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The emo dissrespect needs to stop.

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Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
I am getting sick an tired of seeing "I hate Nero, he is sooo emo" and stuff like that. It seems that you all(you know who you are)are applying the term "emo" to ANY character you don't like.:mad:

Nero is emo, that is NO reson to hate him.:dry:

And anyway emo is not what you all seem to think it is.

Emo= emotional

It applies to someone who is "emotional" usually someone who thinks with his heart instead of his head. Like me and Nero.

It can mean a dark moody depressive person, yes the people who cut themselves in some cases. Being "emo" alone seems to draw allot of hate and It is making me sick.:dry:

I'm emo, so if you have a problem with it PM me, I DARE YOU.:mad:

The following thread is for discussing the emo hate on the forums lately. No trolling, only respectful discussion of the issue. Thank you.


Shall we dance?
Black Angel; Nero isn't emo. Everyone gets emotional, if you don't you're not human, overly-emotional over anything is emo. You may aswel call Dante emo while you're at it. It's more gothic than anything. Nero looks like Dante and was upset that someone who gave a damn about him since childhood was taken. Everyone would have cried in Nero's situation; which is how they contradict themselfs. Even then he did it for 3 seconds. Emo is just a term everyone uses to describe something they don't like. Emo is typically tight, skinny or black clothes, eyeliner, liking MCR, alot of jewellery and generally being a moapy person.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
^But the term is used incorrectly in that context, and I hate it.

Why is being emo bad, and why is anything you don't like considered "emo"?


Shall we dance?
I don't use it like that; it's what communities like 4Chan and etc have made it. Having longish hair, some gothic clothes and being angry over something beyond anything we imagine have isn't emo, and idiots who name Nero an emo are wrong. (I'm not calling emo's or you when you say it in that context) but Nero isn't.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
I just want people to acknowledge that emo is NOT a bad thing.

I'm emo, I wear emo clothes, I have emo hair, and the disrespect is making me angry.


Is not rat, is hamster
The emo stereotype is what annoys people most - the whole "poor me, I have everything I could want, lots of friends, a loving family and money but I'm sooooooo sad..." That is what annoys people - that is what they declare as emo, rightly or wrongly.

The people who whinge and whine for no actual reason other than their hormones are overtaking their common sense and perspective. I don't even know what a genuine "emo" is meant to be like - I've never met one.


Shall we dance?
Angel;114360 said:
The emo stereotype is what annoys people most - the whole "poor me, I have everything I could want, lots of friends, a loving family and money but I'm sooooooo sad..." That is what annoys people - that is what they declare as emo, rightly or wrongly.

The people who whinge and whine for no actual reason other than their hormones are overtaking their common sense and perspective. I don't even know what a genuine "emo" is meant to be like - I've never met one.

It's a teenage thing, people usually go out of it by the time they're 19.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
I never ever said Nero was emo... I've seen about two people say that :)


Your breasts are illegal!!

I have so much money.....I have loving parents......I have a sexy, horny girlfriend.....but I'm so miserable.......


Woe is me.......

Woe is me......


Well-known Member
the term emo isnt overly emotional you cold call happy ppl emo then cuz isnt happy an emotion? yeah. it used to mean emotional but now its a style and actions so you cant call it a steryo type sence its not a race a steryo type is an assumtion about a people that is usualy not true or only thought of because of their race emo is decided by their style and their actions so if u dress emo your emo if you cut urself your emo (not that all do just most thats y ppl think it in the first place) so nero doesnt dress emo nor does he cut himself i dont see why ppl say that there is a difference between emo and depressed or ****ed i mean if the order of the sword threatened your girlfriends life wouldnt you be ****ed?


Devil's Advocate
I don't think Nero is emo at all... He's emotional but he doesn't act, dress, talk or even look emo. So I don't know why everyones on about it.

Im all for emos. I'm constantly bothered by the stereotype. I would rather the label does not exist and everyone can be themselves and not fit into a genre. Everyone has a different opinion on emos. So why don't we all agree to disagree, forget the labels and move on.


Anti - Little D
Nero's a odd sort of a "person" as he looks like Dante .......
i think he is jealous of Dante for his good looks and his charms...........

I think Vergil's a emo.....


Well-known Member
omenminator;114576 said:
I think Vergil's a emo.....
Rofl...agreed. IMO, he's more emo than Nero, but I still like Vergil too. :lol:

Nero is more emotional than Dante because he is more human than Dante. 'Nuff said guys.
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