Did anyone here read at least a summary, if not the actual text, of the DMC 4 novels that came out this year? Those really make sense of Vergil being Nero's daddy...
I can't seem to find a thread in these forums about those novels anywhere!
But, just in case no one is aware of them (and, they COULD end up canon because a lot of what's in them WAS supposed to be in DMC 4, but got cut out), I will just briefly summarize:
Sanctus met Vergil back when he was 17-years-old because Verge was doing research on Papa Sparda, since he had been Fortuna's feudal lord once-upon-a-time. Somehow, Sanctus KNEW, but I don't know how unless he's a MAJOR pervert, that Vergil knocked up a prostitute while chillin' in Fortuna. Thus, we have...Nero, who was teased relentlessly, while growing up, about being the son of a hooker because most orphans were the children of hookers in Fortuna...
And, because he was found wearing a black blanket, he was named "Nero." But, it was explained by the author that Nero was named after the infamous Emperor Nero of ancient Rome because he once suppressed Christianity, like how Nero fights against Sparda-ism, or whatever it is...
There you go...