So I didn't go to university and that's why my son has autism? What, only graduates somehow avoid the condition? And people are wondering why the attitude of some students irks me so much...
So I didn't go to university and that's why my son has autism? What, only graduates somehow avoid the condition? And people are wondering why the attitude of some students irks me so much...
not sure if we should mock this person til the end of time or just leave them to rot in their own filth. either way, my faith in humanity has just died. who said this btw?So I didn't go to university and that's why my son has autism? What, only graduates somehow avoid the condition? And people are wondering why the attitude of some students irks me so much...
If that's the case, this person should meet my friends' who graduated with masters degrees and have an autistic son. Then they can try to say that only people who didn't go to university have autistic children. What a stupid thing to say. :facepalm: Scientists don't even really know what causes autism yet. It's a number of factors, and it can happen to any child, regardless of parental educational achievement.So I didn't go to university and that's why my son has autism? What, only graduates somehow avoid the condition? And people are wondering why the attitude of some students irks me so much...
Agreed. This isn't the attitude of a student. This person has no tact, a lack of social skills, and just likes making people feel bad. I really hope this person doesn't go around saying this or smiliar things to other parents of children with autism. Just wow...That would be an idiot, not just a student. . . >.> Who is this person, that they would have enough air time to say something like that?
Sadly you're going to get people like this everywhere in every part of society. It's not just one or two students. I've seen adults actually pull their children away when my friends' son goes to the park. I've seen adults make comments to them about being unable to control him and think he's just badly behaved.not sure if we should mock this person til the end of time or just leave them to rot in their own filth. either way, my faith in humanity has just died. who said this btw?
Some "thinking group" that are researching for a link between neurological/developmental disorders and education levels. Also known as, "I don't know what I'm talking about but want to feel smart".That would be an idiot, not just a student. . . >.> Who is this person, that they would have enough air time to say something like that?
Sadly these days, if you do anything to that kid, you'll be the one in trouble with the law. Kinda like when home owners are jailed for defending their homes from thieves. The law is no longer designed to help victims and instead helps the criminal.Current rant: either you don't know your little angel is a nasty little bitch or you simply don't care. Rest assured you will care when the police knock on your door with evidence of her cyberbullying tactics. So sort her out or I will.
Make sure you take a load of screen captures...actually take those to this kid's parents and see what they make of it. Usually parents are pretty ashamed when they find out their child is a bully and do something about it.Actually, her online bullying tactics are covered under harassment law so if she persists in her behaviour then I can and will involve the police. Quite looking forward to it, actually.
Exactly. I know women who collect dolls, and they are never called lesbian. I too have a few Final Fantasy figures from when I was a teenager.I swear most kids these days are really dumb and simple minded. Just because a man owns and play with a barbie doll doesn't mean he is gay.
Stick to your guns and write how you want to write. If the villain is badly written, then how is anyone going to cheer on the hero to beat them? A villain must always be on the same level as the hero, otherwise there is no point. You're doing the right thing by making your villains complex. :thumbsup: Keep it up.I'm sick of people telling me I write a villain, or other character, "really, really differently". It's just that I'm not willing to sacrifice my pride and write about some idiot psycho laughing as he pushes a button to destroy the world. Real people are layered and complex. Real people have many different sides to them. So...why shouldn't characters be multi-faceted? Why shouldn't characters be uncliched and realistic? Why do I have to make the main characters complex and then have the villains be...not? Don't the heroes deserve a complex villain? Better yet, don't the readers deserve interesting bad guys? Why do I have to write my characters poorly just for the sake of conforming? >_<
TA as in a teacher's aid? Shouldn't you be discouraging that behaviour? Screw the parents, if they're not there, you're in charge. If you can make a child realise that what they are doing is neither funny nor acceptable, chances are they'll change their attitude, at least at the educational setting.I've met parents like that when I was a TA. It's disgusting how parents call other children 'freaks' and actively encourage that behaviour in their own children by either not doing anything or rewarding it.