Yea but if Dante was enough to make you actually care about him so much that you feels as if it's taboo to mock him then you must not read very many compelling or sophisticated pieces of literature. Dante is about as generic, boring, and shallow as video game characters come. I care about Clementine in The Walking Dead. I get feels for John Marston when he's gunned down after all the stuff he's been through. I feel for the characters in Katawa Shoujo. When I'm reading Koushun Takami's Battle Royale I care when those kids getting so brutally killed off in this nightmare scenario. etc. etc.Keep telling yourself that. Really, stay delusional. The damage control coming from some of you is really hilarious. Also, again with the fictional character thing. You telling me it's wrong to care about a fictional character? Read a book sometime and get immersed in it and come back and tell me you didn't care for the characters.
I'm sorry and I know this an opinion and all but I just can not see how Dante would make some emotional connection with people. I honestly think it's just the fan interpretations of these characters that put them in a better light than what they really are. I do the same with Dante but also I guess it's just me.
I was a massive bookworm growing up and I've read so many stories with good compelling characters I developed attachments to. I've seen so many shows and movies that have more reason to care about these characters and Dante which is just a walking talking anime cliche is nothing in comparison. That's all he is. Just a hollow shell cliche. Dante doesn't give me enough reason to give a crap about him. I love the Devil May Cry video games but the characters and Dante's attitude and appearance wasn't really what drew me to this series because I couldn't care less. Just give me a fun game. DmC is fun. Good enough for me.