And...? Nothing was left out. All of Rebellion's original moves are there, aside from ones moved to new weapons. It still has both moves that required a directional input in the classics. The only one missing is Danse Macabre, which I don't think should be included because it's a easy-button super combo.
Every weapon has a all the "classic inputs" covered, since the ol' "R1-Back-Triangle" is now just Circle. Hell, they'd have even more to work with if they put forward-forward inputs on Circle, too. They could even do forward-back inputs if they really got a wild hair up their butts
No variety in weapon skills was really lost.
That's a lot of contrived bullshit I just read. I'm done trying to rectify this stupid "Dante = Tameem" idiocy simply because they had a similar haircut at the time, and there has been
zero insults other than what other people twist out of what is said.
It doesn't matter if it was uncalled for the series to do something like this - they did, and they have right to, this doesn't change anything in the series
at all other than add another part to the franchise. Nothing was taken away, nothing was altered. People got upset, and still are, over misinformation and an unwillingness to just accept what's different.
I'm done now.