The ranting thinking thread

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Haven't been here in a while. So here I go!

So, I got hired to work at Universal Studios Orlando as a Food and Beverage Stoker. On my first day of work I end up as a cashier for on of the food vendors outside. Not bad right? Training is start forward not to hard or boring. My shift though is from 3:00 p.m to 10:30 p.m. and I only get a 30 minute break for the whole shift. So around five o clock my arms started to feel weak and felt some pain in my chest. I didn't know what was and thought it was due to being in a semi in-closed food cart in Florida heat with a p.o.s fan was getting to me and all I need was to drink water and go on break I'd be fine.

Nope, it did not. So, at six o' clock I went on my thirty min break and felt worse. So, I text my fiancee about how I felt and he told me to tell me team lead. And that is what I did. My team lead took me to the health center for employees and there took my vitals, gave me something to drink while I laid down in one of the beds there. I told them what was wrong and they then called an ambulance. They did some test and then sent me of to the hospital. Once I got to the hospital they did some more test and fond out I was having heat exhaustion and that is why my chest was hurting. I did tell me fiancee about this and in turn he call my mom so they would be at the hospital. We ended up leaving around ten thirty at night.

And that is how I end my first day of work. =_= I'm not sure what to do, but I need to talk to HR about moving to another position that dose not require me to be outdoor all shift. sigh What a mess.
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*perve face* Where, where, where? Why don't you report it when it gets out of hand? The mods can't be everywhere all the time even with their ninja ability activated.

Nah...Its more like...

"I really wish global warming was not big of an issue"


"Yeah, May be we should make a porno movie about it"

And everything goes downhill from that.......LOL
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You'd think that house/pet-sitting would be awesome, but it's not when the pets are a**holes. The owner lets the animals sleep in the same room/in the bed with her, I am not that person. The eldest cat loves to scratch continuously on the door of the room I sleep in and won't stop until I open it and then she runs off. The needy-ass dog loves to sit by the door and yelp/cry to be let in or give him some attention. I have not had a full night's sleep since Friday and I am getting ****ed OFF!
You'd think that house/pet-sitting would be awesome, but it's not when the pets are a**holes. The owner lets the animals sleep in the same room/in the bed with her, I am not that person. The eldest cat loves to scratch continuously on the door of the room I sleep in and won't stop until I open it and then she runs off. The needy-ass dog loves to sit by the door and yelp/cry to be let in or give him some attention. I have not had a full night's sleep since Friday and I am getting ****ed OFF!

Shhhh.....Keep it low.....Too many pet lovers in here.....LOL.
That epic fail moment when you bring up an incident where someone was being a total asshole and said person denies ever being present and acts the victim.
Epic fail.
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Look, I didn't buy her anything for her baby shower. It doesn't matter if you and mum got her a bunch of stuff, I want to give her something, too, even if it's just a little bit of money. Please stop telling me off every time I want to do something for someone. It makes me feel like you think I'm just an idiot who doesn't know what to do with anything. And you wonder why I don't want to go spend time with people.
I'm SO SICK of everything in this house becoming a drama... when you apologize, you don't mention what you were arguing about less than 1 second after said apology or else there's not point...
I don't give a flying fig what the neighbors are doing with their trees... I've have my own problems atm, and you being a complete a$$hat is one of them... stop being said a$$hat... and leave me to worry and be depressed in peace... k? Thanks...
Why, in all the world and in the entire universe, did I have to get an asshole for a dad?
Nya, daddy, if you're not competent enough to show me a grain of respect and doing as I ask and keeping the whole UK thing quiet, then you're out of my circle of friends. Yep. See this here circle? YOU'RE NOT IN IT ANYMORE.
Oh, and mum? I'm fairly sure I told you to keep it quiet in the first place. The fact that you forgot that one little request and told my brothers and my dad, means you're out of the circle, too. Unfortunate, yes. It is very unfortunate that you guys can't adhere to one little request. It's not like I ever ask you guys for money or cars or games or ****. I never ask you anything. So when I do, I'd expect you guys to meet me halfway.
See, this is why I don't have you down as the guardians for my kids when I die one day. You've already proven you can't oblige to one stupid little thing I ask, let alone how I wish my children to be raised.
I'm not going to talk to you guys about the important things anymore. The next time I bring up UK, it will be when I'M IN IT.

Like this post if you have juveniles for parents.:troll:
Why, in all the world and in the entire universe, did I have to get an asshole for a dad?
Nya, daddy, if you're not competent enough to show me a grain of respect and doing as I ask and keeping the whole UK thing quiet, then you're out of my circle of friends. Yep. See this here circle? YOU'RE NOT IN IT ANYMORE.
Oh, and mum? I'm fairly sure I told you to keep it quiet in the first place. The fact that you forgot that one little request and told my brothers and my dad, means you're out of the circle, too. Unfortunate, yes. It is very unfortunate that you guys can't adhere to one little request. It's not like I ever ask you guys for money or cars or games or ****. I never ask you anything. So when I do, I'd expect you guys to meet me halfway.
See, this is why I don't have you down as the guardians for my kids when I die one day. You've already proven you can't oblige to one stupid little thing I ask, let alone how I wish my children to be raised.
I'm not going to talk to you guys about the important things anymore. The next time I bring up UK, it will be when I'M IN IT.

Like this post if you have juveniles for parents.:troll:

Why can't I like your post more than once? lol
I'll never get on the wrong side of you in future... you one scary woman :P
This article has annoyed me:

Apparently, naturally slim women live on salted lettuce and laxatives.:mad: Excuse me for being naturally slim and eating what I like. I can't help it that I don't put on weight. >_< That just makes me feel bad if people think naturally slim women either starve themselves or puke meals into a toilet. Worse are some of the comments on various sites about this doll that equate slim women to hookers or people of lesser minds. I'm fed up of the pretty/ slim= idiot/ easy hooker stereotype.

Aside from that, since when do people base their ideal image of beauty on a doll? It seems strange to me that someone would want to do that. :ermm: It seems like it's more about the adult women fixating on looking like a Barbie than the girls and boys who play with them. I don't think children play Barbie and aspire to look like her. Barbie is fantasy make believe for children, not some ideal to imitate and be like.
I didn't think like that as a child...then again, I did play with Batman and Power Rangers figures too. As a child, I aspired to be a Power Ranger instead. Sadly, that never happened. I'm still waiting for Zordon to beam me up and give me my Ranger outfit and Zord many years later.:P

With all this concern over girls wanting to be Barbie...where is the concern for boys being infleunced by Action man or GI Joe dolls? :/ I just don't see the same discussion surrounding boys and playing with those dolls being negative for their self esteem.
It seems like the media loves to create body image problems for women...though I do think they are starting on the men now considering I have heard that male plastic surgery is on the rise along with adverts that basically say women hate grey hair and won't date you unless you have a car and money.

As for this new doll that is supposed to represent the average 'real' woman, she is not a 'real woman'. That's just excluding women who are naturally slim, and women who do not have light skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. If they're going to be serious about dolls for average and real woman, then it would make more sense to create dolls of all hair, skin and eye colour.
Besides, who gets to define what is a 'real woman'? A woman comes in all shapes, sizes; colour for hair, skin and eyes.

But you know what, if people are going to compare themselves to a doll, then neither Barbie is something to aspire to. If you are not naturally silm like Barbie, don't force yourself into crazy diets or plastic surgery that will only lead to misery.
You also might end up making yourself like this:troll:

But it is also not healthy to be overweight due to increased risk of diabetes, stroke and heart disease. People just need to find a weight that is healthy for them without being either extremely fat or the force themselves to be slim if they aren't naturally like that. It just makes people unhappy on both sides of the spectrum.
I wish people would stop with the bashing and harsh words on both sides as well. Bigger women can't help it and shouldn't be called fatty or whale. It's a terrible thing to say to someone, same as calling a smaller woman skinny bitch or anorexic. It should be what is inside a person that counts, but in this world people are first judged by how they look, and I don't think it will change soon.

Phew....That was a long one. Well, they don't call this the ranting thread for nothing. :P
ROFL scary, nah.....well, my super duper crush on Dante is kinda scary....

CR: oh, waaaaah, you bunch of cry babies, you're not even worth the hassle.

A bit like my OTT love for Vergil (not crush... I'm now verging on obsessed Stalker... well as close as you can get to stalking a gaming character lol)


That's not a normal diet, that sounds like someone with an eating disorder. A normal diet is eating 'normal' things (in the right amounts).
If someone has an eating disorder they'll either throw up or use laxatives... and as for salted lettuce...blergh.

I had Barbie's as a kid... never wanted to be like her (although I would've liked her house lol)

Also, all of this b****cks about top shelf magazines (nuts, zoo etc)... they don't bother me! I'm too busy looking at the gaming magazines (which some of them come in bags... if people still buy gaming magazines which come in bags, then surely the adult (being the main word) can do the same...) Also as a kid, I don't ever remember looking up to the top shelf... like most kids, I'm pretty sure that I was distracted by the colourful magazines on the bottom shelf...

BTW, I'm still waiting for Zordon to beam me to the command centre too. :3
I like the world, i like people, hell i even try to tolerate and put the other cheek as it should be done. But enought sh** has happened this last year to us than i am growing tired.

Next time he does that i'm throwing a punch to that big nose of his and wont even care if he hides his face up his arse, might eventually do good to him.
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Now that would be a bad image to aspire to...and scary.:lol:

That's not a normal diet, that sounds like someone with an eating disorder. A normal diet is eating 'normal' things (in the right amounts).
If someone has an eating disorder they'll either throw up or use laxatives... and as for salted lettuce...blergh.
I think the article confuses slim people who eat healthy with slim people who have genuine eating disorders. But still, the heading of the article and the first few paragraphs are unpleasant considering what it made me think.

I had Barbie's as a kid... never wanted to be like her (although I would've liked her house lol)
I wanted her private jet...but I have since grown out of that.:P

BTW, I'm still waiting for Zordon to beam me to the command centre too. :3
Maybe one day Zordon will beam us up together.:lol: Anyone else want to join us? I call dibs on a purple Power Ranger suit.

Apparently they've done a study on obese people and found that they have a malfunctioning hormone, the one that tells you when you're full? They lack that hormone so they constantly feel hungry.
I've also heard of something called prada willi syndrome which makes people want to eat a lot too; so much so that the families of these people have to lock food away very securely. But even then this does not stop them from eating dirt or other household items. So far, there is no cure. I hope they find one in the future. It must be terrible to feel constantly hungry even after eating, let alone all the other health problems associated with it.

Just come across this. Terrible, saddening and makes me angry.
According to this, a letter was sent saying their autistic child should be euthanized, along with other terrible words.:O:mad: It is a disgusting thing to say about a child, and cowardly that it was done anonymously. I hope the writer of the letter can be found and something done.
Yes, the child was making noise, but all children make noise. That's how they play and have fun. I don't see how anyone can be so vile just because a child is playing outside.
It's just so sad that society is still like this, that they can be so hurtful to a child who has done nothing wrong but exist. And so what if he is not exactly like other children. He's happy and he's not bothering anyone
The only good news is that once word got round about the letter, the community rallied round and gave support.
Just come across this. Terrible, saddening and makes me angry.
According to this, a letter was sent saying their autistic child should be euthanized, along with other terrible words.:O:mad: It is a disgusting thing to say about a child, and cowardly that it was done anonymously. I hope the writer of the letter can be found and something done.
Yes, the child was making noise, but all children make noise. That's how they play and have fun. I don't see how anyone can be so vile just because a child is playing outside.

It's called stimming. It's a classic autistic trait. Some kids twirl in circles, others flap their hands, a majority of them hum. Loudly. It's a way of fulfilling a sensory need, and they can do this for lengthy periods of time. My own daughter hums quite often and it is irritating when she hits a certain frequency, but I'm used to it. It's background noise, nothing more.
The woman who wrote that letter is obviously clueless, which I could forgive her for, but she seems to lack the maturity level where you can explain to her what autism is.

I'd have taken that letter and pinned it up on our community board with my own response.
Why don't you grow some balls and come say this **** to my face? You know where I live, you coward.

That's one of the main things I'm terrified of. When people start talking to me or my kid like that. I may go to jail. :/
It's called stimming. It's a classic autistic trait. Some kids twirl in circles, others flap their hands, a majority of them hum. Loudly. It's a way of fulfilling a sensory need, and they can do this for lengthy periods of time. My own daughter hums quite often and it is irritating when she hits a certain frequency, but I'm used to it. It's background noise, nothing more.
There's someone in my family who hums a lot. It's not a tune he hums, more like just a certain pitch that he seems to like. To me, his humming sounds like an electric razor:lol: Didn't know there was an actual name for it though.

The woman who wrote that letter is obviously clueless, which I could forgive her for, but she seems to lack the maturity level where you can explain to her what autism is.
Seems that way. Or maybe she is just cruel. Or maybe her ignorance is leading her to be cruel. :/
I think understanding autism is easier when you have someone in the family or know someone with an autistic child. At least then you can see what the child is like and what the family life is like for parents of autistic children. I think it really helps understanding what the parents and children go though,and sure, it can be hard for the parents, but I don't think my friends would trade their child for anything or want to change him. That's their son and they love him regardless.

I'd have taken that letter and pinned it up on our community board with my own response.
Why don't you grow some balls and come say this **** to my face? You know where I live, you coward.

That's one of the main things I'm terrified of. When people start talking to me or my kid like that. I may go to jail. :/
I'd do something bad too if someone came up to a member of my family and said nasty things just because because they're autistic. It's a really hurtful thing for parents and the child to experience. It's like saying your child is less than other children, that they don't deserve to be here. It's so cruel. I don't know how anyone could say that.

If people want to continue being so ignorant and hurtful, they should at least do it in private if they have to do it at all.