So, why is this acceptable?

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Keep telling yourself that. Really, stay delusional. The damage control coming from some of you is really hilarious. Also, again with the fictional character thing. You telling me it's wrong to care about a fictional character? Read a book sometime and get immersed in it and come back and tell me you didn't care for the characters.
Yea but if Dante was enough to make you actually care about him so much that you feels as if it's taboo to mock him then you must not read very many compelling or sophisticated pieces of literature. Dante is about as generic, boring, and shallow as video game characters come. I care about Clementine in The Walking Dead. I get feels for John Marston when he's gunned down after all the stuff he's been through. I feel for the characters in Katawa Shoujo. When I'm reading Koushun Takami's Battle Royale I care when those kids getting so brutally killed off in this nightmare scenario. etc. etc.

I'm sorry and I know this an opinion and all but I just can not see how Dante would make some emotional connection with people. I honestly think it's just the fan interpretations of these characters that put them in a better light than what they really are. I do the same with Dante but also I guess it's just me.

I was a massive bookworm growing up and I've read so many stories with good compelling characters I developed attachments to. I've seen so many shows and movies that have more reason to care about these characters and Dante which is just a walking talking anime cliche is nothing in comparison. That's all he is. Just a hollow shell cliche. Dante doesn't give me enough reason to give a crap about him. I love the Devil May Cry video games but the characters and Dante's attitude and appearance wasn't really what drew me to this series because I couldn't care less. Just give me a fun game. DmC is fun. Good enough for me.
Oh, feeling exposed now? You called them out over stupid sh*t so we called YOU out for being a crybaby. Like I said again, Tameem didn't disrespect the fanbase, you guys disrespected him.

Ninja Theory Defense Force Team Go?

Tameem didn't disrespect the fanbase, you guys disrespected him.

I'll keep telling myself that everytime I think about his Twitter or the infamous "What's cool now wasn't cool 12 years ago" quote.

Where does Tameem live. I will go over to his house and personally apologize. Does he like flowers? What's his favorite?
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And we became the facebook page, /v/, gameboards, and all those other places.

I guess they sniffed us out at last. Pretending this was a MyLittlePony forum could only hide us for so long it seems :'(

Random! Can you hear me!? We need more ponies!
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Ninja Theory Defense Force Team Go?

I'll keep telling myself that everytime I think about his Twitter or the infamous "What's cool now wasn't cool 12 years ago" quote.

Where does Tameem live. I will go over to his house and personally apologize. Does he like flowers? What's his favorite?
Well there is some truth to that "what was cool 12 years ago isn't cool now." Hate to break it to you but the world like changes with every generation. There will be new trends, new music, new styles, new ways of speaking. For better or worse this is inevitable. Every entertainment medium will evolve and change as time goes by. To sit back and complain about every move it makes is like complaining the world's spinning without you not on your terms.

If anything DmC adapts an attitude and sense of style that were pretty evident around about over ten years ago. The whole punk style and all. Makes a song like this come to mind.

But there's a difference. That band Bad Religion is widely considered as one of the punk rock greats. They're pretty much timeless. DmC is like the kid who just discovered it and wants to adapt it and show it off in front of people lol.
Yea but if Dante was enough to make you actually care about him so much that you feels as if it's taboo to mock him then you must not read very many compelling or sophisticated pieces of literature. Dante is about as generic, boring, and shallow as video game characters come. I care about Clementine in The Walking Dead. I get feels for John Marston when he's gunned down after all the stuff he's been through. I feel for the characters in Katawa Shoujo. When I'm reading Koushun Takami's Battle Royale I care when those kids getting so brutally killed off in this nightmare scenario. etc. etc.

Different people, different likes and dislikes. Characters don't have to be incredibly deep to make you feel for them. Some would argue that you've raised the bar a bit too high for yourself. So it could be that a lot of characters don't appeal to you because 'you've seen better'. Kind of like going to a restaurant and constantly comparing it to a more expensive and exclusive one.

I was a massive bookworm growing up and I've read so many stories with good compelling characters I developed attachments to. I've seen so many shows and movies that have more reason to care about these characters and Dante which is just a walking talking anime cliche is nothing in comparison. That's all he is. Just a hollow shell cliche. *cliché

Of course he is, that's the whole point of Dante to begin with. Still can be likable, so I'm afraid it's your opinion again. Though, he was more likable to me as a kid, and now he's just... meh.

I love the Devil May Cry video games but the characters and Dante's attitude and appearance wasn't really what drew me to this series because I couldn't care less. Just give me a fun game. DmC is fun. Good enough for me.

That would be my argument too. I didn't start playing the DMC games because I wanted epic storytelling with deep, fallible characters and so on. Still, it would indeed be nice if DMC games had that.
Well it seems from the Japanese famitsu article that...
Firstly Capcom said to NT "Make a Dante that is western cowboy style."
This greatly puzzled Tani alessandro because he thought "Isn't Dante already western!?"
From this request of Capcom he began to gather parts which makes a Dante that is defferent from the original but still cool.
And as the major elements to create him was the themes of "Basic, simple, attractive, grounded." Not crazy, stylish.
Like this.


*The picture of cowboys with Dante of DMC4. Is not a mockery. It's simply a demonstration that DMC4 Dante was actually NEVER western at all in the first place by comparing them.
Well it seems from the Japanese famitsu article that...
Firstly Capcom said to NT "Make a Dante that is western cowboy style."
This greatly puzzled Tani alessandro because he thought "Isn't Dante already western!?"
From this request of Capcom he began to gather parts which makes a Dante that is defferent from the original but still cool.
And as the major elements to create him was the themes of "Basic, simple, attractive, grounded." Not crazy, stylish.
Like this.


*The picture of cowboys with Dante of DMC4. Is not a mockery. It's simply a demonstration that DMC4 Dante was actually NEVER western at all in the first place by comparing them.
That..actually cleared things up..
Yeah, I think DmC is kind of weird, in that the developer keeps saying what was cool then isn't cool now, and subsequently they adopt this punk-like style, then change it into what DmC is now, which seems a bit 'underground' with underground music added to it. Noisia and CombiChrist, no less. They'll only stay 'cool' for like a few years, maybe. I already think it seems wrong and outdated. Classic rock and DMC's battle music as well as its main theme stay interesting to me. Therefore, it's really a matter of taste. I still think Dragon Ball Z can be pretty cool sometimes, especially with its themes, and others laugh at it and proudly show me The Last Airbender or some other ****. Nobody likes wiseguys like Tameem. Just because he doesn't like it doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't either.

And I don't know about you, but I'm not looking for grounded, realistic characters in Devil May Cry games. DMC had already established itself as being extravagant (or at least appealing to the Japanese and other people, like me :P). No need to change it to conform to 'western standards', if there even is such a thing.
Okay, my two cents, if anyone cares to stop their petty fighting and actually read my post for a second...

From what I understand, Ninja Theory is trying to tell us with those pictures that DmC Dante is a REAL person (more or less). He isn't a costumed superhero, he isn't a Japanese cosplayer, he isn't a gay cowboy, he isn't a figment of someone's imagination... He is a normal kid, homeless, punk... who just happens to be hunted by demons and he is himself a hybrid of an angel and a demon with supernatural powers. So no, DmC Dante is not real, but at least more realistic than the original Dante. That's the message NT attempts to put across.

Yes, NT is rather childish in how they present it... But you guys are also overreacting ALOT!
This isn't a personal attack on you, so please STOP taking it so personal. It is just as immature to be so butthurt over a freaking fictional videogame character as it is to make fun of those fans who do so. There is no way you have any right to be so offended by this. Being this passionate about a game or a character is on the brink of the mentally unhealthy.

Grow some thicker skin. Shrug it off. Don't be so hyper-sensitive about something like this. If anyone is emo, it is the fans who take things like this so personally, that they have to cry out to the world how miserable they are about this. It disgusts me how some people on the internet behaves, especially this community.

Possibly the most mature comment in this entire thread & some points that I too thought when I saw the content in the very first post.

250 posts & I can count the mature posts on one hand, most of you should be ashamed of yourselves. With the attitude most of you have portrayed in this thread I would question if you should be playing games with mature content at all because there doesnt seem to be an ounce of maturity between most of you.

Mark my words, at some point in the future many of you may look back at your older posts to see what you were like 'Back then'. I can already see some of you hanging your head in shame & rightfully so...
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