single mother, single father, bio mother and step father, or children raised by grandparents. That sort of thing.

That's rough. Though I don't think people always know their orientation immediately so I wouldn't assume they lived a lie in a straight marriage... some people do, esp. in places/cultures that put huge emphasis on pleasing your parents by getting married and giving them grandkids. The pressure is on people to do that.
True, that is a point. Not everyone knows right away what they are attracted to. In the case of my post, his mother knew, but had parents who thought she could settle down with a man and her lesbianism would just magically vanish. :facepalm: So she was unhappy, her husband was devastated when he found out and so was the son. Forcing people to do something they do not want through fear tactics or societal pressure helps no one.

There's an assumption in general that everyone is straight, and as a kid in a society like that you kind of assume you are too to begin with, it's all you see presented 'normal'.
Yep. I remember when I was a child, I just thought I'd magically get married one day and have children because I thought that was normal. Thank goodness my parents snapped me out of that delusion and taught me I was worth more than that and should follow my dreams instead of expectations of others. Just leads to regret and feelings of wasting life. That goes for anything in life, I think.

I know because my parents divorced when I was young and that was pretty tough to deal with. But that happens fairly often anyway, right? I guess I can't say it would be better for them to have kept quiet and kept a pretense... even as a kid when I thought my family was about to break up I mentioned to them that although it was basically "the end of the world" to me, there's no point being together to only be miserable and living a lie. The truth hurts but it's better than a lifetime of pretending.
Divorce is common today and it's a shame for the children, like their world has gone to pieces and the parents they idolised become flawed beings.
But divorce is preferable compared to parents shouting and fighting and knowing they do not love each other. Worst is when a parent has an affair but pretends the marriage is fine. Children find out one way or another and it is soul destroying.
Rather divorce honestly than live in a sham marriage. It doesn't do anyone any good.


Oldschool DMC fan
True. I guess it still does cause either controversy or panic. But really, children are in just as much danger of straight teachers. Actually, I've never once heard of a gay teacher abducting a minor to France. Just straight ones. But I guess that's because the teaching staff is majority straight. More gay teachers= maybe more chance of that happening statistically?

Putin sums it up. What did he say recently about the Olympics? Something to the effect of "you gay people can come over here and enjoy the Olympics, don't worry, we won't beat you up on this occasion, but please, try to keep your hands off our kids".

Just a casual remark that he believes gays are pedophiles in there, in front of the world. Classy.

I don't know the deal here - is it from the scandals in the Catholic church? other than that, I can't see some pattern between men abusing boys and homosexuality being played out so much it's like some well-known fact. Abuse goes on everywhere but when you hear about it it doesn't seem particularly skewed in the direction of gay people. I hear more often on news about fathers abusing daughters, men preying on girls, than I do about openly gay men abusing children.

I agree that children should be taught, but the sticky part for me would be what age.

Same age they teach kids in general about relationships, safe sex and so on? I guess it's about age 14-16 in school. Bit late I reckon, as half of my class had already either done it, or was in/been in a relationship by this point and already knew what was being talked about, even if they hadn't had the advice yet.

Yea, anyone who passive-aggressively claims that a child with same-sex parents is being 'harmed' by this type of family, because it's not the "natural" setup, are insinuating all the people who were raised by single parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents and whatever else are potentially abnormal people just because they didn't have a mother and a father taking care of them. This is the real world. The perfect family doesn't exist... all you need is someone who loves you, better that for anyone than the nuclear family from hell or something.

Yep. I remember when I was a child, I just thought I'd magically get married one day and have children because I thought that was normal.

I think I knew from the get go I couldn't do that somehow. People would say at me when I was about 9 or 10 about how I'd be like everyone else and end up in a relationship, marriage, kids, and I'd always be like, that doesn't seem right. So okay, they were right about having relationships, but I knew I wasn't going to be like the image I saw on TV. I didn't think I was abnormal, I just knew it even from a young age that the image didn't fit.


Devil hunter in training
Same age they teach kids in general about relationships, safe sex and so on? I guess it's about age 14-16 in school. Bit late I reckon, as half of my class had already either done it, or was in/been in a relationship by this point and already knew what was being talked about, even if they hadn't had the advice yet.
I think I was about 10 when they gave the first class at school and followed it up with more detail as we got older. I think maybe older than 10 would be better, but that's just me.

Yea, anyone who passive-aggressively claims that a child with same-sex parents is being 'harmed' by this type of family, because it's not the "natural" setup, are insinuating all the people who were raised by single parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents and whatever else are potentially abnormal people just because they didn't have a mother and a father taking care of them. This is the real world. The perfect family doesn't exist... all you need is someone who loves you, better that for anyone than the nuclear family from hell or something.
I think if someone just said outright that they don't like something, be it homosexual awareness class, or religious education as being harmful to their child, it's a lot better than this passive aggressive, cryptic comments that are easily seen through. At least people would know where they stood and let them keep to their ways.

Family is different these days, whether through divorce, death of a parent or teenage pregnancy. People shouldn't be looking down on homosexual families as a scourge on the nation any more than single teenage mothers. But, sadly, both types of family are looked down on. But at least teenage mothers don't have their children forcibly taken from them anymore. So I guess society has changed in that respect.

I think I knew from the get go I couldn't do that somehow. People would say at me when I was about 9 or 10 about how I'd be like everyone else and end up in a relationship, marriage, kids, and I'd always be like, that doesn't seem right. So okay, they were right about having relationships, but I knew I wasn't going to be like the image I saw on TV. I didn't think I was abnormal, I just knew it even from a young age that the image didn't fit.
I knew from an early age I never wanted children. I prefer to look after the ones already here that their parents dump in care homes or babysit for friends to take the pressure off.
It's not seen as particularly normal in the environment I was raised in, but it's not like I get pressure from my parents to have a boyfriend, marriage or children. They're just happy that I am happy.

That's how it should be. Parents should just be happy that their child is happy instead of worrying that their child is gay or isn't fitting the role society expects.

Society just needs to move on and change for its own good. No point in stagnating.
Back in the day, teenage mothers were sent away for the rest of their pregnancy and then had their children taken away and raised by strangers because it was seen as abnormal and a disgrace. These days, they can raise their children alone and rarely have them taken by social services. Luckily, society's attitude has changed.

I think accepting that some people and parents are gay needs to be the next change, along with attitudes of intolerance towards disability, especially children who are special needs.
There just aren't any classes about acceptance or awareness, so you have children being teased and bullied just because they are a little different. It's heart breaking for the parents who love their children, but the rest of the world doesn't, and calls for them to be aborted because they are seen as a burden.

Not sure if I'm ranting or rambling, but those are my thoughts on those subjects, complete with going off on a tangent. It's pretty cathartic just typing on a forum like this about things that bother me.
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i like turtles
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i love writing essays. i really do. but these college essay topics are sooooooooo...SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...boring. dear lord. they will be the death of me
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