you realize you're accidentally, almost agreeing with me here? Better change your mind, after all your entire opinion for the last few days has been based entirely on if I said it or notSlight??![]()
because even conceding that point, the core of my post still stands. First impressions are the longest lasting -- it was in my very first sentence posting here. Do you disagree with that?
what exactly would we not want?... And we wouldn't want that.
I actually hadn't seen the anime, so okay there's that.
Point still stands though, our first impression of new dante was three F-bombs in a row and copious vomiting in place of the style of banter most of us had come to know and love. That is why new dante is forever associated with the "**** you" catchphrase.
Question answered. Anything else?
I thought the first impression was "NO WHITE HAIR?!"I actually hadn't seen the anime, so okay there's that.
Point still stands though, our first impression of new dante was three F-bombs in a row and copious vomiting in place of the style of banter most of us had come to know and love. That is why new dante is forever associated with the "**** you" catchphrase.
Question answered. Anything else?
Dear God, you really don't follow what I'm trying to get at. I won't bother spelling it out for you. It's not worth the effort. Ignored.what exactly would we not want?
har harI thought the first impression was "NO WHITE HAIR?!"
well then the **** you tagline is obviously just mocking dante's mockery. He's known for that quote because of that scene; first impressions aren't some sort of logical thing that you can explain to people until they agree to forget and remember something else instead. This was the first scene of him in action that I ever saw, and it's going to stick.Two of those sparse three f#cks weren't even uttered by Dante. And his was a mocking response to what Poison said.
really? You've been following me around for 2 days snarking at absolutely everything I say, but this is the thing that's too much for you? I mean, you've had no problems explaining my own motives to me, why is explaining yours suddenly such a leap?Dear God, you really don't follow what I'm trying to get at. I won't bother spelling it out for you. It's not worth the effort. Ignored.
Not to them. Never to them.Still thinks "who cares". Again, it's just a word. Nothing more, nothing less.
I did it mostly out of amusement more than anything else. I'm well aware that offering counter-arguments to people who've already made up their minds is a pointless endeavor...I just find it hilarious how people that claim to be "fans", only to end up slipping over obvious factors and canon elements of the franchise they claim to know so much about.
Yes, the elements of the demo would have been a more valid first impression to have, if they were the first thing fans experienced. But be real, few people got to sit and play the DmC demo as their first experience of the series, for most of us we got the trailer.I did it mostly out of amusement more than anything else. I'm well aware that offering counter-arguments to people who've already made up their minds is a pointless endeavor...I just find it hilarious how people that claim to be "fans", only to end up slipping over obvious factors and canon elements of the franchise they claim to know so much about.
As for this whole "first impressions" matter...
If I used that logic when watching a single cutscene in ANY of the original games, I probably would've had an even worse first impression of the series than I would've with DmC's notorious ****athon scene.
As a bystander, I probably would've fled at some of the dialogue in DMC3...I've at least met human beings who talk the way the New Dante does. I have never in my life heard ANYONE in reality or fiction talk with the same exaggerated, horrendously overdone swagger that Dante adopts for most of the original series, much less the shameless tripe passing off as dialogue spewing from his mouth.
Fortunately, my first impression of DMC was my friend fighting Griffon on the haunted ship from DMC1...a much more favorable demonstration of what really matters concerning Devil May Cry as a series: the gameplay. And that's the first impression that smart people used when going into DmC. A better example of a bad first impression concerning DmC was the gameplay in the demo, how it was easier compared to the old games, and locked at a criminally-restrictive 30 fps. THESE are elements that on first impression should deter fans of the series, because they're legitimate complaints and a much more accurate representation of the final product.
You judge a game by how it plays, not by the first cutscene you see. Any fan of the series who dismissed the demo because of the latter is too shallow to consider themselves a gamer. To me, associating DmC with the swearing is just as immature and stupid as associating it as "the game with the Dante with black hair."
If memory serves me well, the "first things fans experienced" was the TGS 2010 reveal trailer. Then, if I'm correct, the first trailer after that one didn't even have dialogue in it, much less the "**** you" scene. It was just gameplay footage:Yes, the elements of the demo would have been a more valid first impression to have, if they were the first thing fans experienced. But be real, few people got to sit and play the DmC demo as their first experience of the series, for most of us we got the trailer.
The trailer was first, so the trailer was the first impression. It doesn't have to be logical, or fair, or flattering, it just had to be first. It really is that simple. I hope this has answered your question, and if you just can't deal with the realities of the answer, you need to get over it, because complaining to me that it wasn't a reasonable decision is not going to change what happened in the past
Edit - but if you disagree with my memory of these events, what do you remember happening instead that led to this?
hm, fair point. Well in that case I guess I don't know why that line became the running jokeIf memory serves me well, the "first things fans experienced" was the TGS 2010 reveal trailer. Then, if I'm correct, the first trailer after that one didn't even have dialogue in it, much less the "**** you" scene. It was just gameplay footage:I'd agree with you if the Poison banter was the first thing fans saw of the game, but in actuality, it wasn't.
And even if I'm incorrect about the order in which the trailers were revealed, my point still very much stands. In the long run, I associate the DMC games (all of them) with the style of the gameplay. You yourself said that your first impression with DMC3 was one of Dante's moves...that should be the priority and the association with the series, not whatever comes out of the protagonist's mouth. If the latter was the case, then it'd be fairly accurate to associate the previous games with cheesy dialogue and childish puns.
I don't think I've ever seen a single person actually claim to hate the game or the character just because of the black hair. But I've seen thousands of comments about "so many people only hate the character because of the black hair!"The reason for people noticing only the " you" is same as that of other people noticing only "bad cuz of black hair" thing.
he said damn, none of the other things. Apparently he swore more in the anime, but the anime was kinda lame and I never made it more than 3 episodes in before I got tired of it, so I couldn't tell you personallyI think it depends on what people consider curse words. I don't think in the video games he ever said f*ck you. But he probably said things like d*mn, or sh*t, or b*tch.
but the anime was kinda lame and I never made it more than 3 episodes in before I got tired of it, so I couldn't tell you personally