So, why is this acceptable?

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That's perfectly fine, You don't like DMC3 and 4 Dante's. Many don't.

But when a lot of people do, and you start calling them names for liking it it's beyond disrespectful, you're putting yourself above them and it's disgusting.

The only reason I don't give your opinion any credibility is because of how you express it. If you didn't have this ****** up elitist attitude, you'd be just like anyone else on this forum.

And why do you feel that weird need to "spike up a defense" on a subjective matter? Especially when most of the complaints made by the "Anti's" are beyond legit?.

Why do I need to trust you? I know how I feel, you don't.
do you? do you really?

I'm not hating about them or anything.
no i'm not trolling, i'm making sure you haven't been blinded by your rage.....that tends to happen to people....
Trust me, when people are blinded by rage they express it. and really hard, this isn't rage. I'm simply frustrated at your ignorance.

Now stop talking to me, I don't like you.
Trust me, when people are blinded by rage they express it. and really hard, this isn't rage. I'm simply frustrated at your ignorance.

Now stop talking to me, I don't like you.
you don't like me? how was i supposed to know that? i could have sworn you liked me with all those wonderful things you say about me when i try to make you laugh. man guess i am ignorant.
*Sees eleven pages*
So from what I am reading from the eleven pages, guys defending this game are telling us that we are defending a fictional character when their doing the same right now.

All I am seeing from both sides logic:
11 pages of discussion in 4 hours. It seems that this is something we are still struggling with.

I'll do my best to be calm and as emotionless in this post as I can but it will be fairly lenghty.

The DmC: Devil May Cry whining has died down. Most people don't want nothing to do with it anymore and just want to move on. Regardless if they liked it or not.

So what do Ninja Theory do at GDC? (Games Developer Conference)
They show these images


What are they trying to prove in that first image?
This seems in rather poor taste. It is as though they were proud of this and were trying, for lack of a better term, spread the wisdom of their accomplishment. It is rather silly since this is behavior that I, and everyone here, I'm sure, have observed off the internet all the time, more specificly in 4chan. I've seen endless posts where someone will make images comparing the worst of what they are trying to discredit against the best of what they favor. It's not adult behavior and it's a juvenile way to simply say 'see this? Garbage. This, on the other hand? Much better.'

As to what are they trying to prove? That can be debatable and without knowing what they are saying about it I can only really guess, but I honestly find that nether is fitting to what Dante really is.

What get's my curiosity peaking is that this is a Famitsu picture and I am just dying to know what they say in the article. Are they reporting the facts or do they give their opinion of this presentation and what that might be.


How about that one? Dante looks like a cowboy and looks pretty silly I dig that, whatever but why did they choose two cowboys from Brokeback mountain? They could pull any cowboy image that want but why those two particular men? If you don't know them, those two are homosexuals. Are they making fun of Dante by saying he belongs with two homosexual cowboys? That's kinda offensive to gay people.

To be blunt yes, they are saying that he looks gay. And also, yes, I think it's very disrespectful to the gay community to insinuate that they represent silliness and using this in this manner, which is one of mockery, and is, again, in poor taste. I say this as fact not opinion because you are right, out of all the westerns of films or material about cowboys they chose this one and they didn't do it out of respect for the characters or the themes ether represent but to make the audience laugh at it.


And how about this one? Dante isn't a cool super hero? he's some loser kid? That's cool today?
Actually, the reference is to the Joel Schumacher Batman films which are silly, cartoonish, and filed with bad dialogue and silly plots. On the other hand you have the anti-hero/antagonist of Chronicle who is antisocial, disturbed, and a victim of domestic violence, both psychological and physical, more grounded themes of a disgruntled youth and ones they can relate to. The idea here been that they can deliver a profound character and not a toon.

What the **** are they trying to prove?
That they can make it better. That the original is silly, shallow, cartoonish, and immature. That they have better material to draw from and can mold something more meaningful and profound unlike the source material which is anything but.

How could anyone even say with a straight face "WHY IS THE FAN REACTION TOWARDS DmC SO NEGATIVE?"
Because of those that took it to the extreme and went above and beyond to let their anger be known. You can't say there are no people who took it to a rather vicious extreme.

This, whoever, is also the mentality that people who don't like the game have. Whoever presented this hasn't really said anything that is unique, nor is it something we've never heard from others who aren't fans. With that in mind, you would think the people who are been given the project would try to be more adult than the faceless internet children who don't care what they post do to the lack of consequence and would take a more professional approach rather than mockery seeing as they are professionals.

Well now you can ******* see why.
This is the second time I see this presentation, actually. This isn't news to me, that this is how they see the game, but I do find it rather surprising that they had the gall to do it again.

"Ninja theory aggravates DMC fans? LOL! That's a lie, stupid Anti"
There's your proof, right there.
I suspect not many will be swayed by this. They might say that everything here is true or that it was pure and harmless humor with no malice towards ether the games or it's fans.

I can't believe after their game flopped they then had the nerve to show these images. Where is that going to get them? Not to their 1.2 million sales mark surely, not this year, not in a million years. How can anyone who is a fan of the original series and the reboot support this and see nothing wrong with it?
Like I said, it is not the first time they show them.

To answer you question, though, I think that they feel the game scores justify them, critics tell them they did well and some even go as far as to say that the poor sales are a symptom of a malicious group's hatred that was uncalled for and petty.

I am at a loss here.

Enjoy your DmC2 sequel. Because of this sales are going to ******* sky rocket.
Sorry but I really do think ever since the first day I signed up for this forum there's like some big joke no one has told me about.

I don't think I want this game in my possession any more for all the damage its done. I'm getting rid of it ASAP.
I'm sorry you feel that way and I wish I could tell you not to but I can't. I find this just as hurtful, if that is the right word, as you and if I had a copy of the game I would discard it, too, however, since I saw this a while back I decided no buy a used copy so as to not support this endeavour and returned it as soon as I saw all it had to offer.

Never have I seen such condescending behavior outside of the pages of 4chan and that is quite the achievement. If they have such low opinions of the franchise and the character why were they fans to begin with? And yes, they have said that they are fans and that they have great respect for the source material, both statements which I have yet to see any evidence of.

The word for this is condescending. This is how I see it been portrayed here. No one has to be a fan of the series, they really don't, even if they are working on it, they can find it as puerile and unsophisticated as they want, but they should at least have respect for it.

I am rather impressed that they do this. Were this another more popular franchise I don't think they would have been able to get this far and be applauded for it.
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