Some old men disgust me.

Yesterday some 50+ year old guy said to me he thought it was perfectly alright to date women 20 to 30 years younger than him. I pointed out that with such a big age gap, they have nothing in common, and that the woman was probably after his money, and that it wouldn't be so fun for the woman when he's useless in bed, not to mention being at his funeral.
Then if they have children with such a huge age gap, there'll be the baby just learning to walk and the father unable to walk because of old age. Probably a dead father by the time the child is a teenager. That's a selfish thing to do to a child. I can't believe the guy was alright with that. :O
He then went on to use Asia (Japan specifically) as an example of how women only marry men for their money and status and then pop out children in return, and how UK women should be more Japanese because we don't look after men. What an asshat this guy is.

Maybe because men like that old pervert aren't worth looking after. He just wants a house slave and hooker disguised as a wife. At least most people my age want to be together because they honestly care for each other, and want to look after each other. Money has nothing to do with them being together.
Besides, people of my generation have seen our parents marriages collapse horrifically, most times because the father kept having affairs with other women. So no wonder women don't want to enter into a partnership if they are afraid the man will be unfaithful and leave her with the children and financial problems.
Attitudes like that are insulting to men and women. So he's basically saying the only value a man has is how much he earns, and that women are only valued for their looks and ability to have children.
Speaking of children...they are going to have a messed up childhood if the father is 60 or 70 when the child is 13, and the mother is only with him for money.
I didn't realise we were back in the early 1900 where women were expected to be kept in the house like pets and domestic servants. All I can say is I'm glad this guy's opinions are dying out. I haven't come across guys my age spouting such insulting rubbish.
Besides, there's just something wrong with a man who wants to date with such a huge age gap. Young women do not want creepy old men chatting them up. The few that do only chase old men for money, marry them, pop out a trophy brat, and then sue the man for child support, upkeep of herself because she gave up work for the child, and half of his assets. Serves the guy right for falling for it. There's no fool like an old fool.
I could never pretend to like a man for money. And I could never date a man 20 or 30 years older. That just disgusts me and makes me think of Hugh Hefner. :shifty:
Some women might as well be hookers if all they want is to use men for money. I also don't understand how a man could be okay knowing that money was the only thing a woman liked about him and be willing to risk divorce where he's going to lose his children and the money, which is what the wife wanted anyway. :/
If it's two consenting adults, then I guess they've made their own mess and should face the consequences. But what really gets me is 25+, 30, and even 50 year old men and women try to date teenagers aged 16- 19. That shouldn't be allowed. They're still immature teenagers, children, with no life experience compared to the older partner. The older one could manipulate the teenager, and make the teenager old before their time, or force them into something they are unsure about.
Studies have shown that, upon reflection as adults, being involved with much older partners during their teenage years expressed regret and feelings of being used and manipulated. So it's all well and good for the old man or woman who's got a teenager on her arm, but that to me is some kind of...not quite child abuse...but there's something very wrong with that kind of relationship. It reminds me of a youtube clip of the Maury show where a 40 year old woman dated a 16 year old, had him move in with her and her children who were older, and bought him pokemon cards. That woman was sick. What possessed her to go after such a young teenager. To me 16 is like a child....
This is a good example why this shouldn't happen.
Anway...rambling rant over. I think I'm getting good at these.