You mean they're not?? :'(Men are not just walking cash machines and women are not just baby makers and sex toys to be bought.
You mean they're not?? :'(Men are not just walking cash machines and women are not just baby makers and sex toys to be bought.
You mean they're not?? :'([quote="Loopy, post: 507952, member: 24188" Men are not just walking cash machines and women are not just baby makers and sex toys to be bought.
I know what you mean. It's too bad there are so few women outside the U.S. and U.K. that actually share my interests... most of them are so boring.snip
That's called, "employment".i hate when i'm asked to do something, then the person i did it for doesn't like the way i did it...
Kind of like my resume. :lol:Balls! Gotta find my 'record of achievement'... great, I really need reminding what a cr*p human being I am right now... ah well, there's always that City & Guilds Certificate... which reminds me of the year I didn't do in college... fudge...
Achievements... more like a pile of sh*t ...
Kind of like my resume. :lol:
... Exactly like my resume. :ermm:
:/ They are absolutely pointless things, I've even discovered that most of resumes aren't even read in full by potential employers...what is the point?
This is my first resume and they say "put down positive stuff"... uhh... no... what do they want "I love life and puke rainbows"? They'll get the honest truth... (brutally honest)...
I think they use computer programs to read CVs and resumes if there are a lot of applicants. It supposed to save time and money by checking for key words. Personally, I don't think they should be using that method of checking. CVs/ resume are not an accurate reflection of what a person is really like.:/ They are absolutely pointless things, I've even discovered that most of resumes aren't even read in full by potential employers...what is the point?
This is my first resume and they say "put down positive stuff"... uhh... no... what do they want "I love life and puke rainbows"? They'll get the honest truth... (brutally honest)...
:/ They are absolutely pointless things, I've even discovered that most of resumes aren't even read in full by potential employers...what is the point?
This is my first resume and they say "put down positive stuff"... uhh... no... what do they want "I love life and puke rainbows"? They'll get the honest truth... (brutally honest)...
They look for key phrases - what skills you possess that they require, what experience you have that might benefit their company, it's all done with a fairly trained eye. Don't bother with things like hobbies. Tell them who you are, where you're from, and what you can do/have done. Don't need to pretty it up with a long list of past employment unless it's a target skill that you can use for the job you're applying for.
And MultiBro is right, the cover letter either makes it or breaks it. Promote yourself in terms of the role you're aiming for and make it about THEM, eg. I heard YOU are looking for someone who haz skillz like dis - well I got dis and dat and sum moar of dat - and I've been striving to work for your/a company like yours in such and such a positiion, etc, look forward to hearing from you ciao. It's a different kind of social game because you really do need to sell yourself to them, not overdo it and not stray off the track either, and not coming off as someone who had copied and pasted the whole draft off the internet.
In my case, the more real you are with people, the more approachable you become, the more employers will favour you over others. I've cut my resume short from 4 pages down to 1 (2 at most), and my cover letters are usually short, to the point, and friendly. I see you've got this role advertised....I'm interested... I have experience... attached is my resume.... call me.... and they do call. I've had more luck job hunting this way than I have through recruitment companies. At any rate the calls to arrange interviews flooded in more than when I was with Hays.
Just make sure you kill it in the interview.
How are you suppose to 'sell yourself' with low self-esteem? I swear that's what these people in this group don't understand...