Again. It all goes down to your tastes. I think the Eryx could have been better designed. Like making the fingers completely red. Take the whole molten lava concept and roll with it.
For what we have, the weapons do things in creative ways (aquila gets my full praise man, they are just so cool) and for a start it makes sense that he has such a sub par weaponry for his beginnings.
I like that his mother and father preferred the Scythe and Axe respectively. Gives them significance.
But I agree with Gbraga on the colored enemies. They break the flow of combat too much for it to be any fun at all. Like, couldn't they just make the weapons less effective? I get the whole shield thing (you can yank them, destroy them, warp behind them) you have a number of ways to work with that... but making all of my arsenal except one or two weapons effective against one enemy is pretty bogus.
Well it is just the Hell Knight & Frost Knight that follows that concept. They're like 2 out of 15-20 enemies. But I do agree that making the weapons less effective seemed more better than unusable. The Witch (that I thinks its called) shield has to broken by an angel weapon but can still be damaged by another weapon afterwards or the Ravager has plenty of alternatives outside using a demon weapon.
At least the weapons are easy to use and fun to use (maybe) unlike some weapons in past DMC games....I mean you Nevan for a cool looking weapon I HATED HOW COMPLEX IT WAS USING IT. I had to tune it to just use it and I had to TUNE IT EVERY FREAKING TIME I MADE ANY ACTION and had to stand still to use it otherwise I'LL HAVE TO TUNE IT AGAIN. Aerial Combos with Nevan??? F*ck that!!! Its only handy with a scythe. Plus after Bayonetta anything DMC comes up with won't impress me anymore unless if Dante uses a motorcycle as a weapon and no not as a cutscene but as a switchable and usable gameplay weapon.