It's part of the deal. Look , DMC 3 had backtracking as well. Keep complaining all you want. It is'nt such a big deal.
Totally different. Backtracking in DMC used to mean something, because you had a closed off area that showed you things that you couldn't figure out just yet. It's the old Metroid idea, of making you question your surroundings, and it all played into the puzzles and riddles the franchise used to have. DMC4 had puzzles, and the backtracking wasn't so much backtracking as it was literally going backwards and fighting all the bosses you had previously fought but with a new character and in reverse, instead of giving them their own campaign and enemies to fight. It's lazy, and it is a big deal, because if we just shrug crap like that away, devs will keep doing it.
It's saying something when people crap on Ninja Theory for being a "sh!t developer" and yet they gave us DmC that has two playable characters with their own campaigns and unique enemies. Vergil's Downfall might be short, since it's DLC and all, but at least they tried. DMC4 didn't, they took one of the laziest ways out to lengthen the game.
And this just makes you sound like an asshole.
May be you should decide the estimates on wat should be developed and how less of an effort it would take to implement it. Mean while, i will play with wat capcom decides to implement.
I play what they give me, too, but as a consumer it gives me the right to criticize their laziness, especially when they've already proven with DMC2 that they could do what I've said they could replicate in order to rectify what I'm criticizing.
You're also still ignoring the fact that it's not backtracking in a sense that's actually entertaining, it's lazy implementation. Plus, your statement of "no one is forcing you to play, so you shouldn't complain" is still completely ignorant and seeks to do nothing but whisk away a person's argument